Absolute Velocity of Inertial Frames Using Time Signatures in Message Exchanges

Err... that last "quote" is no quote of mine. And you display no data -- it's a thought exercise, not a physical experiment. And, I have to pick someone up or I would respond more fully at this time.

An actual quote of mine, and one that is relevant is:
rpenner said:
While Einstein (1879-1955) was fortunate to be living at a time when classical physics was suffering under the load of experiments inconsistent with Newtonian mechanics, clear-cut evidence which favors Einstein over Newton was published before Einstein was born.

There are conflicts between Newton and experiment which was increasingly apparent in the nineteenth century. In fact, by 1859 we had enough experimental evidence to favor special relativity over Galilean relativity and Newtonian absolute space and time.

By 1859, Hippolyte Fizeau's experiment to measure the Augustin Fresnel's hypothetical ether drag was exactly consistent with a velocity addition formula of with K = 1/c² while Newton and Galileo would predict K = 0.

Lorentz and FitzGerald came up with equations which correctly relate observables like elapsed time and relative position for two distinct inertial observers, but didn't have physics understanding beyond phenomenology. Einstein proposed new candidate axioms of physics and demonstrated that not only were such axioms consistent with existing experimental results, but than they provided a basis to derive previous phenomenological results like the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction or the Fresnel drag coefficients as first-class physical results. Finally, Minkowski demonstrated that there was a mathematical beauty behind the physical results, such that we no longer speak of Euclidean and absolute space and time, but only of Minkowski space-time.

While astonishing to some, these results were shown by von Ignatowsky and others to be very natural descriptions, provided we were willing to let Nature be our guide and not just rely on the authority of Newton, Aristotle and Euclid.

H. Fizeau "Sur les hypothèses relatives à l'éther lumineux" Annales de chimie et de physique 57 385-403 (1859)
rpenner said:
Err... that last "quote" is no quote of mine.
I don't think that geist meant to put quotes around that sentence. It should be part of the base post (you might have noticed he doesn't proofread a lot).
I leave you with gem of simultaneity data that you will either refuse to digest or will refuse to critisize.

The forward and rearward points of a moving train are instantaneously colocated with emitted lights, half of which was directed down the track to the misdpoint of the two lignhts, where an embankment observer directly facing an observer on the train sitting 1/2 the distance between the two light.The light from the front of the train is seen by the train observer before he sees the light coming from the rear. The obser is told the light were emitted simultaneously and reached the embankment observer simultabneously. The train observer claimed that in the reference frame of the cho cho train she sees the forward light being emitted before the rearward light, hence, explaining the loss of simultaneity wrt the two inertial frames.

After a few moments the observers that had been stationed at the ends of the train each hand the train observer a printout of the time stamp indicating when the light entered the train frame. Bingo, both numbers were identical.
"Ah", says the observer, "Clearly, these time stamps were made by clocks that were synchronized with embankment clocks. By those measurements...
...the early light from the front could be explained by the fact that I and the light from the front were moving toward each other,and that explained the early arrival of the forward light striking me before the rear light arrived."
"Yes," says Mr Ironside, "I do agree. But consider this."
The train end observers then produced another set of printouts indicating when the light entered the train frame. Bingo! The numbers are different!
"These time stamps" continued Mr Ironside, "Were made by clocks that were synchronized on the train. They imply that...
...The train was stationary, the embanklment was in motion and the forward light was emitted before the rear light." The observer looked Mr. Ironwheels straight in the eye and said...
..."Yes, that is completely correct."

The agreeable discussion was then disrupted by the entrance of a wild-eyed gent who insisted that they simply could not logically be agreeing with each other. "Which is it?" he cried. "Is the train stationary? Or the embankment? Which is it? It simply can not be both!"

Mother and son laugh for a moment, before gently laying hands on the intruder's shoulders. "Calm down!' They said. "Being stationary is simply a matter of point of view, like 'here' or 'there'! To me, I am 'here', and you are 'there'. But to you, I am 'there' and you are 'here'. There is really no need to insist on absolutes!"

But the intruder could not listen. "You lie!" he screamed. "It is the train that moves, and the embankment that rests! Watch!" Before they could stop him, the unfortunate gent scrambled to the top of the train, ran across the roof (at 90° to the train's line of travel) and leaped high into the air from the roof edge. Perhaps his error dawned on him in his last moments as he watched the embankment rushing past at high speed beneath him... but sadly, we'll never know.
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I can't see the figure you refer to, but I believe I understand what you are saying.
The mistake you make is this:
If A directs a light pulse at right angles to A's direction of travel, then that light pulse will not lag behind. It will keep up with A in the X-direction, and not maintain a path parallel to the Z-axis.
In order to emit a pulse that would stay parallel to the Z-axis, Y must direct the pulse rearward at a specific angle - an angle that A can calculate if they already know their speed.

So once again, we meet the requirement that we already know A's speed in order to measure their speed. When you imagine that a sideways pulse will naturally lag behind, you are imagining the existence of an absolute frame of reference that dictates the "correct" path to the light pulse. But, it just doesn't work that way.

