abstract machines?.

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Absane said:
I remember some debate and you were claiming it wa possible to predict anything, even human actions.

I will search for the thread, but I doubt I will come up with it.
Would be easier if I could do a thread intersection search :)

I dug this up pretty quickly, but not sure if it's the one you meant....


And as you can see, I replied at length and you left me hanging!!!!!

Hehe.. did you ever decipher my "plane thing"?
I somewhat understand it (the plane thing). Back then I had a tendency to start a thread and then not care pretty quickly. Now that I am a posting whore, I will probably bring that thread back up and make a reply.

And BTW, the thread I was refering to was this .

It has NOTHING to do with free-will like I thought, but it's at the bottom.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
the human consciousness.

the mind is seen as purely a machine, but machines go only by what they are proggrammed to do right? we are machine with our.

reproduction desire,
natural instinct,

but theres one thing thats not machine, consciousness, the human awareness of itself is an abstract,

and machines do not have abstracts do they? they have primary/secondary etc objectives, they go by logic of the programme alone, so consciousness, cant really be classed as "machine" as all machines serve a purpose only,

we are machines with a driver thats abstract fromt he machine, (im not getting spiritual atall or saying anything about a soul)

the machine can observe itself, but can a machine know it is oberving itself? a machine can look through memory, but can the machine be abstract to that memory?

i will post more after a few responses because i have anouther few good points.


Aside from the flaw I pointed out (though as it has been pointed out, could just be a technicality), I see humans and all living creatures as 100% machine. A machine can only "know" via manipulation of atoms and/or chemicals that are used to store information.

What do you mean by "know?"
Isn't asking what somebody knows about "knowledge" rather circular? ;)

After reader a book called Artificial Life - about genetic algorithms and the like - I've been fairly convinced that intelligence is an emergent phenomenon, and that it can emerge within any system with the right components. But anyway, if computer power continues to increase, we'll see.
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