actual ALIENS photos??? creeepy?

The fairy photos those little girls took a century ago fooled many people for many years. Even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle went to his grave believing they were real. That was just cut-outs from a book. Darkroom techniques from the 40s and 50s were quite amazing in the right hands. The only difference in what was capable today and what was capable then is that now it takes minutes to do, where then it took hours or days. People with the patience and talent and attention to detail and precision could do as good a job at faking a photo as many people could do with Photoshop these days. In some ways, it could even have been easier. Those photos were in black and white. Matching color and saturation and tint, which makes altering photos in Photoshop very difficult to make a photo look real, was not an issue. I wouldn't put any more stock in those photos being real than I would anything from today, for the same reason you don't put as much stock in today's photos because of the possibility of Photoshop work.
If you have a copy of Dr Michael Wolf's book, The Catchers of Heaven, on the front and back pages are photos of two aliens; the first a small 'grey' called Kolta and the second a humanoid type called Prince Sri-ha. Wolf was head of the Alphacom team which reported to MJ12. He obtained permission to write his book which makes me believe that there exists a desire to allow out a limited flow of ET information to the public.
If aliens are so averse to being spotted how come they didn't hide or confiscate the film when someone started snapping flashbulbs in their faces?

Maybe the concept of photography is completely alien to them, and they don't know what you're doing when you snap your Snappy. ;)

Or maybe not. Maybe some of them are just hams and like their picture taken. Wonder if they ask for prints to take home to the family. They can go back home to the "One Nanosecond Photo Lab" and make copies. Do they take pictures of the guys taking their pictures as souvenirs?

Now that I think about it, probably not. Since they don't wear clothes, apparently, they don't have pockets. No pockets, no wallet. No wallet, no way to carry photos around with you.
I would think The Great Leader would want his minions to document the Anal Probe Project, at least for posterity.

You would think that in the course of several thousand years of visits to earth one of those little grey bastards would have dropped his wallet.
Raithere said:
If aliens are so averse to being spotted how come they didn't hide or confiscate the film when someone started snapping flashbulbs in their faces?


Who ever stated that they were adverse to being photographed??

Maybe they are simply indifferent to it.