A sends the message forward and is received by B oncoming to the pulse. B replies immediately, "rec'd sig. at t1", which is received by A at t2. Now A has enough information to calvculate d1 and d2 where d1 is c(t1 - t0) and d2 = c(t2 - t1). Subtracting these numbers gives the distance A moved in t2 - t0. Ergo ( d1 - d2 )/ (t2 -t0) = Va wrt the space time location (X0,t0) which was colocated with with the device emitting the first pulse only for the brief instant at (X0,t0), a point of zero velocity, by physical definition and consequence of the independence postulate.

If you allow the light to be dragged along by the frame you have added a component of Vf (velocity of the frame) to the SOL- you have also violated the independence of light motion postulate.

All my lights were in the direction of motion along a common A-B line.
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I don't think that geist meant to put quotes around that sentence. It should be part of the base post (you might have noticed he doesn't proofread a lot).

"Ah", says the observer, "Clearly, these time stamps were made by clocks that were synchronized with embankment clocks. By those measurements...

"Yes," says Mr Ironside, "I do agree. But consider this."
The train end observers then produced another set of printouts indicating when the light entered the train frame. Bingo! The numbers are different!
"These time stamps" continued Mr Ironside, "Were made by clocks that were synchronized on the train. They imply that...

..."Yes, that is completely correct."

The agreeable discussion was then disrupted by the entrance of a wild-eyed gent who insisted that they simply could not logically be agreeing with each other. "Which is it?" he cried. "Is the train stationary? Or the embankment? Which is it? It simply can not be both!"

Mother and son laugh for a moment, before gently laying hands on the intruder's shoulders. "Calm down!' They said. "Being stationary is simply a matter of point of view, like 'here' or 'there'! To me, I am 'here', and you are 'there'. But to you, I am 'there' and you are 'here'. There is really no need to insist on absolutes!"

But the intruder could not listen. "You lie!" he screamed. "It is the train that moves, and the embankment that rests! Watch!" Before they could stop him, the unfortunate gent scrambled to the top of the train, ran across the roof (at 90° to the train's line of travel) and leaped high into the air from the roof edge. Perhaps his error dawned on him in his last moments as he watched the embankment rushing past at high speed beneath him... but sadly, we'll never know.

Great post Pete. One flaw. The lights were registered at the same time when the clocks were in synchronization. If the clocks are ever out of synch we have the observer on the train reverting to a physical determination of clocks that are skewed in time wrt each other - any conclusion he comes to will be wrong whenever he assumes his clocks are synchronized. The original gedanken had the flashes hitting the ends of the train simultaneously, but no observers at the train ends, in AE's version - alas what do we tell the children?..
-quote=Pete] ...The train was stationary, the embanklment was in motion and the forward light was emitted before the rear light." The observer looked Mr. Ironwheels straight in the eye and said... ”

..."Yes, that is completely correct."

The agreeable discussion was then disrupted by the entrance of a wild-eyed gent who insisted that they simply could not logically be agreeing with each other. "Which is it?" he cried. "Is the train stationary? Or the embankment? Which is it? It simply can not be both!"

Mother and son laugh for a moment, before gently laying hands on the intruder's shoulders. "Calm down!' They said. "Being stationary is simply a matter of point of view, like 'here' or 'there'! To me, I am 'here', and you are 'there'. But to you, I am 'there' and you are 'here'. There is really no need to insist on absolutes!"[/quote]

Momentum will solve the case. If the train is stationary the embankment will sweep him up in the embankment direction. If the train is moving the guy will hit the ground projected more or less even (he will lose some ugly momentum points from 'friction losses' ugh) when the man meets the ground. E.g. Have a ball dropping to the ground and bouncing straight back up if the train is moving and only so.

The theme of the thread is the determination of absolute velocity wrt (X0,t0), a point of agreed zero velocity - see independence of light motion postulate. T0 t1 and t2 are all known hence the velocity Va is determined as described.

Pete, I truly care less whether absolutes exist or not, but by the rules directed to me it is a trivial matter to measure, Va and Vb such Vab = Va - Vb. If the thread, as it must, speaks true where does this leave SRT?

Where is the falsification of the Va and Vb determination? You can't use the 1919 eclipse data, can you?
Err... that last "quote" is no quote of mine. And you display no data -- it's a thought exercise, not a physical experiment. And, I have to pick someone up or I would respond more fully at this time.

An actual quote of mine, and one that is relevant is: http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?p=2039656#post2039656

H. Fizeau "Sur les hypothèses relatives à l'éther lumineux" Annales de chimie et de physique 57 385-403 (1859)

This thread began with a showing that the A frame was able to determine its absolute velocity wrt V= 0 at (X0,t0), where such a point is physically impossible to move by any observable or nonobservable force.

The independence of light motion sets the v = 0 point. Please deal with the thread. Your discourses into SRT etc is interesting but not to the point.
Great post Pete. One flaw. The lights were registered at the same time when the clocks were in synchronization. If the clocks are ever out of synch...
Geistkiesel, the clocks are both in synch and out of synch.
Just as you are both "here" (from your positional reference) and "there" (from any other positional reference), the clocks are both synchronized (from one motion reference) and not synchronized (from any other motion reference).

Synchronization is relative.
Momentum will solve the case.
No, momentum is also relative.

