A ? to all theists

If the narrative of adam and eve is unique to christianity (and occupies a more controversial role in two other major religions also from the same geographic region), why is it an A to all theists ... or are you also entertaining the perspectives of other disciplines and the possible explanations they have in this regard?
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If the narrative of adam and eve is unique to christianity (and occupies a more controversial role in two other major religions also from the same geographic region), why is it an A to all theists ... or are you also entertaining the perspectives of other disciplines and the possible explanations they have in this regard?

just the fact that some or all i have no idea really think the human species came from adam and eve yet there is evidence solid at that.. that there was humans here 1 million years before then
Them's tricks of the Devil!

Placed in sin-sand to deceive Good Christians and turn them away from The Lord Thou'st God!! In the NAME OF JESUS I command Thou'st spit forth that Demon of Sin.

Now, let us pray to the the Lord Jesus Christ Son of Mother Mary. Oh heavenly Father who art in Heaven. We ask for your divine forgiveness and accept this humble soul into thou'st bosom. In Jesus's Name we Pray Amen.

... how's that? Now, you may think that this was completely facetious. This is what an ex-girl fiend from University days once told me. (the first sentence). In order to get anywhere with her I had to endure the second portion from her born-again preacher at a revival. Was it worth is? meh... to she was so cute, hell, I probably half believed it myself :p
if the human species originated from just two, people Adam and eve, we would all be genetically flawed freaks,
um...we are genetically flawed freaks. that's actually a huge tenet of the bible. :)
recently bones of a 2million year old homnid were found if adam and ever were the first 2 people on earth how is there someone pre dating even them?


You have too much faith in the dating process. It is not accurate, but only precise. There is no single method for dating material. The proof I would need is if there was a baseline material that we knew was 1 million years old so we could better calibrate our methods for that long ago. We know there are anomolies that can speed up or slow down the aging process. How do we account for those? Dating is precise and gives us a clearer picture of how old things are compared to other things.

I have no stake in whether there is a god or not, but I know it isn't possible to prove or disprove the existence of a god so far. So, can we stop asking? Why do we feel compelled to find the answer. If a god wishes it, it would have our faith and there is little we can do. If it gives us free will to choose, then why do we feel the need to choose? The choice isn't important unless a god is desireable, or to be fearful. Some folks believe they have found their god. That's fantastic, so if it does exist then someday it will show itself and I will then make the choice. For now, continue to explore and don't worry about the question. It doesn't matter.
I have no stake in whether there is a god or not, but I know it isn't possible to prove or disprove the existence of a god so far. So, can we stop asking? Why do we feel compelled to find the answer. If a god wishes it, it would have our faith and there is little we can do. If it gives us free will to choose, then why do we feel the need to choose? The choice isn't important unless a god is desireable, or to be fearful. Some folks believe they have found their god. That's fantastic, so if it does exist then someday it will show itself and I will then make the choice. For now, continue to explore and don't worry about the question. It doesn't matter.

there is proof he doesnt exsist the proof is the lack of proof or should i say remote shred of evidence that he does. the bible is a bunch of fairy tails.. your tryint to tell me 40thousand people lived in the desert for 40 years and ate nothing but this mythical mana? or some guy parted the red sea and they walked through it? how about the deep canyons how did they get across thoes?
there is proof he doesnt exsist the proof is the lack of proof or should i say remote shred of evidence that he does. the bible is a bunch of fairy tails.. your tryint to tell me 40thousand people lived in the desert for 40 years and ate nothing but this mythical mana? or some guy parted the red sea and they walked through it? how about the deep canyons how did they get across thoes?

Lack of proof is not evidence in and of itself. I don't even give credence to a shred of evidence that it does exist.

I'm not trying to convince you of any existence or nonexistence of a god, but rather convince you to not waste your time trying to prove the unprovable.

If something doesn't exist it cannot be proven or disproven. If you have any spiritual experience I'd like to hear about it, but it isn't proof of a god. It could be the unknown truth, but cannot be proven true without the existence of a god. So, it isn't worth trying to prove it.

Instead, we can listen and try to steer people into free thought with the hope of wisdom to follow. The streets are too full of people who are motivated thinkers. We need free thinkers to get anywhere beyond the question, "Is there a god?"
Actually the human species is no more than 200,000 years old. Before that, were other hominin species. eg. Homo erectus 1 million years ago. Homo habilis 2 million years etc.

