abortion and male adoption

responcability for your actions?

  • yes able to abort for social reasons, yes male able to abdocate finantially

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no a wonen abortion for social reasons, both able to abdocate finantially

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no abortion, no abdication

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
this thread is mainly ment to be a combination of an abortion and and the debate on wether a male should be required to pay for a child that he never wanted

now when you vote please exclude your feelings on abortion for medical reasons and for rape and incest. Im ONLY interested in abortions symply because the wonen doesnt want the child. Same with males abdocating finantially
this thread is mainly ment to be a combination of an abortion and and the debate on wether a male should be required to pay for a child that he never wanted

now when you vote please exclude your feelings on abortion for medical reasons and for rape and incest. Im ONLY interested in abortions symply because the wonen doesnt want the child. Same with males abdocating finantially

Capitalize the beginning of your sentences!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, drives me moderately insane
Have you ever told a woman "I do not want a child, but I will not use birth control. I will not get a vasectomy and I will not abstain from sex. And if you get pregnant, I want no part of paying for the child. You will be on your own"
have YOU ever said that?
im facinated by how many people think women cant be just as responcable as a man can be. For your infomation PB is on the pill, she would be for medical reasons anyway, when shes not we use condoms, never had sex without contraception
have YOU ever said that?
im facinated by how many people think women cant be just as responcable as a man can be. For your infomation PB is on the pill, she would be for medical reasons anyway, when shes not we use condoms, never had sex without contraception

That didn't answer my question did it. :bugeye:
Have you ever told a woman "I do not want a child, but I will not use birth control. I will not get a vasectomy and I will not abstain from sex. And if you get pregnant, I want no part of paying for the child. You will be on your own"

if you are trying to make the point i think you are then you need to add "and i am going to rape you" otherwise the woman is just a culpable as the man.
it takes two to tango, if she can CHOSE to abort so she doesnt have to deal with it and for no other reason why should he have to show any more responcability than she did?
it takes two to tango, if she can CHOSE to abort so she doesnt have to deal with it and for no other reason why should he have to show any more responcability than she did?

still didn't answer my question.:shrug:
whats your question then?
i though i answered it quite clearly.

PB and i both decided we arnt ready finantially for children and we use protection all the time. The one time a condom broke i paid for her to get the morning after pill. if she gets pregnant right now we decided as a couple that she would probably get an abortion

what more did you want to know?
BTW, im sorry if the poll questions are slightly unclear. i had to cut them down because they were to long
Have you ever told a woman "I do not want a child, but I will not use birth control. I will not get a vasectomy and I will not abstain from sex. And if you get pregnant, I want no part of paying for the child. You will be on your own"

Its a yes or no question.
No, and nither has she.
as i said i answered that question
if you want i will make it EASY for you. You or your partner wear a condom and it breaks and the morning after pill doesnt work.
does that make the question easier for you???????

i thought it was quite plain but maybe not. Are you trying to say women arnt mentally capable of giving concent????
No, and nither has she.
as i said i answered that question
if you want i will make it EASY for you. You or your partner wear a condom and it breaks and the morning after pill doesnt work.
does that make the question easier for you???????

i thought it was quite plain but maybe not. Are you trying to say women arnt mentally capable of giving concent????

No, I think its dishonest to not make your stand on it clear from the get-go.
orleander, pb and i are a couple, we make these decisions between us.

how am i being dishonest, i have been surprised by the disconect between the abortion thread and the other one.

it seems to me that alot of people are sugesting that women are to stupid to be alowed to give concent

Now im all for responcability but it has to be on both sides not one or the other. if 2 people rob a bank they are about equally culpable as they are in every area of law, why is this any different?

so basically are women able to be responcable for there OWN actions or not orleander?

to use your own statement. if your to stupid to use contraception or insist on it why should your partner pay for your stupidity?
maybe because she thinks you are in the relationship together. She isn't aware that you will bail on her if she gets pregnant. That is something that needs to be stated up front. Condoms don't always work, but neither does the pill. She needs to know where you stand BEFORE you get her knocked up. BEFORE she invests any time and effort into a relationship with you.
actually i want kids ALOT. if anything im unhappy that she isnt pregant now concidering that im 26 but i know there is nothing i can do about it until i finish my degree. we simply cant aford to lose her income for any time

so i sugest you get your head out of your ass
If a woman has sex with a man who isn't using protection she's at more fault than the man is. I don't care if he said he got a vasectomy, she has to realize there's a possibility he may be lying. It's her body, and she can do whatever she wants with it. With that, she is also fully responsible for whatever goes on in her body.