[quote[The theme of the thread is the determination of absolute velocity wrt (X0,t0), a point of agreed zero velocity[/quote]
Geistkiesel, there is no problem with determining velocity with respect to a point of agreed zero velocity.

The problem is when you declare this to be "absolute velocity". It's not. It's velocity relative to your reference point, the point of "agreed zero velocity".

Your point of "agreed zero velocity" can in theory be anything that's not significantly accelerating. In practice, the reference could be things like:
- The Earth's surface
- The Earth's centre of mass
- The Sun
- A vehicle (eg a large ship)
- Distant stars
- Microwave background radiation

None of these are agreed to be absolute zero velocity.

This thread began with a showing that the A frame was able to determine its absolute velocity wrt V= 0 at (X0,t0), where such a point is physically impossible to move by any observable or nonobservable force.
There are two relevant things here:
1 - What reference is "physically impossible to move"?, and
2 - You are confusing movement and acceleration. If no force has an effect on a thing, it means that the thing can't be accelerated. It does not mean anything about the thing's velocity - only that it doesn't change.

The independence of light motion sets the v = 0 point.
Geistkiesel, your concept of "the independence of light motion" has no relation to reality. It was tested repeatedly with several tweaks, and found to be wrong. If you rely on it, you will reach the wrong conclusions.
A sends the message forward and is received by B oncoming to the pulse. B replies immediately, "rec'd sig. at t1", which is received by A at t2. Now A has enough information to calvculate d1 and d2 where d1 is c(t1 - t0) and d2 = c(t2 - t1). Subtracting these numbers gives the distance A moved in t2 - t0. Ergo ( d1 - d2 )/ (t2 -t0) = Va wrt the space time location (X0,t0) which was colocated with with the device emitting the first pulse only for the brief instant at (X0,t0), a point of zero velocity, by physical definition and consequence of the independence postulate.
Geistkiesel, you don't even seem to be trying to follow what relativity says.
Where exactly is this space time location (X0,t0)? How is it defined, except relatively and arbitrarily? How is "velocity" applicable to a point?

The zero velocity standard in this particular scenario is given by the synchronization of the clocks. If A's clock and B's clock are synchronized for the duration their trip, then the reference frame in which they are synchronized is the agreed zero velocity standard.

If A's clock and B's clock are synchronized at one time and allowed to run naturally, then A does not have enough information to calculate d1 and d2, because A does not know how t1 relates to t0 and t2.

If you allow the light to be dragged along by the frame you have added a component of Vf (velocity of the frame) to the SOL- you have also violated the independence of light motion postulate.
- The light is not "dragged along by the frame". The direction in which the light travels is set when it is emitted, depends on the velocity of the source.
- "Independence of light motion" is not a postulate. The postulate you might be referring to is the independence of light speed, which is not violated here.
I think this thread is done. We're beginning to back over old ground, with no sign of progress. Same old story.
I think this thread is done. We're beginning to back over old ground, with no sign of progress. Same old story.

Pete, Don't bed hasty. A very few basic questions: Please clarify what you mkean regarding the SOL, Velocity and Scalar Speed. I am aware of te technical differences I would just like to know what and how you apply the differences in the conext of your response to the independence of the motion of light wrt motion of the source of the light.

I have repeatedly highlighted the fact that the absolute velocity of the inertial frames is wrt the (X0, T0) location of the light pulse emission and reception between the A and B frames. elocity' and 'speed' than do us moerns

You mentioned that the science industry of yore applied different meanings to 'velocity' and 'speed'. I need something a bit more definitive than your personal assessment of the linguistic nuances of the terms. The literfature I have been reading leave no clues to supporting your understanding.

AE stated in "Relativity" that he "intended to give an exact insight into the theory of relativity". I cannot see how such a basic subject could be left to the indefiniteness or casual use of the words, "Speed" and "velocity".

You had stated earlier, If I remember properly that I was measuring the velocities wrt toi some third frame. Ifd that is so, I protest as vehemently as I am able. The motion is measured wrt Va and Vb wrt (X0,T0) a completely averse to your conclusion.
Geistkiesel, you don't even seem to be trying to follow what relativity says.
Where exactly is this space time location (X0,t0)? How is it defined, except relatively and arbitrarily? How is "velocity" applicable to a point?

From what other than a point is veloicity measured? Freeway? Football Field? Mountain?
The zero velocity standard in this particular scenario is given by the synchronization of the clocks. If A's clock and B's clock are synchronized for the duration their trip, then the reference frame in which they are synchronized is the agreed zero velocity standard.

This makes not the slightest bit of sense. You bare saying by way of SRT that each frame observer having the option to declare themselves at rest that A and B is the reference agreed zero velocity standard. In your world motion has been negated. If both frames are at rest what are they agreeing on? What does an agreement have to do with physical law? Do the observers decide physics with a handshake accross the bows of their frames?

If A's clock and B's clock are synchronized at one time and with physical law? to run naturally, then A does not have enough information to calculate d1 and d2, because A does not know how t1 relates to t0 and t2.

I described that relationship sufficiently. t0 and t2 are clocked by A, B clocks t1 t3 etc. If the clocks are in synch t1 on A = t1 on B. After t0 A and B both know wha is occuring. Or if you prefer, the timing of the emission and receipt of the pulses can be done electronically with no humans to confuse. A knows that t1 is the time the A t0 signal was received by B.

