
to the point. pro-lifers have the right to chose not to abort, but want to make abortion illegal for all, first of all that is not right because it is not right of them to force other to not abort if they don't want a child. It's not like pro-choicers are forcing the to abort, no. they want to have the right to abort if they so choose to and if others choose not to then thats fine its their right not to have an abortion. one thing that i don't like is how so many people have unprotected sex knowing that they could get pregnant and take the risk since they can just have an abortion, that i think is not right. Now people have have protected sex and it fails and they get pregnant then if they want an abortion i think is ok since they took the precausions and they failed. also something that i don't like is how some poeple wait so long to have an abortion when the fetus is far developped, when they could have done it early on.
alteredperception said:
It should be legal for a mother to let her baby die. No one should be forced by law to provide for another human being. Some families will provide for their children, while others will not provide for them. It is not the governments job to force us to provide for others. If someone cannot sustain themselves independently, no one should be forced to assist them. Therefore whether your child is 1 year old or 8 years old you can choose to stop helping it.

It's not killing! Look at it as simply not helping.
M*W: Once it takes its first breath, it officially becomes a citizen, and there are laws to protect citizens. Therefore, it is not legal to let a child die. There was a time in Texas that death certificates were required for aborted fetuses, but that was technicality was removed by law.

Let's take a 7 or 8 year old child who has been neglected, unfed, dirty, sick that dies. In Texas the parent(s) would get slapped with the charge of "injury to a child" and not murder.
Roman said:
I agree, but I think we should be allowed to abort only up to kindergarten.
M*W: There might be something to that, but I beg to differ. Kindergartners aren't all that demonic. I believe the law should go easy on parents of kids between the ages of 13-18. You hear occasionally of the teenager who has been chained to his/her bed, and the news media paints a horrid picture of the parents. I've been there, and have had that thought in my head many times. You know the teenagers who threaten us that they're going to leave when they turn 18? Please tell me how I can get a this same kid who is now 33 to get a job and move out?
sirjpierre said:
to the point. pro-lifers have the right to chose not to abort, but want to make abortion illegal for all, first of all that is not right because it is not right of them to force other to not abort if they don't want a child. It's not like pro-choicers are forcing the to abort, no. they want to have the right to abort if they so choose to and if others choose not to then thats fine its their right not to have an abortion. one thing that i don't like is how so many people have unprotected sex knowing that they could get pregnant and take the risk since they can just have an abortion, that i think is not right. Now people have have protected sex and it fails and they get pregnant then if they want an abortion i think is ok since they took the precausions and they failed. also something that i don't like is how some poeple wait so long to have an abortion when the fetus is far developped, when they could have done it early on.
M*W: Another aspect to abortion is what is the legal and ethical thing to do when a woman has a late-term abortion and the fetus lives? In Texas, the doctor would take that viable infant and smash its head to kill it. I don't like this kind of torture, and of course the mother never knows what happened. It's usually killed instantly before it takes it's first breath. If I could, I'd bring them all home and raise them myself.

Laws in Texas have improved microscopically. Mothers who don't want their babies after they're born (up to a year, I believe) can drop them off at any hospital or fire station without incrimination. No questions asked. Still, we have way too many babies left for dead in dumpsters. People are afraid of the law. One woman took her newborn infant to a fire station, and the fireman started questioning her and even went after her! He broke the law. The infant's grandmother came back to the fire station to claim it. By then CPS was involved, the identity of the mother was out, and then we had a slew of babies in dumpsters again.

Post-partum depression is a strange illness. Hormones going crazy are involved. Every new mother needs close attention and help until the child is a few months old. PPD takes many forms. It's doesn't always appear to be classic depression. It can mock post traumatic stress syndrome, grief, hyperactivity, and even elicit suicidal thoughts. When a woman gives birth, she experiences extreme exhaustion. Just helping her through the recovery time is the best thing one can do.
Tavas said:
tired? you should now start a new thread on gun control. Another hot limbo topic.

i apparently did that when i started the one on the bible literacy project. ah well. into the fray.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: The sperm and egg are alive before they meet. They don't just come alive at week 1. The conceptus is not a fetus at week 1. The conceptus is an embryo through week 12 and a fetus from week 13 until birth. There are 40 lunar weeks (10 months) in a normal pregnancy. Using the male dominated calendar of 38 weeks (9 months) renders timing inaccurately. The conceptus is a parasite living on the host mother. Being a parasite, it will drain from the mother her normal nutrution and vitamins such as calcium, thyroid hormone, iron, among others. After birth, the parasite will drain from the mother all of her finances for the next 18 or so years. The parasite is a foreign body in the mother host. It is the host's perogative to keep and nurture said parasite or to remove it. Her uterus is hers, not the state's, not the federal government's, it's hers. What she does with her uterus is her business.

