
Re: Re: Abilities

Originally posted by one_raven
Any proof?

Haha, why does this seem like the one question that you can never get a straight answer to, around here? Think it's coincidence?
Yeah, and guess what. I'm spiderwoman. I can swing from building with my web stuff. I wear a tight red and blue outfit too. And I can fly because I'm actually Goku from DBZ in disgiuse. That's right, I'm both man and woman. Also, I can morph into different animals because I'm an Andalite from the book series animorphs. Also, yeah, also, I'm actually an alien spy, sent to earth as a baby to grow up and destroy this planet with my awesome magical powers. And you know what else? I'm a girraffe. Yeah, but not just any girraffe, I'm green and I have pink polkadotted wings, and shout "kakakooooooo!!!!!" when I glide from tree to tree.

Believable? I should hope not, cause that's what you sounded like when you made that post Mystech. *snigger*
i'm not sure if it has a name (animal charmer?) but animals tend to like me. people i don't know well are amazed that animals tend to perk up when i walk into the room. strange animals act like we're old friends. i guess it's kind of a talent.
Originally posted by creamsoda

Believable? I should hope not, cause that's what you sounded like when you made that post Mystech. *snigger*

Refresh my memory: What the hell are you talking about, again?
*Takes the opportunity to grope Raven, and watis for a responce from creamsoda*
What I'm saying is this: you sound like a total nutcase when you made that post. I mean, come ON. You have all of those abilities. Sure. I belive you. *rolls eyes* You come on this forum claiming to be telepath, can do all kinds of these MAGICAL things. Yeah right, sure, whatever you say. When's the last time yah had a cat scan boy?
creamsoda, take a look at the names again you seem to be confused.

You seem to be thinking that I'm Glygore. He is the one who started this post and claimed to have all kinds of wacked out powers where as I was the first person to make a sarcastic post on this thread!

I can forgive you for this error, just try to fix this problem so that you don't accidentaly call out the wrong name when you're in bed with your lover!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!! That was great. Mystech, your funny. Sorry I mean GLYGOR's INSANE. Sorry. Of course, I shouldn't be talking...but still, atleast I don't claim to be something I'm not and lie.
Originally posted by creamsoda
...but still, atleast I don't claim to be something I'm not and lie.

Hehe, no, you claim that I am something that I'm not, instead, hehe.
I could see this thread being actually useful (though the mod threads on page one were great!), so:

1)I can control my own dreams - I can only prove that one to you once you invent a way to watch my dreams
2)I can see future events in my dreams, but I don't have control over the information I recieve - I have about 20 skeptics convinsed, because I have warned them "I know I sound crazy, but be careful this week, someone close you me is going to die this week, but I don't know who.", and then the following week I meet them at the funeral of the person who died, and they refuse to look at me. Also, I have kept a dream journal, s that I have evidence to show people who are in the situation when it actually happens. I once spent a conversation telling someone what they were about to say, because I drempt the whole conversation the night before. They got really scared of me. Haven't seen them in a while.
3)I can tell when things are a bit 'off' - i have many time looked at a painting, and simply not liked part x, really didn't like it, but for no reason. Everyone else is fine with that part. I talk to the artist later, and it turns out that he hated that part of the picture, but didn't know how to fix it.
4)when I was younger I used to imagine a green ball of energy in the center of my chest. 10 years later I found out that the heart chakra is colored green, and centered in the chest.
5)I can controll the tempurature in my extremities about 30 degrees F, thanks to biofeedback training and martial arts. I have something called Renauds syndrome, with causes poor circulation, so I had to learn how to fix the problem consciously.
6)I have a medical condition that prevents my esophagous from contracting right, so food doesn't go down right. I have had to learn to consciously control my swollowing reflex.
7)I once made a friends arm muscle involentarily flex by throwing a chi bolt at him when he wans't paying attention. I threw it at his arm, that arm freaked out, he looked around the room like someone had hit him with a rubberband. He was looking the other way at the time.
8) in deep meditation, I can hear voices as if someone was speaking in my ear. for about 5 years, there was a young boy, a 30-something year old girl, and an old guy. One night, a friend of mine started freaking out, looking very pale and sickly. he went to bed early. That night I, for the first time in my life, had no dreams at all. my lack of dreams freaked me out to no end. the next morning, he tells me about these weird ass dreams he had, and how he could hear the voices of this young boy, this 30 something year old woman, and a old guy. I had never told him about them. He described the dream to me, and it sounded like one of my "someone's going to die" dreams. I called around to my friends, and warned them all to be careful. three days later, a good friend from college died - my ex girl freind called to tell me.
my friend has remained having strange (for him, they seem normal to me) dreams, and I have slowly gotten dreams again, but they are very different from before. I learned a week later that that night, a wiccan friend of mine had decided to do me a 'favor' and 'remove some darkness from my chest' without telling me. there is a lesson here- don't help without asking first.

I cannot read minds, talk to plants or animals, move objects, cause things to burst into flames, see auras, fly, astral travel, cast spells, or do anything beyond what I have listed above. I don't doubt that they are possible, but until I succeed in doing them myself, I remain skeptical.
Glygore said:
hey yall.

sorry if some thing lik ethis has been posted b4, but i was just woundering what yall can do?

mk, i'll give a run down of what i can do...

mk.... necropath, empath, telepath, i can remote view, see auras, read minds, manipulate dreams, OBE, LD, i can do aerokinesis, had some success with telekinesis, currently working on pyro, um... psi balls, preminitions, various other stuff, but they are the main ones...

um... yep...

later, Glygore
>glygore, i was just wonderin how you did aerokinesis, because i cant find anything on it that i found usefull, so please if you dont mind can you tell me about it pls?
Here's a ? that somebody maybe able to help me with. okay i know i'll be flamed here usually am when ever talk about this stuff but let it begin:( . When people are in pain i can see the sore spots they appear as black spots on the persons body, can tell through dreams whats gonna happen quick thing brother went to iraq told him not to go cause he was gonna get hit by a mine with 2 other people.told him exactlly what position he would be in, he would be behind 2 people when the bomb goes off. Well just 3 day before he was to leave iraq he went out to escort a truck of explosives and he was hit by road side bomb he was sitting behind 2 people in the humvee, when my mother showed up at ramstien air base and he finally came around she told him how up set i was his only question was why was he (I) so upset he called and told me this was gonna happen before I left for the war. I can go on all night with things like this, one thing that can do is see and tell when ghost are in a area and i do mean see them the shit has scared the hell out of me more times then i can count. know what it's like to be driveing down a road at 1238am in the morning and see somebody hanging by their neck in a tree then disapear well i do it aint fun how the hell can i stop this shit from happening. okay so let the flameing begin i know it's gonna happen if anyone can tell me what the 1st two ability's are i would appreciate it and answer how to stop the last ability? ps: my spelling aint all that great i know this so don't start about that.

Maybe a part of your psyce is asleep. In the movie "Awakinings", patients could move only when something was moving near them fast enough to make them react. They could only stop/catch the object.
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