An addition to the system described in the opening thread is for A to release a probe with clocks and transponder capabilities. The probe is emitted ahead of A for some distance, stopped turned around and headed back toward A ala B in this thread. Tick rates, time of day, calibration and synchronization of the A probe electroncs are determined by A, who might, or could be, using a common pulsar tick rate for all clocks. Once A has determined its own Va, it may then use this information to translate or interpret the B message content even should the B frame have originated from a totally non human planet with really weird clocks. The A and B frames are not limited to just a half dozen of signal swaps.
The light is not "dragged along by the frame". The direction and A in which the light travels is set when it is emitted, depends on the velocity of the source.

Your syntax is scrambled here please clarify Pete.
I am aware of the technique of aiming a torch, or flashlight, but how does velocity get into the equation as determining the direction of the light?

I understand that MM probably aimed the light as you describe in order to assure that variations in relative velocity could be measured by fringe shifts, but this is a flaw in the experimental arrangement.
- "Independence of light motion" is not a postulate. The postulate you might be referring to is the independence of light speed, which is not violated here.

We both err here. The 'independence postulate' is not really a postulate as much as a result of experimentationd and experimental analysis as first declared by DeSitter and specifically recognized by AE in "Relativity". The postulate has been stated in a variety of forms including that "the motion of light is independent of the motion of the source iof the light."
No, momentum is also relative.

[quote[The theme of the thread is the determination of absolute velocity wrt (X0,t0), a point of agreed zero velocity

Geistkiesel, there is no problem with determining velocity with respect to a point of agreed zero velocity.

The problem is when you declare this to be "absolute velocity". It's not. It's velocity relative to your reference point, the point of "agreed zero velocity".

Then perhaps we have a semantic problem. I mean "zero velocity" as an identifiable location that is not moving with respect to anything. An inertial frame approaching this point and considering the frame as stationary would be a physical miscalculation.elt an acceleration, is totally unaffected by any forces of any nature, the zero velocity point or frame is the (X0,T0) of the emitted pulse. This is so as the emission point has never and will never and can never MOVE.
Your point of "agreed zero velocity" can in theory be anything that's not significantly accelerating. In practice, the reference could be things like:
- The Earth's surface
- The Earth's centre of mass
- The Sun
- A vehicle (eg a large ship)
- Distant stars
- Microwave background radiation

None of these are agreed to be absolute zero velocity.
That is because these frames are all susceptible to motion, They are things that feel forc ew and cannot hide therefrom. The things are all subject to being mattersof confusion as these things are most difficult to isolate to a measured zero velocity such as powering down to zero, or minimum, motion using 1000 far stars as reference points of unmeasurable motions.

The (X0, T0) zerfo velocity frame is not subject to agreement, the attempt to determine motion of the point would be absurd, there is nothing subject to any force - the point is an identifiable and locatable point that is motionless.

There are two relevant things here:
1 - What reference is "physically impossible to move"?, and
2 - You are confusing movement and acceleration. If no force has an effect on a thing, it means that the thing can't be accelerated. It does not mean anything about the thing's velocity - only that it doesn't change.

An abstract point in space that emitted light once, is "physically impossible to move." This is not a mind bending concept.

You are confused about acceleration and and movement. I am describing abstractions that are locatable and identifiable [by location], that is , (X0,To).

Geistkiesel, your concept of "the independence of light motion" has no relation to reality. It was tested repeatedly with several tweaks, and found to be wrong. If you rely on it, you will reach the wrong conclusions.

Pete, Where did you get this information? It would be news to Einstein also as he mentioned the concept in the same chapter he described the "light wrt the carriage" Gedanken.

I have not heard anything regarding the speed vs velocity comparison you described and to which it could not be put into a proper perspective without clariification.

1.It is impossible to detect unaccelerated tranlatory motion of a system in free space.

2. The velocity of light in free space is independent of the relative velocity of the source of light and the observers.

"Handbook of Astronautical Engineering" , First Edition, Koelle Ed., McGraw Hill 1961.

Another view:
"However, as Galileo warned, the principle of relativity means that only the observations and the experiments carried out inside the inertial frame do not allow detection of the movement of the frame. If you go on deck of the ship, said Galileo, you will see that your ship moves relative to shore, relative to the air, relative to the water, and so on. The observation of the external light signals coming from other frames allow detection the movement of own inertial frame relative to those frames. There is no equivalence of the movements of the light source and the observer because the observer receives external signals. Receiving the light signals from the different inertial frames, the observer can detect his own movement relative to those frames and some observations already prove that. The aberration of light coming from the stars, allows determining the speed of orbital motion of the Earth. This fact contradicts Einstein’s postulate of relativity. The observation of so-called relict radiation allows determining the direction and the speed of the movement of the Earth relative to the stars. Stellar aberration takes place when the observer moves (this has been known about 300 years), but does not take place when the light source moves (this is proven by the observations of double star systems which has been known about 70 years). This fact convincingly proves that the movement of the observer is not equivalent to the movement of the source of light​