The problem is that such a view -- "The fetus is a parasite in the woman's body" -- makes women who want children and are happy to have them, look like they are willfully playing the host, a victim.

Also, if abortion is a right, then women who choose to keep the child, can be said that they have avoided to act on their right to abort.

And thus women who have children get to be viewed as abnormal.
water said:
The problem is that such a view -- "The fetus is a parasite in the woman's body" -- makes women who want children and are happy to have them, look like they are willfully playing the host, a victim.

Also, if abortion is a right, then women who choose to keep the child, can be said that they have avoided to act on their right to abort.

And thus women who have children get to be viewed as abnormal.
M*W: Most women don't know and don't understand that the conceptus they are carrying is technically a parasite. Most women, I would hope, would be happy with their condition. I don't see the mother/host as a victim, unless she had been raped or forced to have sex by a husband or other male. Then there are those women who do, in fact, feel the victim and carry that act with them for the duration. Usually, those women are the screamers when the time comes. Women who have children are not viewed as abnormal unless they have made that a point to tell people they know that they hope to remain childless. Pregnancy is not a disease even though some women treat it as such.
Parasites are something we try to avoid. So even by "techincally" calling the fetus a parasite, we are stygmatizing pregnancy as something to avoid, a disease.
Killing a fetus is just as bad as bad as murder. People have the right to want to have a baby or not...thats what a condom or abstonance is for. The only time abortion should be aloud is on a pregnant rape victim.
All.For.One said:
Killing a fetus is just as bad as bad as murder. People have the right to want to have a baby or not...thats what a condom or abstonance is for. The only time abortion should be aloud is on a pregnant rape victim.

if the mother is going to die without an abortion?
All.For.One said:
People have the right to want to have a baby or not...thats what a condom or abstonance is for.

No contraceptive is 100% safe. So if you don't want to have children, but have sex, you will probably eventually have to have an abortion.
water said:
Parasites are something we try to avoid. So even by "techincally" calling the fetus a parasite, we are stygmatizing pregnancy as something to avoid, a disease.
M*W: Medically speaking, an embryo is defined as a parasite. That's how it lives and thrives. It is in no way stigmatized as such. There are other parasites in one's body that are useful to the host's digestion. They are not stigmatized either. A case of head lice is stigmatized. It's definitely not needed, and it is highly contagious. Why must you try to mince words when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?
water said:
No contraceptive is 100% safe. So if you don't want to have children, but have sex, you will probably eventually have to have an abortion.
M*W: This is absolutely not true. Again, you are making claims which you know nothing about. No single contraceptive is 100% effective, but using a condom with the pill is not only effective but necessary to prevent STDs. Or one could use the pill, condom, and a spermacidal gel. Not everyone who has sex gets pregnant. Not everyone who gets pregnant gets an abortion. Medically speaking, surgical abortion is becoming a thing of the past. Now we have the morning after pills that simply start one's period. They're taken before the woman even knows she's pregnant. Is that abortion? No. A normal, healthy woman has a period every 28 days or so. To maintain that cycle is the normal, natural thing to do. If one wanted to ensure a pregnancy, then she would do nothing and let nature take its course.

If a woman wants an abortion, she should see her doctor immediately. The earlier the better. That's the time it would be the least complicated to complete. Unfortunately, I've seen women who have hemmed and hawed until their six month and then decided to abort. That's a complicated, three-day procedure, and some women even change their mind in the three-day process, but then it is too late. They usually deliver either a living or dead fetus at home. Then it requires a coronor to pronounce it dead, provide the death certificate, and costs the family the expense of a funeral, since that's the route they usually take for not thinking it through.

Personally, I don't understand how a woman 6-months pregnant can walk in to the clinic, have the laminaria inserted in her cervix, come back in two days and deliver sometimes a viable infant that is murdered after its birth, and walk out as if she's had her hair done.
All.For.One said:
Killing a fetus is just as bad as bad as murder. People have the right to want to have a baby or not...thats what a condom or abstonance is for. The only time abortion should be aloud is on a pregnant rape victim.

I hate to give single examples but you have deamed abortion only acceptable of rape victims.

I want to try to extend your shameful ignorance to even entertaining the thought of abortion during another situation.

If you have ever seen the famous documentry of "The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off" then you'd know the suffering this man went through on a daily basis as he suffered Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa. At one point in the documentary, the agonising scene of the mother taking off her sons bandages to put new ones on, as he screams in agony, they talk about how she copes. They ask her would she have aborted, and she says she would... But of course it was illegal in those days, so her son was condemmed by the law to lived each day of his life for 36 years in complete agony. The son himself said "The birth of a child with Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa doesn't just disable the child, it disables a whole family".

Can you and your God find it within yourselves to allow the termination of a fetus that is destined to live every day in agony? Or in your small mind, is it still "murder".