If Adam and Eve were real, they lived 200,000 years ago.

Re dating. Someone asked for a baseline. We have that. Glacial ice forms annual layers, which we observe year by year as it happens. When cores are cut from the glacial ice, we can count back those layers. Cores from Antarctica already go back many millions of years.

Carbon dating is only good back for 50,000 years. However, what we can do, and have done, is to carbon date the bits of organic debris that get caught up in ice cores. Since the place in that ice core can be dated simply by counting back the annual layers, we know how old the organic item is. If the carbon dating matches, then carbon dating is valid. And it is.
Re dating. Someone asked for a baseline. We have that. Glacial ice forms annual layers, which we observe year by year as it happens. When cores are cut from the glacial ice, we can count back those layers. Cores from Antarctica already go back many millions of years.

Carbon dating is only good back for 50,000 years. However, what we can do, and have done, is to carbon date the bits of organic debris that get caught up in ice cores. Since the place in that ice core can be dated simply by counting back the annual layers, we know how old the organic item is. If the carbon dating matches, then carbon dating is valid. And it is.

This didn't sound right, I was picturing a guy counting a million layers of ice trying to guess the count when they got all jumbled together deep in the core, so I had to look this up.

You can't simply count a million years because of ice flow and high pressure, it can't be done with annual layers, they become unreadable just as I thought:

Shallow cores, or the upper parts of cores in high-accumulation areas, can be dated exactly by counting individual layers, each representing a year. These layers may be visible, related to the nature of the ice; or they may be chemical, related to differential transport in different seasons; or they may be isotopic, reflecting the annual temperature signal (for example, snow from colder periods has less of the heavier isotopes of H and O). Deeper into the core the layers thin out due to ice flow and high pressure and eventually individual years cannot be distinguished.

Instead of counting visible layers we use a variety of dating methods. One of them is to look for material that is from a known and dated event, like a volcanic eruption.


There are many different dating methods for these ice cores which produce different results, but the point is that they all are to varying degree inaccurate, as much as 10,000 years inconsistent. But, they are precise and we can tell if something is older than something else.


Ice cores cannot be used as a baseline, because they require dating themselves once annual layers become undistinguishable. These ice core dating methods, just like other dating methods, become more inaccurate the further back in time you go. This is in part because of the variance in the environment that we don't know of.

We need a sample of material that has the date stamped on it. That's not going to happen, but maybe in the future we will have a more accurate method to date material.

The oldest to-date ice core that I could find dates around 800,000 years, not millions of years like you said.


Of course there are some newer samples than this one, but they are still being analyzed.

To the point, we can't use ice cores to calibrate carbon dating when carbon dating is used to calibrate ice core dating. Every ice core is different, and when you get past the visible annual layers, we have to use a dating method none of which are so accurate. Dating anything is still an estimated guess without baseline materials that have actual dates.
I stand corrected what im trying to get at tho theres mountains more evidence of other intelligent life comparied to "god"

Comparatively, yes I see your point. Although, what you call evidence I would better term reasons. There are many reasons why one should not believe in a god. You will get a variety of answers to why someone does believe, even in the face of the mountain of reasons.

I am looking for a single type of answer that would perhaps might convince me to explore the possibility of a god, but have not yet found that person, even when I was a Christian who went to church every Sunday. I don't think the person exists because if they did, it might mean there is a god.

I acknowledge the mountain of reasons I should not believe in a god, I wish everyone did. But, I don't accept it as evidence there is no god.

well, according to my relegion, there was other humans before adam and eve, adam and eve weren't the first humans sent to earth. in a relegion term, humans, or "bachar" is a general word for all intelligent life forms, that look like us, (like humans), and "insen" is our specie, the modern human, and the humans before, i mean, the human species that are like us since 2000 years or more, what's the age of our specie anyway?
i have maked a topic about it


also i beleive of the adpatation of human and each other living creature, that adapt and change, including humans, so i beleive in the evolution, and i beleive in the human evolution parcially, i mean, i belive that humans evolved from humans.. :D my thoght. :D you don't need to attack it ok?