Ab Thought Experiment that COULD Proove Psychic Phenoms


First; some rules,

1) You must NOT BE BIASED --- and therego, YOU MUST be intentionally 100% no... 110% truthful, even though there is no such math proof... just a metaphor, that if you want to proove the existence of psychic abilities... you need to be honest, not only to yourself, but to others as well.

No more rules/ NOW ...

Everyone who wishes to participate... I will imagine a number, and then go to the profile and try and send ''messages'' to the other person about which number it is, and see if they corretly answer the one thought of...

This is for starters//

If they don't correctly answer the number thought of, which to keep it simplified, between 1 and 6, another, different members needs to try for themselves, and so on.

Then we shall do this for two weeks, and put a ratio against how many where correct, in relation to how many who weren't.

Good? :shrug::eek::confused:
Let me explain the process. I will think of a number between 1 and 6, give ten mins to view your profile, and let's see if you can predict the correct value... so... after two months we shall see the overall results... so i will focus the number on your profile right now :)
Ok - sounds good. Tell me when you are done and I'll tell you what number I "feel".

Oh - just realized you're the same person other thread! You make very interesting posts! :)
But not far off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I should wait for someone else to post in this thread: it wont be much of an experiment if we're the only subjects!
2.37 is a very small error, next to the values that are founded in 6, and inbetween values...
I say Reiku lies, he really was thinking of 5.874. Can he prove that I lie and he was really thinking 6?
Or perhaps you are off by a ratio of 6 itself... in fact... there is no ''if'' about it./


? > Because you are Alphanumeric. If you are not, you are ganging... or should i say, internet bullying me. How brave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's no ganging involved, and I'm certainly not Alphanumeric, although I'm flattered that you equate us. I'm not doing this to be an internet bully. You're telling us you might be able to do experiments on the internet to "prove" that telepathy is real. So I'm asking for your indisputable proof that you really were thinking of the number "6".
CptBork isn't me, though he did tell me about this thread via telepathy. I was eating my cornflakes and suddenly had said "5.874" outloud and then the URL for this discussion came into my head.

Ok, let's do this again. If someone posts here tonight, then we can arrange another experiment. I think to make it easier, we should specify that the number we choose between 1 and 6 is rational. Otherwise we'll be here all day!