It seems you are stating that the events (light emissions and receptions)
are fixed positions in space, which I agree with, since this is in agreement
with the notion of invariant intervals, i.e. events do not move. They happen
once but are observed multiple times (requiring multiple photon events),
resulting in descriptions that depend on observer motion.
This is the reasoning for the cmb as the best candidate for a fixed
reference frame, since the light sources are so distant, it will be 1000
years or more, or higher resolution tools, until there is any detectable
motion. The current inability to determine an absolute speed by reference
to the light event is because there is no knowledge of light emission
leaving a marker in space. If you visit the site of some historical event,
the event didn't really happen 'there', since the earth has moved in space.
This brings us to the fundamental issue of absolute motion. Motion is by
definition a relative concept: the change of postion of an object relative
to another object. This makes 'absolute motion' a contradiction in terms.
If space is actually a type of medium for the propagation of energy (not
in the aether sense), then 'absolute' motion would have to be defined as
relative to this medium, and preferably without the 'absolute' connotation.

Regarding your example, currently it isn't possible to determine the
'absolute' speed of C, which negates all calculations based on it.
If you could in fact do this for C or any one object, then all others
could be referenced to it without the need of further experiments.
This does not eliminate a close approximation using 'fixed' stars, etc.
Lack of absolute speed does not prevent NASA from conducting missions or
applications of the gps system.

I notice you advocate the 'light independent of its source' principle,
yet you don't use it in the one-way light path, eg. c+v in place of c.
Per your post 49:
The light is not "dragged along by the frame". The direction in which the light travels is set when it is emitted, depends on the velocity of the source.

A single photon is emitted radially at an angle to the direction of
motion, and is determined by the speed of the emitter (which it must since
the direction is constant), so as to maintain a position perpendicular to
the emitter.

Using a light clock moving on the x axis, with a mirror on the y axis,
if the clock accelerated after each emission, it would never receive a
return signal, i.e. you couldn't reflect signals at any angle >0, for
an accelerating source!

If we define typical events as multiple photon events, then they move
radially in all (open) directions, and the one moving at the angle for
a collision course is the one that intercepts the mirror.
This doesn't require any new physics, but how is the direction determined
according to your statement?
Geistkiesel, you don't even seem to be trying to follow what relativity says.
Where exactly is this space time location (X0,t0)? How is it defined, except relatively and arbitrarily? How is "velocity" applicable to a point?
The frames are in relative motion. A emits a pulse at (X0,t0) that in the () is a space ,time coordinate that can be referred to by all future motion in (Xn, tn) where each successive Xn,tn can be correlated to the original (X0, t0). That (X0, t0) is a point does not disaqualify the point as an inertial frame ated , screqwed or tattooed. zero velocity, does it? That (X0, t0) is a point means it cannot drift, cannot be stolen, accelerated, moved, screwed or tattooed,

The zero velocity standard in this particular scenario is given by the synchronization of the clocks. If A's clock and B's clock are synchronized for the duration their trip, then the reference frame in which they are synchronized is the agreed zero velocity standard.
I do not see a "zero velocity standard" from what you just said. I do see it in the(X0,t0) as the point is not moving.it is an invariant point in a 3-dimensional universe.
If A's clock and B's clock are synchronized at one time and allowed to run naturally, then A does not have enough information to calculate d1 and d2, because A does not know how t1 relates to t0 and t2.
The clocks are synchronized. Do you agree that each frame can adopt a common pulse rate from a mutually identified pulsar? Ok, now all we need is to get the frames to determine the mutual time of day. I haven't worked out the details but it seems by a series of corrections the TOD can be determined with a proper use of the known Vab, the relative velocity of A and B frames.

If t1 that was sent to A was such that d2 turned out greater than d1, t1 needs to be turned back a tad. Lets say t1 + t2, is estimated at near splitting t2 - t0 in half. A makes a calculation for d2 and makes the first of a series of adjustments to t1. Either frame can assume the or "a" ccorrect TOD. Then the B frame does the same for his calculated and signaled times. Eventually the frames can agree on an accurate and fixed synchronization of tick rates (the pulsar) and then the time of day which to both frames are calibratrated; the TOD will be arbitrary.

Hey AN, mathematician, par excellance, do a 'series analysis' and see if you can narrrow the error in the B clock to 0. If starting with t2 - t1 = delta_t21 can this v=> 0 as the corrections mount up delta-t32 etc?

AN you solve this one you will be famous for single mindedly (simple mindedly) torpedoing SRT and then you can take me to lunch and introduce me to your erst while professor Sir Hawking, you mentioned a while back.

- The light is not "dragged along by the frame". The direction in which the light travels is set when it is emitted, depends on the velocity of the source.
Some one (an SRTist) used the "dragged along" argument in a discussion a few years ago - similar topic.
How does this happen? I am not challenging you, I have never heard what you are sayingf here. Are you saying A cannot pre-aim his pulse parallel with the frame axis front=to=back.?

- "Independence of light motion" is not a postulate. The postulate you might be referring to is the independence of light speed, which is not violated here.

How do the frames aim their pulses and what effect does speed have to do with the aiming program?

Be sure you aren't adding a heretofore nonexistent component of velocity.

