Action Notes v.1.EMJ

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Post edit

• "Is it immoral to sleep with prostitute?" — One post edited for insulting content.

Note: Do we really need to go so far as to tell one another to fuck off? I'm sure there are some circumstances under which it would be, generally, appropriate. Even setting aside the proposition that it should never be appropriate at Sciforums, I would suggest that people's thresholds for such messages are running at least a bit to the permissive side.

Is the argument, then, about the proposition, or the member? We need it to be about the proposition, please.

And we won't always be saying please.
Closure and redirect

• "Lolicon: Right Or Wrong?" — Thread closed, ostensibly for necromancy, but mostly because I'm not up to hosting a debate about the ethics of child sexual abuse. Look, if you're after some idyllic fair hearing for the pedophiles, find another site—this ain't it. Locked and filed.
Post struck

• "Chicago to hire 111 Black Firefighters" — One post struck as off topic.

Note: Generally speaking, if you need to interrupt a discussion in order to take a personal swing at someone, consider not doing so. If, however, general decency abandons you, at least, please, attempt to retain the common sense to digress with reasonable grace. You know, subtlety? For instance, at least pretend to have read the discussion or, at the very least, the posts by the person you're trying to pick a fight with. I mean, really, it's not rocket science, people.
Posts struck

• "Chicago to hire 111 Black Firefighters" — Two posts struck for trolling and racism.

Note: If one wishes to compare ethnicity to physical handicap, it would be better if they tried to make some sort of scientific argument to support that point. It would be best, of course, if instead they simply educated themselves sufficiently to figure out how to stop taking out their own sense of inadequacy on other people's skin colors.
Post struck

• "Chicago to hire 111 Black Firefighters" — One post struck as off topic.

Note: Straying off topic is one thing. Abandoning the topic in order to pursue some prior grudge against another member is quite another. Doing so repeatedly is problematic.

Easy enough?


Thank you.
Splinter notes

• "Hitler did the right thing" — Six posts splintered to new thread, which was immediately closed and redirected to The Cesspool.

Notes: Look, the question of thread necromancy is always entertaining; but resurrecting an eight year-old discussion in order to pretend you are a Jew explaining just how evil your fellow Jews are because you, in your so-called realism, cannot see any difference between the implications of events that occurred within living memory, to the one, and millennia-old legends to the other, is simply not a good idea.
Post struck

• "Justice and Security: Neighborhood Watch Captain Attacks, Kills Unarmed Teenager" — One post deleted as off topic.

Note: Really? No, seriously, really? What part of, "This digression ends now," is so difficult to understand? What part of, "Members who wish to dispute the moderator outlook in this issue are welcome to contact me via private message," is so difficult to understand?

Update: I have struck a second post as off topic. As much as I appreciate its sentiment, I need to be consistent.
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