Absolute PROOF 911 was FORETOLD

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Registered Senior Member
This is undeniable PROOF that 911 was FORETOLD of and DOCUMENTED on the Net.

It was archived on google, and it's date is timestamped which means it is authentic (if you really want to confirm this, call up usenet).

The warning came from Sollog and was issued on 9/11/1998 three years to the exact date of 911

Here's the Link


Yet so few know about this...

I wonder why

Sollog's homepage, in case you're interested now, is at www.sollog.com

From sollog.com:

Most of you reading this will be dead in the near future.

You've been warned...

Well...duh...some prediction.

Further more there are lots of very irritating pop ups on that site and of course, you need to subscribe. With a one month free trial? Come on, it is just another money maker...
And you didnt respond at all to the intent of the Post

Which was the Link...

When you realize the Link is authentic, and clearly states 911 (3 years to the exact date mind you), Washington DC, great emergency etc... Well...

Now, I've read all about Sollog for some time now, and although to become a member at his site costs money, to read his prophecies and the like its quite easy to find for free

Use google and alt.prophecies.nostradamus

Every single prophecy every written by him is archived within alt.prophecies.nostradamus, the same newsgroup where that link originates

Are you the moderator? Ashame if you are, considering you immediately jumped to an assumption based on a few seconds of reading---that is, that it is a money making scam

So says the ignorant person who has done relatively no research into what they are declaring

first of all, Nostradamus made it hard to interpret his riddles. So, you can never be sure about it.
Once again this thread is devoted to this link, which clearly foretells of 911 and is the only crystal clear timestamped link on the net to forewarn of the events of September the 11th

Here it is again


And Banshee, been there done that? done what, you haven't responded at all to the Link I've posted and to anything to do with this thread yet

Anyone out there with a brain that can see how important that link is?

Really, Anyone?

He didn't mention any specifics, or even the primary location of the attack, Manhattan. He didn't specify a year, if I had to take a guess I'd say that he was talking about the very day that he posted that message, not any time in the future.

As for the date, 911 is of course synonymous with emergency in much the same was as Friday the thirteenth is synonymous with bad luck, that is why he chose that date for the "emergency". It's as if I were to come out and proclaim that on Friday the thirteenth something terrible was going to happen in Texas, and then seven years later or so some kid snapped and chose Friday the 13th as the day he'd bring a gun into school and shoot his classmates.

This is hardly a "clear and undeniable" prophecy of the events of September 11th 2001.
Originally posted by IAMGOD
Sollog is my word

Ye my wrath has come

Oh wow, the God, what an honor. Where the hell have you been, lazy? And if you wanted to warn people about September 11th 2001, then why did you not specify a date? Moreover why did you chose someone to post some message typed in all caps on an obscure Usenet newsgroup? Seeing how as you seem capable of posting on sciforums I don't see why you needed some jackass to speak for you. Oh, and by the way if you decide to warn people again, and want to be heard, I suggest parting the clouds and appearing to the world to announce your intentions in a booming Godly voice. Frankly I don't think any amount of idiotic posting on Usenet is going to get you anywhere.
Your an idiot, thats all im going to say and leave it at that, You believe because you want to. Hell if i believe the icecream man is god then to me he would be

Originally posted by IAMGOD
Ye my wrath has come
"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which
leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of
false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but
inwardly they are ravening wolves." -Matthew 7:14-15

Oy McVeigh By Howard Altman
I hate it when people who are dellusional believe they have some super special gift while living in the basement of their moms house.

Originally posted by EvilPoet
"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which
leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of
false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but
inwardly they are ravening wolves." -Matthew 7:14-15

Oy McVeigh By Howard Altman

Funny, the scripture you chose

Strive for the narrow gate, it is written...

Only a few will enter

That is why, to most, Sollog appears not only to be wrong, but perhaps dellusional and somewhat crazy

But to a few, the truth of his words are seen clearly

Besides, when was esoteric truth ever accepted by a majority?

