About lucid dreaming

Hi Buffys

I belive I have a lot of Lucid Dream experience..
About OBEs, well... Ive had one rare occasion were I was vibrating like Hell! While waking up from a normal dream, And I even felt my back muscles tingle because of the strong vibration that occured.

I was even waked up and looking at the ceiling when still shaking, vibrating... I felt a sound too. Its a pitty That I just had the start of a OBE experience.. :(

About Lucid Dreams.. well..
I have these about 4 to 5 times or more per month now..

My lucid dreams are quite vivid and "picture perfect", I can even feel cold, heat, etc.

The more lucid the more real it feels and more I can manipulate it.

Its very funny when We wake up inside the dream realising it to be just a dream and then start to manipulate, fly, alter objects, pass thru walls etc..

Contrary to what Ive seen written here, I believe with experience we can remember more and more lucid dreams, and have amazingly real ones.

Most of the time I believe the persons in the dreams are real, so these are not "supreme" counscious dreaming, but I do know its a dream and show the people in the dream that im a kind of God or something lol

The most easy way to have more lucid dreams is to question reality, and always keep in mind that if you see strange things, in locations you dont know off, you can realise inside a dream that your dreaming.

If you go to bed thinking of this for some days you will have lucid dreams, I believe a little practise will do it.

And if you cant move your limbs or see everything foggy, then your just having a low lucidity dream... Focus more, and the more lucid you become the more vivid and real the dream becomes. :D

RE: sounds in the mind.

try this out:
sit on the floor, back straight, cross legged. take your hands and place them on your face such that your thumbs close off your ears, your index fingers close off your eyes, your middle fingers close off your nose, and your ring and pinky fingers close off your mouth. Before actually "sealing" yourself off this way, take a few steady, slower breaths to relax yourself.

Then, once you are closed off from the world outside your senses, what do you hear? I bet you hear one thing first off, a deep rushing sound - this is the blood moving through your body. What else? I bet you'll hear a high-pitch tone, similar to the sound a TV tube makes when it's on, but the TV is muted. A somewhat quiet squeal...

Supposedly, accoring to Yoga traditions (the Vedas), there are 8 fundimental sounds in your body. Each is less obvious than the previous, so as you practice, and learn to hear each one, you are getting better and better at learning to listen to your own body.

have fun!
hmph....maybe i should concentrate less....when i first had a lucid dream (like a couple of days ago :D :D) i tried to fly but it didnt happen, but i managed 2 make other people fly lol...the bad part of lucid dreaming is wakin up :(
Lucid Dreaming eh? I've had a few of those. First off, this site is essential to any lucid dreamers wanting to get their feet wet


The people here have taken lucid dreaming to a scientific level. They actually do experiements to do different tests. The general rule of dreams in general is that what you expect to happen happens. So if you get into a rut of believeing you can't move your limbs, you won't be able to move your limbs well. Me, I never had that problem. I walk effortlessly, flew the first time almost without any hitches, and so on. Now, the thing to realize is that their are two types of lucid dreams, and this is the key.

DILDS - Dream Induced Lucid Dreams. This is when you are asleep and realize while in the middle of a dream that you are dreaming. You go on to do whatever you want while you are still lucid. You generally have moderate levels of lucidity here.

By levels of lucidity I mean anywhere from just bearly realizing you are dreaming but not really doing anything about it, and you have no real sense of the real world, to haveing all your memories and know where you really are, and the limits and possibilities of your world, ect. So a dild is often somewhere inbetween there.

WILDS - Wake induced Lucid Dream. True to the name, these are to cool ones. These happen when you go straight from waking to asleep without EVER LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS. You heard me right. You never lose awareness while doing this. Pretty much this can only be done in the early morning hours when you can enter the dream state almost immediately after going to sleep. When you go to bed at night, it usually takes 90 minutes to enter your first dream period, and that's an aweful long time to hold on to your consciousness while asleep, if it's even possible. I have done this so no I'm not speaking out of my butt here:) Lemme tell you, it's cool. I litterally watched the dream form itself in front of my eyes from the blackness. I didn't do much though, but it was still cool. These dreams tend to have much higher levels of lucidity.

Another interesting thing is occured when doing these wilds and that is the process of entering and exiting REM sleep. Sometimes you will feel vibrations, a feeling of evil around you, or just feel plain old paralyzed as you enter REM sleep. This is normal and is what happens when you enter REM sleep. The thing is, usually you are not aware so you don't notice it happening. REM does 3 things IIRC. It freezes your body so actions you perform in dreams don't get carried out in real life. It removes sensations from real life as so you don't feel the sheets while dreaming at all times. And of course you see and sense your dream. These do not happen all at once neccessarily! This is why while you are falling asleep, you may feel yourself paralyze all the sudden or feel vibrations which is a precurser to all these things. Then soon to follow is your dreaming. And when you wake up, you may find yourself aware, but unable to move, as your REM sleep has turned off the dreaming, but not yet the paralysis.

Very important to know. That is why whenever I feel my body freeze, I get excitied because I know fun stuff is soon ahead:D

Okay, onto the final subject, what is a lucid dream and what is an obe.

