ACTH-like skin darkening drug?

Yes, you are being emotional. I never used the word pathetic. I have not ranted. Yes, people with mods are followers. That seems to be a hot button of yours. Tough.

Now, listen, I responded to the content of an article you linked to. I wasn't 'pissing all over' you thread, at that point, I was the sole person to have taken an interest, and I responded to material you, that's you, linked to.

Seems you are trying to narrow the field of discussion now from topics you, that's you, raised. Ha ha.

Carry on displaying emotion however, it makes your pov look so well reasoned, NOT. Ha ha.

Yes - SOME people with mods are followers. Not all. I already pointed out that not everyone does it for the same reason. I also pointed out how pretty much anything you do can be construed as following. But no, you're still choosing to be closed minded.

What a very mature post. You attack me for displaying emotion and then you resort to behaving like a child in a playground ("ha, ha" and so forth)? Sorry, dude. You're being a hypocrite.

Here's a little tip, when people make points, answer those points instead of cocking a snook and squealing 'You smell of poo!' It makes you look a lot more grown up.
You're what, 14? So how would you know what 18 yo's think?

Also, that sentence rather lacked structure, care to try and say something intelligible?

You're what, a dumbass? So how would you know what 18 yo's think?

Also, that sentence rather lacked logic, care to try and say something intelligible?

Ah, I love that one. How does me being of a certain age(reasonably close to the age we are discussing) mean that I could not possibly read a study concerning the age? Well, I guess I'll just let you answer that one.

Next, I guess this is what you're known for. Those personal attacks aren't getting us anywhere, but I'm sure it'll make you look good as a debater.
Dunno, would you inject a hormone, and risk not entering puberty? :)

Suspicion. I never said I wanted to use this specific drug. I said I wanted to make my skin darker, and asked you a question. But, for teh funnies, let's assume I would. This would make me sooooooo coool and not a follower, right! I'm an individual, VI!

Edit: Since you seem to assume you're so damn smart, YAHH, OMG I GET UR JOKE DOOD.
You're what, a dumbass? So how would you know what 18 yo's think?

Also, that sentence rather lacked logic, care to try and say something intelligible?

Ah, I love that one. How does me being of a certain age(reasonably close to the age we are discussing) mean that I could not possibly read a study concerning the age? Well, I guess I'll just let you answer that one.

Next, I guess this is what you're known for. Those personal attacks aren't getting us anywhere, but I'm sure it'll make you look good as a debater.

I agree with you. I actually think life experience is VERY overrated.

I've known plenty of adults who were idiots, and had obviously learned nothing from all that wonderful life experience.

So it pisses me off when adults hide behind their age instead of actually arguing.
So. That being said, what do pepto whatsits do that imply something about this decorative treatment? Can this be compared to injecting botulism into your face to look younger?
You're what, a dumbass? So how would you know what 18 yo's think?

Because I have experienced being, and being amongst 18 yo's, when I was one?

Ah, I love that one. How does me being of a certain age(reasonably close to the age we are discussing) mean that I could not possibly read a study concerning the age? Well, I guess I'll just let you answer that one.

You are convolving two separate issues here. You mentioned 18 yo's, but aren't one, so that's just guesswork on your part, then I criticised your sentence structure, because it was word salad, and lacked any meaning.

BetrayOfGrammar said:
The majority of people(over 18) who don't tattoos are for that reason.

Read what you wrote. It makes NO sense. 'Who don't tattoos'? Following 'Who don't' should be a verb, but you instead give us a noun. 'are for that reason' makes no sense in the context you provide.

So, if you want to contribute, and make a statement, try to post a sentence that makes sense.

Next, I guess this is what you're known for. Those personal attacks aren't getting us anywhere, but I'm sure it'll make you look good as a debater.[/QUOTE]
Yes - SOME people with mods are followers. Not all. I already pointed out that not everyone does it for the same reason. I also pointed out how pretty much anything you do can be construed as following. But no, you're still choosing to be closed minded.

You mentioned some practical items that are prevalent, and and practical.

Do you wear blue jeans?

Hardly a good illustration. Denim became popular because it's hard wearing.

What a very mature post. You attack me for displaying emotion and then you resort to behaving like a child in a playground ("ha, ha" and so forth)? Sorry, dude. You're being a hypocrite.

Finding your emotional outbursts amusing lessens the fact that you are arguing from an emotional, not a rational point of view does it?

Here's a little tip, when people make points, answer those points instead of cocking a snook and squealing 'You smell of poo!' It makes you look a lot more grown up.

A tip? Sorry, I don't rate your life experience enough to take tips from you, ...
You mentioned some practical items that are prevalent, and and practical.

Hardly a good illustration. Denim became popular because it's hard wearing.

Finding your emotional outbursts amusing lessens the fact that you are arguing from an emotional, not a rational point of view does it?

A tip? Sorry, I don't rate your life experience enough to take tips from you, ...

So are combat pants, why don't you wear them instead and stop being such a follower?

You have a nerve calling me out for "emotional outbursts". Oh...I see you've gone into 'adult mode' instead of going 'ha ha, NOT' and such.

Cool, keep on acting like a kid in a playground.

That's sad.


But I've seen too many adults who are dicks, and have learned nothing from life, yet their opinions are worth more than mine because they are older?

Sorry, my hair may be all over my face after thrashing my head to Slipknot like an ignorant little 18 year old follower, but I can still see that is a pile of crap.
So are combat pants, why don't you wear them instead and stop being such a follower?

I made no statement about my preferred type of trouser, did I? No, you are assuming things and trying to pick a fight.

You have a nerve calling me out for "emotional outbursts". Oh...I see you've gone into 'adult mode' instead of going 'ha ha, NOT' and such.

