A very strange thing happened....

I can't seem to access the file?

"Internet Explorer cannot download crvx.zip/ from ftp.merc-int.com.

The server returned extended information."

Whatever that means.
Well, I'm listening to it right now... it's quite interesting. You stayed within the same scale throughout the whole song. One thing that is apparent is that you kept hitting the B key all throughout the song. I'm not sure what it means as of yet... but the B key is the thing that stands out the most. I don't know if it's some sort of sign or what. I'll study it more when the time comes.
Blackstream said:
I can't seem to access the file?

"Internet Explorer cannot download crvx.zip/ from ftp.merc-int.com.

I got this error too. Try this: right-click on the link, choose Properties, copy the link to the clipboard, paste it into the address box of Internet Explorer, remove the slash at the end, then press Enter. When I do this, I get an option to save the file.

It is interesting music. Even though it uses few notes, it shows a lot of talent. I doubt it denotes anything other than impromptu passion.

Yes – I take your experience at face value. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the help. And congratulations, you are the first person I've seen to make a weird claim, say they've got some file they "really want to give to everyone else" and actually come through.

The melody is interestingish tho rather long. If it's some kinda code, I wouldn't know where to start. Maybe it's like morse :p One note for long, one for short, and one for stop. I doubt that tho.
Well, I don't know what it is either. It was a weird experience that produced a weird song. Thank you for listening though. :)
Dude, if you played it on a synth, why don't you upload it as a midi file. That will take up a lot less space. Only a few kilobytes I would imagine. :)

Besides, you can use a sequencer to show the notes.
And congratulations, you are the first person I've seen to make a weird claim, say they've got some file they "really want to give to everyone else" and actually come through.

He's the 2nd person I've seen. I still haven't gotten a chance to listen to
the mp3, but it is something I look forward to nonetheless.
Deadwood, true, but everybody can't listen to a midi. A midi contains no sound, only data. I checked, and the midi file only weighs 65 K, so that I can mail to anyone that wants it.

I listened to the music (I had to skip around as I don't think I could have
lasted throghout the whole 'song' :) ). Anyhow I only noted one pattern
and that was a 2-key minor cord of A-flat and B (right under middle C).
Beyond this there were no coherent patterns that I could discern.

While I have no reason to doubt that you did in fact experience this event,
my instinct and preliminary research indicate that you may have suffered
from a 'Temporal Lobe Seizure'. I am attaching a link for your reference:


I don't want to scare you, but your experience is right on par with the
symptoms of this type of seizure and according to the above article a first-
time Temporal Lobe Seizure of this lengh is something to go to the hospital
for (in other words, drop everything and make this the #1 priority in your life).
Hey, that was scary. But I doubt any doctor would take my experience seriously and examine my brain for it, maybe if it happens again.
But that got me thinking that perhaps many "supernatural" experience can actually be a result of "temporary lobe seizure", or that "temporary lobe seizure" is the physical evidence that supernatural phenomena exists. Depends on how you wish to perceive reality.
Yes said:
Hey, that was scary. But I doubt any doctor would take my experience seriously and examine my brain for it, maybe if it happens again.
But that got me thinking that perhaps many "supernatural" experience can actually be a result of "temporary lobe seizure", or that "temporary lobe seizure" is the physical evidence that supernatural phenomena exists. Depends on how you wish to perceive reality.

Yes, sorry... didn't mean to scare ya' :). Regardless of the nature of a seizure,
it is a seizure nonetheless and it can kill the individual experiencing it. Can
you imagine what would have happened if this 'event' took place while you
were on the freeway? I honestly think that you were quite lucky to be
where you were when this happened.
The link seems to be broken. When I click on it I get the internet explorer error:

The page cannot be displayed.

anything I can do?
nevermind got it working.

anyways you say in your original post that you saw figures. explain these figures to the best of your ability. and have you ever experienced something "not so normal" before? Anything at all?
Yes- its not hard to believe that your vision was tied directly to the notes you made on the piano- if you have an open mind(unlike others). Plus, seeing that post on page 2 about someone's friend who figured out how to map the crop circles into data that can be transformed into music, it only fits the puzzle pieces that are scattered here. you got a message buddy, from another world, possibly another dimension, or possibly from within your own mind.

I will try to listen to the file when i get home today, but i already know it is something very interesting. and be certain that it happened for a reason. you need to remember what you saw in the vision, like can u explain it in detail the events that happened within the vision. i know it might be hard since it happened a while back, but try.

what i think is that for some reason you were contacted by visitors from another realm, maybe from our own realm, but highly doubtful. they see something in you , maybe your piano skills, maybe someone you know, that THEY NEED. think about this:

lets say the people who contacted YES were trying to send a message to Everyone about something Important. Firstly, you must know that if they visited you within a "daydream" visual, then they are from another realm, possibly from the future. they are advanced, no doubt about that, since they can tap into your thoughts, vision, and motions (hand on piano) and control them somewhat. Now, let me elaborate on this. A question that might arise is, "why me?"
Lets say the "beings" needed to get a message across. how would they do this? crop cirlce? well, maybe theyre not aliens or maybe they know everyone dissmisses crop circles nowadays. No, they need their message to reach certain people, so that it can travel onto people who will believe it. What IF these BEINGs knew you would post the EVENT here and share the notes with others likely to have some interest in it. pretty smart, eh?

theres more to it than just the notes and your visual- they mean something. my idea here is just a thought, and could be wrong- but definetely consider it, it might shed some light on something. Other ideas can be formulated, its up to us to grab the bits and pieces from all of the info and stitch back the fabric.
Votorx said:
And im going to have to ask you to please stop judging others. If you hadn't notices i had made a mistake, plus i've argued with exsto many times and yes i have seen him accept many things where there were no proof of it being real, so i do believe him to be gullible to an extent. As for you, after 1 post you accused me of being quick to judge when this isn't so. Maybe you are the one who is

I think you have mistaken me for someone else, I never accept anything to be true unless I see it myself. ;)

Honestly, I have no idea wether this story is true or not.

It is wrong of me to say that I know that it didn't happen, because that would be a lie. It is wrong of me to say that I know that it did happen, because that would also be a lie.

IF this is truely a message to you you should do all you can to decifer it, to find out the truth. I can't see what could be a higher purpouse than truth.

But as far as I'm concerned, it might as well have been an Acid flashback from a trip you had while listening to the band that you share your screen name with. :)

Use the intuition of your heart. And all will be revealed to you.