Abiogenesis , theory

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For the record though... I honestly think that Chaim Henry Tejman M. D's theories on Wave Theory holding the key to the origin of Intelligence would be relevant to anybody interested in where life would actually begin.

I think that "I think therefore I AM" would be something like the origin of "Life" and I believe that Wave Theory offers a link to the basic idea of zero's vs ones..... the foundation of computer programming... which would almost certainly occur first in the highest and most energetic dimensions explained by String Theory. Chaim Tejman M. D. has some of the best.... frankly the only writings on this that I have found so far other than The Law of Complexity Consciousness.
For the record though... I honestly think that Chaim Henry Tejman M. D's theories on Wave Theory holding the key to the origin of Intelligence would be relevant to anybody interested in where life would actually begin.

I think that "I think therefore I AM" would be something like the origin of "Life" and I believe that Wave Theory offers a link to the basic idea of zero's vs ones..... the foundation of computer programming... which would almost certainly occur first in the highest and most energetic dimensions explained by String Theory. Chaim Tejman M. D. has some of the best.... frankly the only writings on this that I have found so far other than The Law of Complexity Consciousness.
That's Chaim Henry Tejman M.D., right?

Not Chaim Henry Tejman D Phil., then.

Or Chaim Henry Tejman BF, and bar.
What makes you believe that a designer god was necessary to accomplish what has been proven to occur spontaneously anyway?

Actually... what I believe is that the wording for String Theory implies to my thinking that the first Intelligence.....
Who is also the first Scientist.... would begin to think and experiment and invent other life forms ......
within fundamental or nearly fundamental energy much as is being researched in the massive particle accelerator in Europe.

The four forces operating in four dimensional space time are vastly less energetic than fundamental energy would be......
so I believe that something somewhat comparable to A. I. began in the original and most ancient energies.

"The real burden in the next three centuries will not be the development of fancy mathematics, but the experimental testing of these ambitious theories. All current thinking about total unification assumes that the effects of linking all the forces and particles together will only become manifest at energies that are some trillion times greater than those currently attainable in particle accelerators. Probably we shall never reach such energies directly" ( A Theory of Everything" Volume 21 of "The World ofScience)

"It was not until 1920 that the idea of linking electromagnetism and
gravity resurfaced. At that time a new theory of gravitation had been proposed by Albert Einstein (1879-1955), called the general theory of relativity. It was a replacement of Newton's theory, which had stood unchallenged since 1687. Inspired by Einstein's work, a young German mathematician named Theodore Kaluza was seized by a curious idea. The theory of relativity links space an time together to form a four-dimensional space-time continuum. What would happen, mused Kaluza, if general relativity were formulated in five rather than four dimensions? This is what Kaluza did, and to everyone's astonishment it was discovered that five-dimensional gravity obeys the same laws as
four-dimensional gravity as well as Maxwell's laws for the electromagnetic field. In other words, gravitation and electromagnetism are automatically unified in five dimensions, where electromagnetism is merely a component of gravity!"

The only drawback of the theory concerns the extra dimension. Why
don't we see it?
An ingenious answer was provided by Oskar Klein. A
hosepipe viewed from afar looks like a wiggly line, i.e. one- dimensional.
However, on closer inspection it can be seen as a narrow tube. It is, in fact,
two-dimensional, and what was taken to be a point on the line is actually a
little circle going around the tube. In the same way, reasoned Klein, what we normally regard as a point in three dimensional space could in reality be a little circle going around a fourth space dimension. Thus Kaluza's extra
dimension might well exist, but be impossible to detect because it is closed
(circular) and rolled up to a very small circumference. In spite of
these bizarre overtones, it seems probable that in future a "theory of everything" will make use of the idea of unseen higher dimensions."

"Although nature manifests four distinct forces, physicists believe that
each may be part of a smaller number of more primitive forces. At high energy, the electromagnetic and weak forces appear to merge into a single "electroweak" force. Some "grand unified theories" suggest that a further amalgamation takes place between the electroweak and strong forces at as yet unattained energies. The most ambitious unification schemes envisage an amalgamation of all four forces into a single "superforce" at ultra-high levels of energy."

I think that we tend to be biased against the seemingly obvious implications of String Theory.....
that Intelligence would begin in the type of energy that actually would exist even before the Big Bang.....
at least that is the impression that I was left with from chapter thirteen of Stephen Hawking's Universe.
In that chapter entitled The Anthropic Principle he gave an Agnostic / Atheistic explanation for the Cyclic Model of the
Universe that would imply an infinite number of unsuccessful universes out there in which there was no life.....
due to electromagnetism and / or gravity and / or weak nuclear force and / or strong nuclear force.....
not being of a magnitude conducive for life as we know it.