Well, two answers. Never, because it is esoteric, and never, because even if it was made general knowledge most would not accept, nor understand its significance and importance

Oh, and lastly... That scripture sure sounds like it describes Jesus, doesn't it?

Originally posted by EvilPoet

Are you familiar with Xinoehpoel?

A little too familiar...

If you know the SOLLOG story than you know the XINO story

Or better said, if you know the XINO story, you know the SOLLOG story

911 thread is another validation of SOLLOG

You research into xino stuff, and you will see

Good job doing some research


If you know the SOLLOG story than you know the XINO story Or better said, if you know the XINO story, you know the SOLLOG story
Some say that Xinoehpoel and Sollog are one in the same. Are you familiar with the term sock puppet?
911 thread is another validation of SOLLOG
What has he predicted that validates him? Until shown otherwise my opinion still stands: $OLLOG is a fraud. Just for point of interest - the first post I read regarding him was this one. I'm curious, have you read this article about him? If so, any thoughts?
Originally posted by EvilPoet

Some say that Xinoehpoel and Sollog are one in the same. Are you familiar with the term sock puppet?

What has he predicted that validates him? Until shown otherwise my opinion still stands: $OLLOG is a fraud. Just for point of interest - the first post I read regarding him was this one. I'm curious, have you read this article about him? If so, any thoughts?

Xino and Sollog are two different people. Your assumption that they are One and the same is nothing but your own ignorance

You say SOLLOG is a fraud. Fine, you state your opinion. yet you state your opinion with absolutely no substance to back up such a claim... "Until shown otherwise..."

So does this mean, if you lived pre-Colombus times that you'd believe the earth was flat? Just because something hasn't been validated in your own eyes just not mean it isn't true. Rather, stating something to be an opinion without substance leads to spreading lies, which is what you're doing relatively speaking. You believe SOLLOG is a fraud--so, prove it.

At least I started a thread showing some sort of evidence (ie, the 911 post) that 911 was foretold by SOLLOG, therefore validating him in one sense or another.

Yet, you state he's a fraud and have little to show for it. You supply a weblink that dictates nothing to the topic at hand, the predicted 911 attack. Honestly, SOLLOG could be Satan himself but if evidence pointed towards the fact that he had foreknowledge of 911, then further research is not only plausible but necessary. What I mean is, you shouldn't judge something using criteria which does not validate or invalidate the matter.

It comes down to, did SOLLOG know about 911 before it occurred?

The veiled will say, of course not, he's a fraud and he wrote a couple random things that happened to connect... he got lucky.

The seekers will say, look deeper and look at the odds of what happened simply being chance or guesswork.

As for Xino, you don't need me to explain his view on Sollog and his beliefs... you have enough web material to do a substantial search on him as well.

At least you asked some questions, that's a good start. I'm not quite sure what you wanted me to say regarding the post pertaining to SOLLOG being JOGYO, that's self explanatory.

Regarding the Howard Altman post... Do a little research, and you'll see much of the material in that article is half truth, if not a complete lie. Besides, does that article have anything to do with one's ability to foretell the future?

It is said, God works in mysterious ways

Just like I'm sure God works through mysterious people

Re: Re: $OLLOG is a FRAUD

Originally posted by Jahiro
Funny, the scripture you chose

Strive for the narrow gate, it is written...

Only a few will enter

That is why, to most, Sollog appears not only to be wrong, but perhaps dellusional and somewhat crazy


Taking scriptures from the bible to sanctify ones own madness only furthers the ability for others to see it as a lack thereof of knowledge. If Sollog is god, Then we wouldnt be held back for not believe in sollog because in the bible it refers to him only as god, that and the fact that if we followed the bible, you know... his written WORD then we would be following his commands anyways and thus still be allowed into heaven. Dont try and argue , you have no proof to prove anything at all, just like the pope can not prove god exists, but there is a difference between you and the pope. The pope is'nt Stupid, but on the bright side, you two do share something, your both very very senile
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