actual ALIENS photos??? creeepy?

A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member
most likely a hoax but you never know, could be real, i go 50/50 on the matter.
but i sure would have a heart attack if i saw these guys running around MY back yard
chunkylover58 said:
Resist ....
Making ....

are you saying the paris hilton video doesnt exist?!?!?! WHY I OUGHTA~!!!!!
Whoever made these would have been better off selling them as art, I think they look awesome.

Not saying they definately aren't real, but you know, its extremely unlikely.
Why do aliens always look like that?

I mean they look like incredibly vulnerable. The wind could blow them over in a whif. An ant could kill them. They run around naked in what seems a pointless activity, probably an effort to find a rat and get killed by it.

Isn't the mere fact that they look like a stereotypical alien proof that the pictures are bogus???
You are kidding me? Hoax. I've seen more credible looking aliens than those before, and it was Steven Spelberg's "Taken" :D
Why do aliens always look like that?
I always figured that the gray skin and the black eyes had something to do with the home system's star. Short and agile says something about the gravity they're used to, and the thin bodies and long fingers suggests they may have evolved on a very young planet and developed in an environment where their hunter-gatherer phase was spent picking bugs out of the cracks in rocks.

By the way, if you're ever abducted by aliens, look at your hands. I'm told that if you have problems seeing your hands, you're dreaming. I can't cite that origin of that theory.
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They look like us, but they seem to be very small and very skinny. why? Perhaps they have realized that physical strength and size does not matter very much, and perhaps they have reduced their physical strength in exchange for more intelligence (using advanced genetic engineering and advanced technology) This also related to their facial appearance. They seem to have Large, Blackened Eyes- to me this suggests enhanced perceptual vision- Their eye structure must mean they can see better, or perhaps see things we cannot (i.e: infrared, ultraviolet, electromagnetic...) and lastly we come to their mouthes. usually their mouth is descibed as a small slit or no mouth at all. many movies depict aliens with no mouth at all. This to me suggests they have done away with vocal communication and developed more advanced methods of communication, such as Telepathic Communication and/or Antennae Signal Communication.

- tiassa also has some very good ideas on this subject

these photos look a bit fake, and i dont see anything in the second one.
give em an E for Effort, looks alot like the corn field scenes in "signs" heh.
still i dont take these photos as proving that aliens are fake. they are very much real.
i think the sterotype is more along the lines of little green men....

from what i heard about the area 51 crash the aleins where small with big heads and grey skin and large black eyes
so these pictures fit the discription

tho i am to belive that there are more than one kind of visitors, visiting our planet

its just a theroy but.... i think that the grey skined big headed skinny limbs aleins are the friendly ones and that there is another kind out there that are "evil". i once saw a video from apperntly the hubble satalite, where one light shots at another, it really raises some questions if the clip is real.

and yes i can under stand that these guys gave up streght for intelegents, why else are they able to come from a planet we know nothing about and hover around with crafts with amazing speed and monoverablity

i got these pics from a great website, a few of the things on it most likely are hoaxs, but they posted them anyways cuase you never really know whats real or not. ill try to find that web site again

tablariddim - i dont think they appear to be 6feet tall becuase of the way the camera captured the 3 pictures, they are all pointing down at a angle, proving that the one taking the picture must of been taller than the creatures themself, also i find it very interesting at how skinny there limbs are. plus the arms seem more extended from the elbow out than a human, even for someone of that size
i cannot find the website i got these photos from (i wish i bookedmarked it, it was a really good site) but here is another site i found interesting:

check out the "report database" really interesting storys

no pictures really on this site, but the database of UFO reports are quite large

you can search the database by date, location, and shape of the UFO in question

its really interesting, its worth checking out
LMAO. I've explained these photos 2 or 3 times on this site.

You can find that little doll at more toy stores. Have you noticed how it's taped to the fence and the tree?
Persol said:
LMAO. I've explained these photos 2 or 3 times on this site.

You can find that little doll at more toy stores. Have you noticed how it's taped to the fence and the tree?

enhance the photo and show me the "tape"
and please give me the link to the old threads

dont get me wrong, it is a reasonable explanation, but give me more proof than speculation.
mmmm after seeing the pictures inlarged and more cleared up....

the first 2 on that sight now do look fishy, the bottem 2 could go either way

the top one it kinda looks like the leave are bigger than the alien.... but im no image detective....
Yeah, there is no depth to the pictures at all. More importantly I do recall someone posting a link to the actual figures... but I can't seem to find it.
i used to have one of thoes flexable alien figures myself :)

but you gotta admit, the photos are neat :)

its "art" :)
Nah, I really don't think they are neat, or art, unless you mean bad art. It's very flat, looks like the aliens have been composited on a background. And visually it appears as if the supposed photographer has gone right up to their face, blatently pointed the camera in their face, and shot them. I think this is a very poor attempt at a hoax.
A Canadian said:
most likely a hoax but you never know, could be real, i go 50/50 on the matter.
but i sure would have a heart attack if i saw these guys running around MY back yard
Ever notice that most images of these so called aliens are always at night and taken with poor quality cameras? Seems odd that no image can be shown that could also be substantiated by an actual talk with these aliens. Why would they just appear then leave, if they were real they would have shown up on the Larry King show by now wouldn't you think? I mean these sightings have been around for almost 100 years, they must be rather bored not being able to come out to McDonalds. :D