
They are in the dictionary.
So are words like vernier and hovercraft. But if I tried to apply them to pregnancy, everybody (except you) would be confused.

It was pointed out to W4U that he is misusing words, and thus not making sense. Instead of simply correcting it, he just keeps at it - insisting, despite his own dictionary reference to the contrary, that he's right.

So this is not a conversation. Unless someone chimes in with a sensical viewpoint, this thread is going nowhere.

Vernier a nice hovercraft, W4U!
So are words like vernier and hovercraft. But if I tried to apply them to pregnancy, everybody (except you) would be confused.
You would not have this problem if you applied these terms in context of Measurement and Flight respectively, instead of making things up.
It was pointed out to W4U that he is misusing words, and thus not making sense. Instead of simply correcting it, he just keeps at it - insisting, despite his own dictionary reference to the contrary, that he's right.
Incredible. I provide links to dictionaries and yet I am accused of making things up. That's just silly.
So this is not a conversation. Unless someone chimes in with a sensical viewpoint, this thread is going nowhere.
Are we still not clear. As requested I have explained my use and context of the term "illegitimate" in great detail but apparently you are not ready to give up this fruitless pursuit in trying to find fault with my dictionary research.

Give it up and lets discuss the issues, ok?
Vernier a nice hovercraft, W4U!
That's just BS. The term Vernier has nothing to do with law or rape. It also has nothing to do with hovercraft either. I believe it is a fine measuring scale on a Vernier caliper.

However, if you can direct me to a link of a Vernier Hovercraft, I'll include it in my library if the term is ever used in that context.....:)

But not to worry, actually I have lost interest in this thread and its constant bickering about terminology. I'm out. Have at it with language that suits your tastes.
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I'm sure the rape victim mother will not be so lenient. I suspect the rape victim will not consider the pregnancy as legitimate.
Legitimate, as in authorised by law? Didn't we just speak about that? Pregnancies don't need somebody's stamp of approval. There are no certificates of legitimacy to be had for pregnancies (at least, not in the United States).

If you mean that the rape victim might consider the pregnancy unwanted, why not say that, rather than rabbiting on about legitimacy? (Is English your first language?)

It was not only unintentional and unwanted, but the result of an illegal and violent act by the rapist. And clearly the rapist is mentally unstable which might be due to a genetic defect being passed on to the fetus.
Are you saying that you think that all rapists have a mental illness? Much as you might like that to be true, it is not.

And as I understand it from common law it is the female's right to refuse forcible pregnancy and a right to defend against such threats.
Women should have rights over their own bodies, same as men. When it comes to somebody else using your body - for any purpose - you have a right to say no. Women can refuse sex. And nobody wants to be raped.

But, here comes the kicker, if she is unable to resist the attack, the rape magically changes to mere physical participation and responsibility for any direct consequences lies with the female.
What? You have some strange ideas.

It sounds like you're saying that if a woman does not try to fight her rapist off then it's her fault and she is responsible for the rape. That is completely wrong. The perpetrator of the rape is responsible for his crime, not his victim.

But if she is unable to resist the force, she cannot be held responsible by any civilized standard.
It is your position that if she is able to resist or fight back, hypothetically, then it's her fault if she's raped? Is that what you're saying?

Why then deprive her of all rights in the decision making process.
Decision making process? What decision making process?