A ? to all theists


just the fact that some or all i have no idea really think the human species came from adam and eve yet there is evidence solid at that.. that there was humans here 1 million years before then

so what? does it have to mean that adam and eve came in the last 30 years? do you know when were they lived? maybe they lived 2 millions of years ago, or less or more, you can't know, also you can't block all possibilities since you have no stricking evidences, also in past we didnt thoght that there's humans in the last 1 million year, but now we do, and in the future, maybe we'll find older humans, or we will not. (that's my thoght)
recently bones of a 2million year old homnid were found if adam and eve were the first 2 people on earth how is there someone pre dating even them?
How the hell is this a question to all theists? This whole Adam and Eve thing is exclusive to the Abrahamic religions. :confused:
Didn't this discussion take place and ended when we met Lucy? Sometime around I was born. Meaning, a 30 something years ago?
Lucy's taxonomic name is Australopithecus afarensis. Dr.Donald Johanson led the expedition that discovered her in the valley of the Awash river at Hadar in the Afar region of north-eastern Ethiopia. He had researched there from 1973 and with archeologist colleague Tom Gray, on 30th Nov 1974 in the afternoon, discovered the first traces of the fossil hominid christened Lucy.
Initially, two very different methods of dating were used to arrive at a figure for Lucy's age; the zircon fission-tracking method and the potassium-argon method. These methods, when applied to the basaltic lava associated with lucy's fossil, provided a date of 3my.
Subsequent geologic and other research in 1979 and 1980, using techniques from geology, potassium-argon dating, zircon fission-track dating, paleomagnetism and biostratigraphy [association with other animal fossils], confidently place Lucy's fossil age at 3.5my. [Ref; LUCY The Beginnings of Humankind by Donald Johanson and Maitland A.Edey]
Her real identity, her acquisition number in the Hadar collection, is AL288-1.