You are going to have to convince me of that.
First, you will have a hard time proving that the Vedas is older than 1500 BCE.
Second, you will have to prove that it was intended to be interpreted as a monotheistic text. There are many (including may Hindus) that will disagree with you.
Third, any "history" the Vedas speaks of, is hardly relevant, because much of the stories were told as revelations that came part and parcel. In other words, I could come and say, "This is the truth, may thounsands of years ago there was this God..." and history starts with my words, not the God from many thousands of years ago that I just revealed the "history" of.
Believe me, I HAVE looked for it.
I have been looking for over 25 years.
I am not saying it is not possible, but I am saying that what religionists claim and what historians can verify are often very different things.
I have met Hindus who claim that the story of Hanuman is not only real, but happened one million years ago.
That doesn't mean that history supports those claims.