Another obvious option.... is the first Intelligence being composed of fundamental energy... which is not exactly
a life form that we are familiar with???
Actually we are, but it isn't a life form and it is not intelligent in the biological sense.
If we visualize the universe as a geometric organization which stared as a condition of utter Chaos, then we can posit that all dimensions and patterns which emerged from chaos are mathematical in nature, i.e. not living or biological in and of itself, but with the potential to evolve probabilistically into biological and sentiently intelligent patterns like humans.

IMO, by virtue of logic, consistent relational values are being processed by mathematical functions and may be defined as quasi- or proto--intelligent actions which through natural selection evolve into sentient intelligence at many different levels.

The more I learn the more I discover that everything seems to communicate in some way.

As mentioned before, inanimate object transmit data : "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". IMO that is a fundamental exchange of data and form of communication.

Bacteria (very old organisms) already communicate chemically, as do many insects and animals via scent. Scenting territory is a form of communication.
Single celled organisms and many plants communicate by touch (cilia)
Many marine animals communicate via sonar. It is believed that whales pass on environmental conditions of their present locations and food sources.
And human have Shakespeare.

Really, everything that is affected by and responds to environmental pressures has a form of self-awareness and relationship with its environment. This relationship needs not be conscious as long as it produces a result. The concept of determinism is founded on this principle.

Evolution over enormous spaces and time spans seems to produce mathematically ordered results (natural selection).
Everything communicates by mathematical/physical means.

This idea may not be exactly relevant to your post.....
but Dr. Ken Ring found out that one near death experience in six involves a meeting with a previously deceased pet. Animals seem to have an afterlife just like we humans do.

Jan Price's Near-Death Experience With Her Pet DogJan Price (died April 2, 2011) and her husband John are the founders of the Quartus Foundation at www.quartus.org, a research and communications organization whose mission is to probe the mysteries of ageless wisdom and integrating their truths with metaphysical spirituality. The foundation is currently headquartered in Boerne, Texas near San Antonio. Ms. Price was a regular columnist in the magazine Whole Health and wrote numerous articles for the Quartus Repot and other magazines. She was also a speaker and produced several meditation audiocassettes. Jan Price was an internationally known teacher-lecturer, and author of The Other Side of Death, a widely acclaimed book about her near-death experience in 1993 and her remarkable journey beyond the veil which included a reunion with her deceased pet dog.


If there is evidence that humans and animals both have an afterlife.....
what about other much seemingly less intelligent life forms?????
If there is evidence that humans and animals both have an afterlife.....
what about other much seemingly less intelligent life forms?????
But there is no evidence of an afterlife, including less intelligent life forms. All stories of near-death cannot speak of an afterlife. Even if you are dying you will not have the ability to look into future, which has not yet materialized. I'm sorry, but you must be objective about this.

The proof of all this lies when you are under anesthesia and there is nothing, even though your brain is not damaged but just unconscious while leaving the part of the brain that takes care of homeostasis so that it keeps your body alive. (interoceptive brain). You can understand how important an anesthesiologist's job is. You are in a near death state and he/she is the one who keeps you alive but unconscious. Last week I had a double heart ablation and I was gone for a few hours. Not dead, but just gone away into nothingness. Of course I wasn't aware of anything at all. Then I was back. It was 2 hrs later, but it could have been 2 days, 2 yrs, I just wasn't there or anywhere. There was nothing at all. I lost 2 hrs of my life .

The point is that if you damage the sentient (perceptive) part of the brain and it dies there is nothing, even if the rest of your body stays alive (vegetative state)

When the conscious part of your brain dies, there will be nothing, nothing at all, but you won't know because the "you" will have ceased to exist and there is nothing, nothing at all.
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But there is no evidence of an afterlife, including less intelligent life forms. All stories of near-death cannot speak of an afterlife. Even if you are dying you will not have the ability to look into future, which has not yet materialized. I'm sorry, but you must be objective about this.

The proof of all this lies when you are under anesthesia and there is nothing, even though your brain is not damaged but just unconscious while leaving the part of the brain that takes care of homeostasis so that it keeps your body alive. (interoceptive brain). You can understand how important an anesthesiologist's job is. You are in a near death state and he/she is the one who keeps you alive but unconscious. Last week I had a double heart ablation and I was gone for a few hours. Not dead, but just gone away into nothingness. Of course I wasn't aware of anything at all. Then I was gone, then I was back. It could have been 2 hrs, 2 days, 2 yrs, I just wasn't there or anywhere. There was nothing at all. I lost 2 hrs of my life .

The point is that if you damage the sentient (perceptive) part of the brain and it dies there is nothing, even if the rest of your body stays alive (vegetative state)

When the conscious part of your brain dies, there will be nothing, nothing at all, but you won't know because the "you" will have ceased and there is nothing, nothing at all.

I do believe that you are correct that our future that has yet to happen cannot be seen.....
what I believe is seen by those who are shown a future.....
is that they are shown a future that has already happened in another time line.....
and would only happen again if we all made the same decisions.....

I believe that we are living in a Multiverse and our decisions play a big role in how each time line works out.....