The difference is simple, tho not simple to test. A lucid dream takes place in your mind. A OBE takes place in real life. So what does this mean? Lucid Dreams can easily be as vivid as real life so just because it looks real, doesn't mean it's an obe. Similarly, your body can trick itself into believing quite a few things, so you may be thinking you are having an obe (or at least your impression of what an obe would be like), but are not actually having one.

What you have to do is do a state check to test whether or not your environment is real. Look around you. Are things as they should be, or are things weird and misplaced? Can you read anything (people in general cannot read). If you can, try reading something out in the open, look away, and look back. If it's a lucid dream, the words should change or move around. I don't know why this is, but it does seem to work. Also try mentally commanding things to move and the such. Don't rely on how real the environment looks or sounds or feels, because a vivid dream can reproduce ALL of it.

If everything is stable, as it should be, and you are able to read and the such, you must be in an obe. I can't comment on obes as I've never experienced them, so you are on your own there.

My final note about lucid dreams is that lucid does not mean vivid. Often they are the one and the same, but you can have lucid dreams that are not vivid, and visa versa.
Ive just had a super lucid dream yesterday..

Real life visuals and I had some control over it, I was completely lucid and could write a 2 pages long description of the dream..

Pretty interesting stuff..

Floating in the air next to a skycraper with mirrored windows, while watching myself I can keep lucidity for a long time inside the dream :p

Probably in the future, the most entertainment pastime will be induced lucid dreams... they are as real as they get and kickass any movie/videogame regarding fun and realism.. ;)
zanket said:
My starting point was the vibrations/humming sound that presage an out-of-body experience. For years I willed it to go away. Now I wouldn’t mind if it happened every night. All trial & error with me too. My hardest part is also not waking up. I try to be analytical about it and experiment, but often there’s so many fantastic things to see that I get sidetracked.

The vibrations and buzzing noises happened to me once too. It scared the crap out of me cause I woke up to this really loud buzzing sound that almost sounded demonic.

I have never really been able to get full control of my dreams. Only twice have I been able to realize that I am dreaming, and only once have I been able to do anything cool(and it only lasted a few seconds before I woke up). In the middle of a fight I realized I was dreaming and socked the guy so hard in the stomache that my fist got stuck inside him, this is when i woke up.

I think I will go try to induce lucid dreaming again tonight. Sorry if my posts are disorganized or jumbled, it's really late here and I cant think straight.
so if you're conscious whiling dreaming, do you feel tired after you wake up or during the day, as if you didn't receive enough sleep?
No, if anything it's the opposite but that might be just because you had such an experience that you feel energized. Only your body needs sleep and your body (including your brain it seems) is sleeping during the experience.
Tracker00 said:
so if you're conscious whiling dreaming, do you feel tired after you wake up or during the day, as if you didn't receive enough sleep?

I think the point is moot anyway because (at least in my experience) it's impossible to stay "conscious" while asleep for any serious length of time. It requires a fairly significant mental effort to stop from either slipping into a normal dream state or waking up, kind of like walking tightrope.
Those who want to facilitate Lucid dreaming, use sublingual Vitamin B-12, just before bedtime. This helps the brain enhance memory in both during the dream and after. Also the process improves your ability to move to different dimensions. Melatonin also complements the experience.
This thread gets at a fundamental issue for me. Everyone is describing "lucid dreams" but also a sequence of events identical to that described by experienced "astral projectors" such as Robert A. Monroe (e.g. "vibrations/shaking" preceeding the experience) when they describe, in detail, and out of body experiences.

I have had only a few fleeting lucid dreams. Was I traveling out of my body or having a lucid dream or are they the same thing?
I used to have lots of lucid dreams when i was younger, now i cant even remember my dreams.. ugh all are weird and a blurr. The dreams had me flying, breathing in water, killing monsters, surviving cuts, tons of fantasy stuff :p
You need Medical Doctor's approval for taking those medicines.I mean,some people might get side effects that probably you have never experienced?...Isnt that irresponsible(Taking Medicines without the advice of a Doctor)? :confused:

i just found something interesting. i haven't been quite able to produce a lucid dream recently, but i've been getting better at remembering them. anyway, i realized the other night, i dream more vividly when the left side of my head is down. I would assume this is because i'm getting more blood to the creative hemisphere, but i guess i could just be imagining it. Anyway, just an interesting thought, anyone else experienced this?

Prescription drugs are what you need doctor's approval. That is why they are called ... anyway, USA has turned into the biggest hypocondriac country on the planet. Perhaps you do need doctors approval to even drink water or use salt at the dinner table. Who knows, you may get sick drinking water or using salt. :D

I do recommend you should check with your board certified doctor before doing anything, even making love - you could get a heart attack you know. Make sure he/she watches you to see if you are doing it right. These products are not for Americans. Non-Americans, please indulge yourself - it is safe.

BTW - the reason they are called Vitamins is because they are essential for life. Without them, you die.
do recommend you should check with your board certified doctor before doing anything, even making love - you could get a heart attack you know.

Who,me or my Partner? :D
