Action Notes v.0.1b

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Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
This thread is established as a functional trial. Subsequent posts will log general notes regarding current moderator actions. The range of actions and specific information about each action are questions under consideration.

Member input will not be included in this trial. Inquiries regarding any specific action should be presented via private message.

This beta version of a moderator action log will continue for approximately two weeks.
Queue for review

• Thread "Lifeboat Ethics ...." pulled for review according to Section 7 of Forum Rules. Will return to general circulation shortly.

• Source quote truncated, moderator note posted @ #15. Thread restored to general circulation.
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Queue for review

• Thread "Crack vs Powder Cocaine": One post queued for review. Official ruling within 24 hours.

Update: Post struck; Admin note@ #2112606/14: "Moderator note: Please do not post recipes for illegal drugs on sciforums, or other instructions on lawbreaking."
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Thread deletion: Spam

• Thread "cheap wholesale nike air max,air ritf,gucci shoes" deleted as commercial spam.
Source link

• Thread "When talking to the police, always be truthful": Source link added to topic post.

Members are reminded that quoted material must be accompanied by source information. Minimal standard is author and hyperlink when available. Source name (e.g., website name) will suffice if no other author information is available.
Post edit, thread closure

• Thread "I want my kidney back!!": Post edit to remove material perceived as insulting. There does exist a question of whether or not it is fair and appropriate to sting another member according to their family. While, on the one hand, a member might insult his or her own family on a regular basis around here, and while some of my colleagues consider it perfectly acceptable to openly denigrate another member according to facts real or imagined about their family, those people are not present to defend themselves, and really ought to be left out of it.

• Thread closed for plagiarism in topic post. Members are required to properly attribute quoted material to its source, and our standard (author and link for online sources) really is quite easy to accommodate.

• Thread re-opened in expectation of source link.
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Thread closure, queue for review

• "Sad state of humanity" queued for review.

• Thread closed. Policy inquiry regarding snuff films and adult websites undertaken. Update to follow.

Update: Thread deleted. No member sanctions issued; while the underlying question of the thread is one we can appreciate, the problem was a matter of content and source. To clarify that point specifically: Snuff films and adult websites are absolutely off-limits. If, for some reason, a member believes he or she has encountered a reasonable exception to this rule, inquire via administration, and be prepared to explain the basis for exception. In truth, I would expect that very few such propositions—if any at all—will be approved.
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Post edits

• "15 yr old girl, beat up by cops": Two posts edited—remove appearance of threat, scrub subsequent quote. General mod note posted.

Update: Further Action

• Post deleted; insulting content.

• Post edited; remove moderated content.

• Post edited; remove insulting content.

• Six posts deleted as off topic.
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Post deletion

• "Man Beheads Wife in 'Honor' Killing": Post deleted, insulting content.

Note: Frankly, I don't feel like cleaning up twenty-eight pages of people's hatred and fury. If I find much more to deal with, I'll just send the whole thing.

Update: Further Action:

• Post edited; remove pathetic trolling.
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