From "the Handbook of Astronautical Engineering", Koelle Editor, 1st edition 1961 - McGraw Hill -[with forward by Herr Doktor Werner von Braun]

The Postulate of Relativity =

1. "It is impossible to to measure or detect unaccelerated translatory motion of a system through free space".

2. "The velocity of light in free space is the same for all observers, independent of the relative velocity of the source of the light and the observer."

Pete. Will, in your expert opinion, the mutual adoption of the pulsar-tick-scheme work to synchronize the two tick rates here, at the very least?

It seems you are stating that the events (light emissions and receptions)
are fixed positions in space, which I agree with, since this is in agreement
with the notion of invariant intervals, i.e. events do not move. They happen
once but are observed multiple times (requiring multiple photon events),
resulting in descriptions that depend on observer motion.
This is the reasoning for the cmb as the best candidate for a fixed
reference frame, since the light sources are so distant, it will be 1000
years or more, or higher resolution tools, until there is any detectable
motion. The current inability to determine an absolute speed by reference
to the light event is because there is no knowledge of light emission
leaving a marker in space. If you visit the site of some historical event,
the event didn't really happen 'there', since the earth has moved in space.
This brings us to the fundamental issue of absolute motion. Motion is by
definition a relative concept: the change of postion of an object relative
to another object. This makes 'absolute motion' a contradiction in terms.
If space is actually a type of medium for the propagation of energy (not
in the aether sense), then 'absolute' motion would have to be defined as
relative to this medium, and preferably without the 'absolute' connotation.

I was talking more theoretically as opposed to technologically feasible . From the instant the pulse was emitted on earth say, the frame could spend a couple of years travewling around, and by careful adjustrment of acceleratioin data etc, the frame could navigate back to the point where the pulse was emitted. Merely backtrack the earth's helical trajectory to minus two years and find the original point. One doesn't need a marker flAG.
Regarding your example, currently it isn't possible to determine the
'absolute' speed of C, which negates all calculations based on it..
I now believe C frame was unnecessary in the discussion. See the post bvelow.
If you could in fact do this for C or any one object, then all others
could be referenced to it without the need of further experiments.
This does not eliminate a close approximation using 'fixed' stars, etc.
Lack of absolute speed does not prevent NASA from conducting missions or
applications of the gps system. .
Pulsar data mutually shared by our galactic fleet?
I notice you advocate the 'light independent of its source' principle,
yet you don't use it in the one-way light path, eg. c+v in place of c.

I onlty advocate the independence as AE did so in chapter 7 of Relativity quoting DeSitter re binary star orbits.

You mean, emit a pulse inside the frame in gthe direction of suspected motion. Having done the experiment on earth the point the pulse struck the frame is marked at ct. Now if in motion, the observer knows the light must travel a distance ct plus a vt' the distance the frame moved with velocity v since the pulse was emitted. t' = ct/(c - v). Or solve for v = c(t' - t)/t' - QED.

If t' = 0 the frame is stationary, umsonst, the frame moves with velocity v above.

Needed - a really looooong frame and a emitter/clock and clock/emitter system with 15+ decimal place resolution.

On the emitter system described for Pete, could not a laser beam be rapidly pulsed (two-three wavelengths max)such that all side lobe radiation is ignored?

What about the (X0,t0) as satisfaction of minimum physical qualities as an inertial frame without reference to mere difficulty of measurement.

Thyanks for joining in the discussion. I am always jumpy thinking James R is going to blast in and upset my frame. But I heard he had a change of heart, not so hardened, not so brutal, not the least bit vicious or cruel - I know, hard to believe, but my soure is impeccable - one report had him manifesting real human qualities , like empathy, kindness, generosity, even unsolicited and occasional words of praise and warm friendly pats on the back. Once, it was said, he had agreed with Geistkiesel on some critically debated SRT issue!!! Wow wow wow!.
The clocks are synchronized. Do you agree that each frame can adopt a common pulse rate from a mutually identified pulsar? Ok, now all we need is to get the frames to determine the mutual time of day. I haven't worked out the details but it seems by a series of corrections the TOD can be determined with a proper use of the known Vab, the relative velocity of A and B frames.

If t1 that was sent to A was such that d2 turned out greater than d1, t1 needs to be turned back a tad. Lets say t1 + t2, is estimated at near splitting t2 - t0 in half. A makes a calculation for d2 and makes the first of a series of adjustments to t1. Either frame can assume the or "a" ccorrect TOD. Then the B frame does the same for his calculated and signaled times. Eventually the frames can agree on an accurate and fixed synchronization of tick rates (the pulsar) and then the time of day which to both frames are calibratrated; the TOD will be arbitrary.

Hey AN, mathematician, par excellance, do a 'series analysis' and see if you can narrrow the error in the B clock to 0. If starting with t2 - t1 = delta_t21 can this v=> 0 as the corrections mount up delta-t32 etc?

AN you solve this one you will be famous for single mindedly (simple mindedly) torpedoing SRT and then you can take me to lunch and introduce me to your erst while professor Sir Hawking, you mentioned a while back.
Firstly, given the fact you are unfamiliar with vector calculus or basic geometry you are not explaining the scenario you have in your head with sufficient accuracy that anyone can do anything specific with it.