Maybe you should read posts before you respond. Me finding your emotional outbursts amusing does not excuse you having them in the first place.

But I've seen too many adults who are dicks, and have learned nothing from life, yet their opinions are worth more than mine because they are older?

I don't think anyone said that. You however discounted the entire sum of human life experience because you've had a bad experience with someone older. This perhaps accounts for some of your bitterness.
I made no statement about my preferred type of trouser, did I? No, you are assuming things and trying to pick a fight.

Maybe you should read posts before you respond. Me finding your emotional outbursts amusing does not excuse you having them in the first place.

I don't think anyone said that. You however discounted the entire sum of human life experience because you've had a bad experience with someone older. This perhaps accounts for some of your bitterness.

No - I was making a POINT.

They were not 'emotional outbursts'. Funny how when you spew crap you're 'calmly discussing things', when I refute you I'm having an emotional outburst.

I did not say it was worthless, I said it was overrated and I explained why.

Also, I am not talking about ONE bad experience with someONE older. I am talking about a lot of adults I have met.

I often hear how life experience is so important, yet a lot of adults are very obviously not very "together". I fail to see how this is such an unreasonable thing to say

You have still not answered a lot of my points, like the one where I pointed out that not everyone who has mods is a stereotypical dumbass who got kanji because everyone else did. You seem to be selectively picking points you feel able to respond to and ignoring the rest.
Visceral, go re-read the thread. You cleary aren't calm, and using the language you have been isn't a refutation, it's merely a temper tantrum.

If you've had lots of bad experiences with adults, you should ask yourself why those adults want to hang out with kids such as yourself, and why after a couple of bad experiences, you keep going back for more.

Oh, and on your points;

like the one where I pointed out that not everyone who has mods is a stereotypical dumbass who got kanji because everyone else did.

I'll let someone else do the talking;

"Stephen Franzoi, a social psychologist who studies physical attractiveness and body esteem at Marquette University, agrees that young adults now view bod-mod as a mainstream form of self-expression. But savor the paradox: "Interestingly enough," he points out, "the desire to express your own unique qualities, is, in one sense, an act of conformity. It's a social norm that an increasing number of young adults are conforming to.""

"Beyond employment, where does body decoration end and pathological self-mutilation begin? Despite her generally positive findings on those who choose tats and pierces, Frederick-Recascino says among people who had first been pierced "at a very early age, 12 or 13, there was some relationship to psychopathology, but it was a minor relationship, found only among those who had multiple pierces."


So I refer you to my previous question, where I linked that pic of the guy with multiple facial piercings, and asked if you thought he was happy. Seems multiple piercings maybe sign of pathology, like I needed an academic to tell me that, my life experience already confirmed it.
Visceral, go re-read the thread. You cleary aren't calm, and using the language you have been isn't a refutation, it's merely a temper tantrum.

If you've had lots of bad experiences with adults, you should ask yourself why those adults want to hang out with kids such as yourself, and why after a couple of bad experiences, you keep going back for more.

Oh, and on your points;

I'll let someone else do the talking;

"Stephen Franzoi, a social psychologist who studies physical attractiveness and body esteem at Marquette University, agrees that young adults now view bod-mod as a mainstream form of self-expression. But savor the paradox: "Interestingly enough," he points out, "the desire to express your own unique qualities, is, in one sense, an act of conformity. It's a social norm that an increasing number of young adults are conforming to.""

"Beyond employment, where does body decoration end and pathological self-mutilation begin? Despite her generally positive findings on those who choose tats and pierces, Frederick-Recascino says among people who had first been pierced "at a very early age, 12 or 13, there was some relationship to psychopathology, but it was a minor relationship, found only among those who had multiple pierces."


So I refer you to my previous question, where I linked that pic of the guy with multiple facial piercings, and asked if you thought he was happy. Seems multiple piercings maybe sign of pathology, like I needed an academic to tell me that, my life experience already confirmed it.

Neither are you and neither was yours.

Adults generally don't hang out with me, and as for 'bad experiences', I think most people have met adults who are not very 'together'.

Well, duh. It's a normal human tendency to want to express yourself. It's like calling breathing following.

So basically you can't win, if you choose to be yourself you're a follower, and if you change yourself to fit in with others you're a follower?

Like I said, anything you do can be seen as following. Not just modifications, but anything, your hair or clothes. Do you have short hair like most males? Then I could just as legitimately dismiss you as nothing more than a follower.

How exactly do you go about not being a follower? Die? Wait....everyone does that.

Decoration versus mutilation? That would depend on why you do it. If you do it to look good, no, not mutilation. If you do it because you feel you deserve pain, to relieve self hatred, or something such, yes, you are doing it for the wrong reason and it can reasonably be considered a form of self harm.

She found a MINOR relationship. Not a general correlation.

If tattoos and pierces are self-expression, rather than rebellion, it's not surprising that Frederick-Recascino found them to be largely unassociated with personality disorders.

my life experience already confirmed it

Now you're just trying to provoke me. Interesting how you go into 'adult' mode when it suits you, then revert to your 'Nah nah nah nah nah, I'm older and I know better than you' attitude.
Visceral, if you argued against things I'd actually said, rather than putting words in my mouth, it would help.

This is clearly a hot button issue for you, and you clearly cannot debate rationally, as demonstrated by your lack of focus. Do you want to rewind, and debate the actual content?
I didn't put words in your mouth. You quoted someone and I refuted him.

It's not me who keeps finding reasons not to respond to your points. I made a point about ear piercings on women. I also asked if you consider short hair on males to be following. I asked because you seem to be fixating on modifications such as piercings and tattoos as 'following', but you fail to reflect that anything you choose to do aesthetically can be seen as mere following.

Take a look at yourself before saying such things.