Action Notes v.0.1b

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Post deletions, &c.

• "women are always victims?" — Seven posts deleted as being off topic; one post edited to remove moderated content.

Note: Look, I recognize it would be somewhat ridiculous to start issuing warnings for this kind of petty digression, but such petty digression is in itself stupid and worthless. I would hope it is a simple enough compromise: Don't waste a thread on personal complaints about a member that are irrelevant to the actual thread subject, and I won't have to waste my time actually warning anyone about their conduct.
Closure and redirect

• "A bad case of Montezuma's Revenge" closed and redirected to the Cesspool.

General Note: I adore these, "I'll say anything in order to justify doing what I shouldn't" threads. No, actually I don't. They're stupid. Really, really stupid. This was two-bit flame bait, and overpriced at that. Don't waste my time. Don't waste your neighbors' time. And if that's not enough, just stop embarrassing yourself. Similar threads will be viewed in a similar light, and if undertaken similarly, will meet a similar fate. Easy enough? Good.
Post deletions

• "No sex policy" — Ten posts deleted for various reasons.


(1) We would discourage new members from making useless posts in order to boost their count. Indeed, there are places around the board for short posts. In Art & Culture, there is the "Now reading" thread for posting the latest titles you are perusing, and "What's On Your CD/Turntable" to post whatever album or even song you're listening to at the moment. Free Thoughts is a subforum riddled with opportunities for short posts that actually contribute to discussions. Over in Politics there is a thread for posting political cartoons. In other words, there are plenty of opportunities for short, low-effort posts that don't involve making a fool of yourself in other discussions.

(2) Regular members are already aware that they should not feed the trolls.​
Post edits, deletions

• "Labor party and gay marriage" — Two posts edited, five deleted.

Note: I received two utterly ridiculous and hypersensitive complaints regarding a certain post, including one from a member who conducts himself in exactly the same manner as he complained about. While I find the complaints petty and stupid, I have honored them because some members think that people should be prohibited from expressing their honest opinions if those opinions criticize another's conduct. Having done that, I can say that I'm not thrilled about setting that as a permanent standard. If the language of the post had been worse, I might agree with the complaints. But, in the meantime, they're just stupid. Call it a bone thrown to the desperate, an experiment in futility, or an example of exactly the kind of moderating people used to complain about as being too extreme. Call it what you want. After all, I made the edits, and I call it stupid.

Additionally, I refuse to enforce the standard set by one of my colleagues that a post claiming to have reported another post is offensive, and while I refuse to threaten such posts at this time with member suspension, I have deleted the post as being off topic.

A second post was deleted for (A) being off topic, and (B) referring to moderated content. Three subsequent posts from the same dispute have been deleted as well.
Thread closure

• "Do you feel the effects of female privilege?" — Thread closed as spam propaganda.

Note: I don't think I'm too far out on a limb here to offer a hint to propaganda spammers:

Look ... try doing some original work. Because we can tell. I mean when someone says, "A friend of mine wrote and sent me this", at least go so far as to change the damn title from the one used at the teen forum where you picked it up. It is actually possible to spam this forum with hack propaganda, but it takes some effort. Just a little, though. Compared to propagating real truth and useful reflections thereupon, it's a snap. We want to know what you think. We don't care what spam thinks. So welcome, friends and travelers alike, but give us a damn break on some of this. We want to know what you think.

I know. I'm evil.

Ooooh. Scary scary.
Post deletion

• Thread "Those Astonishing Heteros" — One post deleted for making no useful contribution to the thread.

Note: There are, in fact, plenty of these. I would only reiterate what has already been noted repeatedly in the thread: Anyone is welcome to contribute. Yet it seems for some reason people would rather complain. At any rate, I did, in fact, provide a splinter thread for those who would like to complain, and even posted a note about it in-thread.
Edit, deletions, warning

• "Should the Brown's Chicken Killers get death?" — Two posts struck; one consisted solely of a personal attack, the other responded exclusively to content that would be moderated. Additionally, Mod Hat intervention posted regarding a later incident.

Note: With apologies; these actions were taken several days ago, and I am only now getting around to logging the note.

• • •​

• "Do people 'deserve' to be criminally violated?" — One post edited for inappropriate personalized content.
Closure and redirect

• "Come on, no Polanski threads?" — Thread closed and redirected to The Cesspool.

A note for the general membership, but especially pedophiles: Generally speaking, you admit or advocate criminal behavior at your own risk. And come on, people, use some common sense. Civil disobedience? We're probably not going to say anything about that. Personal drug use? Probably not going to say anything about use or legalization advocacy. However, crimes against persons? Yeah, we're going to take notice. Against children? Yes, we're going to notice. We've had plenty of people trying to make certain political points over the years who simply don't understand the idea of consent in sexual relations. However, their idiocy tends to run in the other direction, thinking that consensual relations between adults somehow equals rape. And, yes, some of them get suspended as trolls from time to time. But if you simply cannot understand the functional basics of consent in sexual relations, we're probably going to end up showing you the door. Any time you have moderators throwing various statutes around in the back room trying to figure our obligations in relation to the law, you should expect that we're not going to look kindly upon you.
Thread closure

• "THE BIG SICKS: The Horrible Half Dozen" — Thread closed. Thread necromancy; matches pattern of spamming for another forum.

Note: Ordinarily I would not object to a member adding new data to an old thread instead of opening a new one. To the other, though, it isn't especially useful to simply revive a three year-old argument with another member. And to yet another, spamming our board with links to your favorite other forum just isn't going to fly.
Post deletion

• "Are all soldiers like the Nazis" — One post deleted for making no useful contribution to the thread.

Note: Teach me to let people play .... At any rate, now that I'm actively moderating that thread, expect more edits and deletes, and maybe a couple of notes dispatched to various offenders as well.
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