Secondly, you admit to 'not having done the calculations', infact you are incapable of doing the calculations because you don't know the maths and you refuse to spend any time trying to learn said maths, and yet you think that surely you must be right. You have no maths knowledge and clearly very little physics knowledge so your intuition is hardly something you should put much faith in in this.

Thirdly, the consistency of the concept of special relativity is as consistent as basic geometry, because it is geometry. Special relativity is not inconsistent. You can only get special relativity removed from mainstream physics by obtaining experimental evidence which contradicts it. The notion of special relativity is perfectly valid. The application to the real world is a different matter. You are trying to attack its consistency, not its applicability.

Fourthly, why can't you do the calculations yourself? Oh yeah, because you don't know any relevant material. You burn huge quantities of time trying ton 'falsify' Newton's Shell Theorem on consistency grounds or special relativity grounds and yet you do not learn the language in which they are phrased. And the same applied for the Shell Theorem, it is perfectly mathematically consistent. You can only remove it from physics by showing via experiment that its a mathematical concept which doesn't model the real world correctly.

Fifth, you are not someone I would wish to meet, never mind have a meal with.

Sixth, I do not personally know Hawking, I have attended Cambridge university and been in seminars he's given, been taught by people who work with him and know a few people who do know him.

Why don't you stop spending so much of your time reading the wordy sections of a 40+ year old textbook and spend a few weeks learning basic calculus and geometry. In a total of 24 hours of lectures and 10 1 hour problem classes most 18 year old maths students can go from high school level understanding to know how to do basic vector calculus, differential equations and linear algebra. That's enough to grasp the basic methods and procedures used in relativity. And yet you haven't. You've been whining for years and you've learnt nothing. Just like your pal QQ.

You and he whine about how current ideas are holding us back yet at the same time you personify deliberate ignorance. You refuse to learn the basics of what you whine about. No one denies the possiblity that maybe one day relativity will be falsified by experiment but its certain it won't be along the lines of the crap you whine about. If 1st year students who are hungover and had less than 3 hours sleep can grasp this stuff in a 9am problems class why the hell can't you?
Firstly, given the fact you are unfamiliar with vector calculus or basic geometry you are not explaining the scenario you have in your head with sufficient accuracy that anyone can do anything specific with it.
Vectorcalculus as used in developing the shell integral was totally improper as was made clear by Newton - gravity forces are instantaneous, or conservatively, the speed of gravity Vg > 10^10(c). There has never been a reported observation of a gravity wave, much less an actual instance of a transfer of a scintilla force of gravity. Gauss' law, while clever and has its proper place, is inappropriate here regarding the distribution of gravitational forces. There aren’t any “gravity fields’ or ‘force fields’, orthogonal to the x-axis that require eliminating,. Two anti-parallel forces,| F+| = ||F-| are tied to a common center with force of ‘1000’ each will not result in a net zero force on the object tied to, the net will be 2000 force units. As a mathematician, you think anything mathematically possible equates over to the physical analogue following beautifully in step.

So, there is no observed necessity that the forces you calculate are needing amputation. Wow, just think if you had gone to medical school.

All the forces eliminated via the vector’s knife were physically pointing in the direction of m. You have eliminated the possibility of applied torques being applied, and have limited m-M total force distribution and exchanges.. I am no astronomer, but I can make a slam dunk guarantee that those astronomers counting total mass forces that have vectored away a significant amount of the total force of which they are dealing, that if they are being overwhelmed by dark matter that reattaching the amputated forces, that some “dirty (or is it “dark”) matter” will be exposed for what it ahs always been, scientific ignorance, and hence they would be relieved of some silly useless tasks. The equilibrium of the heavens is not in a state of imbalance, it is the disequilibrium of astronomers that keeps us in the dark, pun intended, but not seriously.

For stellar bodies as close a the moon-earth system the force distributions of both bodies extend extends over exposed surfaces and into the depths – the forces do not exist in infinitely thin lines of force between the respective COMs; further, there has never been an observed instance of moon size mass being concentrated in a point of singularity at their COM or anywhere else.

Read it AN you may learn something.
Secondly, you admit to 'not having done the calculations', in fact you are incapable of doing the calculations because you don't know the maths and you refuse to spend any time trying to learn said maths, and yet you think that surely you must be right. You have no maths knowledge and clearly very little physics knowledge so your intuition is hardly something you should put much faith in this.
I admit I am no angel, I’ve led a full life, drinking and gambling, and once, I talked back to my first wife, but I never admitted to not knowing vector calculus, or that I never made the calculations, but you are correct, I do believe myself right, and my intuition is rather finely tuned, a talent we all have, but, that only eine gelegentlich Ausländer Bewegungen, vertlict?

Thirdly, the consistency of the concept of special relativity is as consistent as basic geometry, because it is geometry. Special relativity is not inconsistent. You can only get special relativity removed from mainstream physics by obtaining experimental evidence which contradicts it. The notion of special relativity is perfectly valid. The application to the real world is a different matter. You are trying to attack its consistency, not its applicability.
I don’t remember doing anything specifically to do with SRT, other than responding to a couple of sentences I read in, “The Handbook of Astronautical Engineering’, Ed. Koelle, First Edition, 1961, with forward by Werner von Braun, Mcgraw-Hill.

