Abductees: How is it that we can be who we are?

abductions heh....its someone crying out for attention

I dont think they are real .....seriously why would they need too hide their tracks? cause big bad america has awesome armies and planes mwhahahaha if aliens come we are allll dead ALL DEAD!!!!!
Jocariah, say you really are being abducted, how does this make you as a human being special? I wonder if the fish people catch and throw back go and tell the other fish that they are "chosen ones". Probably not, because the other fish would kick their ass.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Jocariah, say you really are being abducted, how does this make you as a human being special? I wonder if the fish people catch and throw back go and tell the other fish that they are "chosen ones". Probably not, because the other fish would kick their ass.

Interesting analogy.
Don't fishermen throw back the sub-standard fish -the runts- and keep the good ones?:bugeye:
Originally posted by Dearprudence
...when abductees speak of feeling "monitored", they are pointing to a specific brand of "paranoia" that aptly describes an overwhelming power external to socio-phenomena.
And how do they determine that this feeling is external? A problem with delusions is that there is no way for the individual who is experiencing them can distinguish them from reality. The whole group of those who claim to be abductees might, in truth, be suffering from folie a deux - self-perpetuating, induced psychosis, where they share a delusional belief with others (abductees).

Can we show that this is not the case?

:m: Peace.

By the way, I appreciate you being the first person, in more than
a year, who appears to be willing to discuss this possibility.
Abductees, by virtue of the abduction experience, are a vastly more enlightened breed. While others may entertain the idea of the existence of beings of a higher order, intellectualizing about the possibility, abductees know first hand, from direct interactions with these beings, that such creatures exist.

Abductees have been forced by way of these interactions, to reevaluate and integrate their experiences into their paradigm, into their view of reality and their belief systems.

Simply acknowledging that beings of a higher order may exist, will never take the place of the actual experiencing of the matter.
One thing that all abductees share is the privilege of having their consciousness expanded, by way of their abduction experiences. They have all become enlightened at the hands of their so-called abductors.
Which, I guess, is why so many of them become wandering
vagrants in tattered clothing, or wild-haired "prophets" that
stagger down the sidewalks mumbling to themselves, eh?

:m: Peace.
Whatever we are we are - nothing can change that. We, all of us, are the product of a higher order. Who among us determined to create themselves, and then did?

We are all 'the created'.

That being the case how is it that we can infer that some of us because of our station in life, mental capabilities or emotional states are somehow less.

How do we judge some as being less, when they nor we had a hand in our genetic structure, that underlying blueprint that goes about to determine who we are.

It seems that arrogance and ignorance are oftentimes allies.
Originally posted by Bebelina

It could be the obvious, that the aliens need genetic samples from a diverse set of humanity.

I would hardly state that as obvious... there is yet to be any documented hard proof or facts that sentient aliens even exist
sentient aliens is the question, aliens with a major anal fetish that’s more likely based off the circumstantial evidence.
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
"... there is yet to be any documented hard proof or facts that sentient aliens even exist"

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
sentient aliens is the question, aliens with a major anal fetish that’s more likely based off the circumstantial evidence.

'sentient aliens', as opposed to what - insentient ones?
Merriam-Webster Online

Main Entry: sen·tient

Pronunciation: 'sen(t)-sh(E-)&nt, 'sen-tE-&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin sentient-, sentiens, present participle of sentire to perceive, feel
Date: 1632
1 : responsive to or conscious of sense impressions
2 : Aware
3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling
- sen·tient·ly adverb

Main Entry: in·sen·tient

Pronunciation: (")in-'sen(t)-sh(E-)&nt
Function: adjective
Date: 1764
1 : lacking perception, consciousness, or animation
- in·sen·tience /-sh(E-)&n(t)s/ noun

I guess my point was how could aliens be 'sentient aliens'?

Are there some aliens that are ‘insentient’; that is to say unconscious, comatose, cataleptic or lifeless?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
as opposed to insane, impulsive ones.

Okay, I think I understand it now - a 'sentient' or consciously aware alien as opposed to an insane and impulsive one. How exactly does one differentiate between an insane, and impulsive alien, and a normal one?

Or is it that all aliens are insane and impulsive as part of their make-up?
lets see: aliens that constantly abduct people (the kind of people few believe) and never announce them self officially, then do constant, usually sexually experiment many time involving things going in and out of the abductee 's orifices, sometime even having sex with the abductees. Now you would think that a truly advance alien race would only need to take some blood and MRIs and have all they need but no they have to use humans as their own personal sex slaves. That I call insane and impulsive and not equivalent but below common human sentients.
Walking into an operating room, seeing a man's chest laid wide open, his beating heart exposed to the world, might seem as an insanely bizarre happening; unless one knew the reason behind the events at hand.

Just because we may not understand the reasons behind the abduction phenomena, doesn’t mean that those reasons don’t exist.

It’s important to remember that those creatures of a higher order do not waste their efforts – they have reasons behind what they do, whether known to us or not.