2. A successful apocalyptic prophecy is one that doesn't happen
The goal of apocalyptic prophecy is to warn people to prevent it from happening. The reason prophecies are given to humanity is to change current trends and change enough people so that the prophecy will be diverted. Well-known prophecies that were foretold to occur around the millennium have not happened. Skeptics point out that this proves these prophecies to be false. But a better understanding of prophecy reveals that either (a) or (b) is true:

a.The prophecy was successful in permanently diverting the outcome by the raising of the world's consciousness.
b.Because the prophecy gives an exact date, the prophecy may still be valid and the date may be wrong.
Prophecies from very credible sources rarely give an exact date. Even Jesus said he didn't know the date and time when he would return. This should be a lesson to everyone who comes across a prophecy with an exact date.

Return to Top Karen Schaeffer's NDE, she was shown her children's future as it would exist if she decided to remain in the light. Because she decided to return, the future she was shown did not happen. This suggests that the future is always changing from moment to moment based upon our current actions and decisions. This principle supports quantum mechanic principles.

One of Margot Grey's NDE research subjects stated:

"During my experience ... I was also shown events that are likely to happen in the near future, but was made to understand that nothing is absolutely fixed and that everything depends on how we choose to use our own free will, that even those events that are already predestined can be changed or modified by a change in our own way of relating to them." (Grey, 1985, p. 123)

NDE experiencer Howard Storm was given information on how the future is not fixed:

"We have free will. If we change the way we are, then we can change the future which they showed me. They showed me a view of the future, at the time of my experience, based upon how we in the United States were behaving at that time. It was a future in which a massive worldwide depression would occur. If we were to change our behavior, however, then the future would be different." (Howard Storm)

Howard Storm was also told how a single person can change the world:

"All it takes to make a change was one person. One person, trying, and then because of that, another person changing for the better. They said that the only way to change the world was to begin with one person. One will become two, which will become three, and so on. That's the only way to affect a major change" (Howard Storm)

I believe that we are living in a Multiverse and our decisions play a big role in how each time line works out.....

Ok, that's an interesting POV, but as we can only observe that which is in the past, the alternate universe would have to be ahead of your present, in order to create an event which is subsequently observable in the past in your universe. This gets really complicated..... o_O
Ok, that's an interesting POV, but as we can only observe that which is in the past, the alternate universe would have to be ahead of your present, in order to create an event which is subsequently observable in the past in your universe. This gets really complicated..... o_O

Yes... it is really complicated...and could even relate to some questions that Stephen Hawking had regarding Black Holes???

Actually... what I believe is that the wording for String Theory implies to my thinking that the first Intelligence.....
Who is also the first Scientist.... would begin to think and experiment and invent other life forms ......
within fundamental or nearly fundamental energy much as is being researched in the massive particle accelerator in Europe.
String theory doesn't imply any of that. It isn't concerned with first scientists, or the invention of life forms, or fundamental energy.
The four forces operating in four dimensional space time are vastly less energetic than fundamental energy would be......
so I believe that something somewhat comparable to A. I. began in the original and most ancient energies.
Nothing after the word "so" here follows logically from what was said before that.
I think that we tend to be biased against the seemingly obvious implications of String Theory.....
that Intelligence would begin in the type of energy that actually would exist even before the Big Bang.....
That's not an implication of string theory. The term "before the Big Bang" doesn't really make a lot of sense.
In that chapter entitled The Anthropic Principle he gave an Agnostic / Atheistic explanation for the Cyclic Model of the
Universe that would imply an infinite number of unsuccessful universes out there in which there was no life.....
due to electromagnetism and / or gravity and / or weak nuclear force and / or strong nuclear force.....
not being of a magnitude conducive for life as we know it.
And so...?
Another obvious option.... is the first Intelligence being composed of fundamental energy...
You're mistaken if you imagine that "energy" is a substance that comes in different forms, "fundamental energy" being one of them. Energy is ultimately just a number, an accounting system.
One of the most interesting aspects of evolutionary processes are the parallels that may be found among completely unrelated species developing similar survival mechanisms.

10 Amazing Examples of Convergent Evolution
By Bob Strauss
Updated January 17, 2020

Animals & Nature
One of the little-appreciated facts about evolution is that it usually hits upon the same general solutions to the same general problems: animals that live in similar ecosystems and occupy similar ecological niches often develop similar body plans. This process can work across tens of millions of years or it can happen virtually simultaneously, in animals on opposite sides of the globe. In the following slideshow, you'll discover 10 fascinating examples of convergent evolution at work
One of the most interesting aspects of evolutionary processes are the parallels that may be found among completely unrelated species developing similar survival mechanisms.

10 Amazing Examples of Convergent Evolution
By Bob Strauss
Updated January 17, 2020

Animals & Nature

One scientists did a great job of explaining about the astonishing types of life that had evolved around volcanic fissures in the deep ocean.