1. The postulate of relativity. It is impossible to measure or detect the unaccelerated translatory motion of a system through free space.

2. The postulate of the constancy of the free space. of light. The velocity of light in free space is the same for all observers, independent of the relative velocity of the source of the light and the observer.
From this I ran the opening thread up the flag pole and guess who saluted? I must say of all the responses, yours is the only one that has that old familiar, but very sweet sound, of a panicked political orator.

Here is basically what I said:
The A and b inertial frames are moving as indicated and the times of certain events, emission and absorption (transponders) of light pulses, that included the times of entry and exit into the respective transponders. It is given, for you especially AN, that the clocks are synchronized .
 A   t0  	              
      | --t2|<-----------d2-------|t1  

                |---------------->| t3

At t0, A emits a pulse with the signal ‘emitted at t0’ embedded.
At t1, B receives the signal and his transponder replies instantly ‘rec’d/emitted at t1’.
At t2, A receives the B signal, hence now A has enough information to calculate the distance the A frame moved between t0 and t2.
Simply find the difference between the d1 and d2 to find the distance A traveled in the time t2 – t0.

Which you should see is sufficient to calculate the delta_x/delta_t which is the A frame velocity. Therefore, A and B knowing Vab, the relative AB relative velocity. Vab, and when expressed as Va – Vb, then Vb = Va – Vab.
And Humpty is back together again.
Where do you see attack?

Other responding here discussed the matter of synchronicity of the clocks, which have had their intrinsic clock rate replaced by a common pulsar tick rate. If each frame then broadcast a steady stream of their unique times-of-day correlated with the exchanged information were able to agree on the TOD. This was achieved only just before the experiment above began.
You can only get special relativity removed from mainstream physics by obtaining experimental evidence which contradicts it. The notion of special relativity is perfectly valid. The application to the real world is a different matter. You are trying to attack its consistency, not its applicability.

Fourthly, why can't you do the calculations yourself? Oh yeah, because you don't know any relevant material. You burn huge quantities of time trying ton 'falsify' Newton's Shell Theorem on consistency grounds or special relativity grounds and yet you do not learn the language in which they are phrased. And the same applied for the Shell Theorem, it is perfectly mathematically consistent. You can only remove it from physics by showing via experiment that it’s a mathematical concept which doesn't model the real world correctly.

Fifth, you are not someone I would wish to meet, never mind have a meal with.

Sixth, I do not personally know Hawking, I have attended Cambridge university and been in seminars he's given, been taught by people who work with him and know a few people who do know him.

Why don't you stop spending so much of your time reading the wordy sections of a 40+ year old textbook and spend a few weeks learning basic calculus and geometry. In a total of 24 hours of lectures and 10 1 hour problem classes most 18 year old maths students can go from high school level understanding to know how to do basic vector calculus, differential equations and linear algebra. That's enough to grasp the basic methods and procedures used in relativity. And yet you haven't. You've been whining for years and you've learnt nothing. Just like your pal QQ.

You and he whine about how current ideas are holding us back yet at the same time you personify deliberate ignorance. You refuse to learn the basics of what you whine about. No one denies the possiblity that maybe one day relativity will be falsified by experiment but its certain it won't be along the lines of the crap you whine about. If 1st year students who are hungover and had less than 3 hours sleep can grasp this stuff in a 9am problems class why the hell can't you?

Everything you have offered here is, in scientific terms, bullshit. You don't even know how to insult, are you Lituanian, perhaps?

I was older than the eighteen year olds who with hangovers and less than 3 hours of sleep can grasp etc…. when I learned of that which you speak and then spent a number of years unlearning silliness.

AN are you telling us that when your SRT profs told you that ‘ you must divest yourself of notions of logic, reason and appearances, that you must unlearn what you believed, that you had no clue you were taken for a ride? Is this your story? If so it is one of , if not the saddest tale of heartbreak, disappointment and despair I have ever heard. I bet they even told you that, “Nobody, but nobody gets to see the Wizard”. I was going to take you to lunch and introduce you to her, but if that’s your attitude, O.K..
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Pete said:
If you allow the light to be dragged along by the frame you have added a component of Vf (velocity of the frame) to the SOL- you have also violated the independence of light motion postulate. ”

- The light is not "dragged along by the frame". The direction in which the light travels is set when it is emitted, depends on the velocity of the source.
- "Independence of light motion" is not a postulate. The postulate you might be referring to is the independence of light speed, which is not violated here.

AE talks about MM in "Relativity": "the mirror at C moves relative to the ether through a distance Ut/2in the X direction ..." and then " while the light is returning to the mirror at A moves the same distance in the X direction"

But he gives no rational for the light to follow the two mirrors [unless the light was aimed that way].only that the mirrors were moving relative to the ether. So AE hasn't solved the matter.

If the light was heading to the C mirror the instant it left the half silvered mirror then whether on the m otion of the frame, i/=.e the momentum is carrying the pulse along, then the light must have acquired a component of light in the X direction., which implies this leg of the the trip the light speed > c.

I ask you, what makes the light follow the frame, unless the light has acquired the frame speed and now gthe new speed c' where c' > c . AE tells us no more.