a thought occoured

A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member
UFOs in the nightsky, poeple see them all the time, but half claim that they are just government secret air craft

my question is... for the main part, most UFOs seen are night are glowing or whatnot with lights or whatever..... now if a government was testing or even using these advanced flying aircraft, would they not have the brains to make them STEALTH.... invisable to the naked eye.....

so i think night time UFOs (most of them atleast) are real aliens... they are an advanced race (s)... like they really need to hide, we are no threat to them... yet

i also like to add i think there must be atleast 2 or more differnt races of aliens flying around earth.... just think society if it was in space... criminals, familys, cops...

hmmm and do you think that UFOs are built like cars.... which would explain why theres so many different types of them....

ford, chevy, pontiac......

"i drive me a '88 pluto LE, i get 6 trillion miles to the gallon!"
There are several problems with the secret government aircraft hypothesis.

1. When the phenomenon first appeared, top Air Force officials had no idea what it was. This was their stance publicly and privately. Many classified documents that have come out clearly show this was the case.

2. The Air Force asked the FBI early on to help investigate and identify the sightings. If these were secret aircraft the Air Force wanted to keep under wraps, why would they involve other agencies? Indeed, the FBI heard rumors from individuals speculating on whether they could be secret air craft. They expressed a desire to make sure this was not the case before they undertook any investigation as they perceived that it would be a waste to expend resources trying to identify something that was already known. The FBI was subsequently assured by George Shulgen, then commander of the AAF, that he was unaware of any Air Force projects matching the descriptions and characteristics of the sightings. None of this is conjecture. It is all part of the historical record. If anyone doubts my account of it, do the research and examine the paper trail for yourself.

3. Many sightings have occurred over residential neighborhoods, densely populated urban areas and events where thousands of people are gathered. These are not the areas one would test fly secret aircraft in. Military testing of classified, secret aircraft has always been done in seclusion. Any intelligent military commander would not put the most secret aircraft he had out in plain sight for all to see.

4. Many of the maneuvers observed by these objects would quite simply kill any human pilot. The only way they would not is if we had made some kind of huge breakthroughs in physics, aerodynamics of aircraft, inertia, antigravity propulsion, etc. Whether we have any of these capabilities today is debatable. However virtually all UFO historians and researchers agree that there is no way we could have had these in the 1940s where these objects exhibited the same characteristics they do today. (We didn't even have supersonic flight in the 40s).

5. There have been countless dozens of military and government officials who have come forward saying that even at the highest levels of government and the armed forces the origin of this phenomenon remained a mystery. A great many have provided convincing evidence of this. Conversely, there have been precious few who have come forward saying anything to the effect that these objects were secret military aircraft and none have provided any evidence to this effect.

6. The test flying of experimental aircraft is carried out on a very limited basis. The very idea of "experimental" means that there are a limited number in existence, performing tests of varying degrees. This is not the case with UFO sightings. There have been tens of thousands of reports of all kinds of objects flying in all parts of the world. If these aircraft have a military origin, they are part of a program that is fully operational and functioning across a very wide spectrum. These vehicles would already have been mass produced and would now be part of an extremely large military arsenal. Such a program, no matter how well guarded, would be impossible to conceal from the public. This is especially obvious when you consider the global nature of the UFO phenomenon. Many sightings and reports come from remote corners of the world far from any US military bases or lines of supply. All currently operational military aircraft are well known, even covert application craft like the stealth fighter and bomber. Why is this? It's because such a secret could not be kept even if it was desired. Too many people have to know. Military officers, air intelligence analysts, mechanics, civilian contractors of parts, politicians, accountants, news media covering military operations, etc.

The notion that all (or even a great number) of UFO sightings represent secret military aircraft clearly ignores these unmistakable problems.
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i do not denie the existance of aliens.... but is it possible that for the most part the US gov. is even fooled, for all we know they may think that most UFOs are just top secret air crafts from other countrys... like we all know how paranoid the US gov. is :)

but for the most part, we know that 50% of the UFO sightings reported are real "little green men"


A Canadian said:
is it possible that for the most part the US gov. is even fooled, for all we know they may think that most UFOs are just top secret air crafts from other countrys

And what country would be in a position or have the capability to create such aircraft. I don't think so.

A Canadian said:
but for the most part, we know that 50% of the UFO sightings reported are real "little green men"

Not at all. On close examination usually 80%-90% of UFO sightings have a fairly prosaic explanation. This has been the case in the Air Force investigations and in civilian investigations since then. However, this has unfortunately led some to the mistaken conclusion that if most sightings do not represent anything extraordinary or mysterious then none do.
Don't forget the millionaires and their "Prototype play craft" along with other companies etc. They aren't military and tend to own their own airfields in those regions people claim to see things.
So maybe the lights people see aren't even stealth aircraft, but rather, normal aircraft?

We occasionally get some loser on here posting pics of what are obviously clouds and and aircraft contrails illuminated by the setting sun, claiming them to be UFOs.

People report Venus as a UFO, so reporting aircraft too is a no brainer.

btw, stealth aircraft still have running lights etc. They just turn them off when they go into 'stealth mode' which fits with the descriptions of UFOs disappearing, doesn't it?
phlogistician said:
People report Venus as a UFO, so reporting aircraft too is a no brainer.

btw, stealth aircraft still have running lights etc. They just turn them off when they go into 'stealth mode' which fits with the descriptions of UFOs disappearing, doesn't it?

A characteristic of many reports is that the craft has an ability to both hover silently over an area and accelerate at a high rate of speed. I am unaware of any known aircraft that has both those capabilities.
Stryderunknown said:
Don't forget the millionaires and their "Prototype play craft" along with other companies etc. They aren't military and tend to own their own airfields in those regions people claim to see things.

And how would the millionaires develop the necessary technology to manufacture such craft, the scientific ability to design them, the logistic support to fly and maintain them, and the engineering skill required to operate them, while keeping all those involved from talking about it.

I don't think so. Private citizens do not have the required resources to develop and fly aircraft that possess vastly superior abilities to that of the military.
Besides, there are drawings, paintings, and mentions of these flying objects with beings in them for several thousands of years. :D

They were here long before modern technologically advanced man recognized them for what they could be. :rolleyes:

ETI controlled craft of some kind.

So do we give em dah finger?
or the :m:

I am suspecting that earth is now a NO FLY ZONE for Bad ET's
coolmacguy said:
I am unaware of any known aircraft that has both those capabilities.

So it might be a new, secret stealth aircraft? You not knowing what it is makes it a UFO, to you. Somebody knows what it is, and it's almost certainly military. you not knowing certainly doesn't mean it an alien spacecraft. It just means you don't know everything.
Note the idea that these types of flying things have been in the sky long before mankind got up there. Stands to reason that these same craft were in space long before we got there too I would say.

Information control is alive and well at sciFOOLEMS forums. :D
1 Deny it.
2 Disclaim it.
3 Lie about it.
4 Spread false rumors about it.
5 Confuse the facts.
6 Twist the information.
7 Discredit the witnesses.
8 Slander the witnesses.
9 Threaten all involved.
10 Slander and ridicule those that want to talk about these things.
coolmacguy, Did I say that the Millionaires would hide their work up completely?

For instance you could question how does a millionaire become a millionaire and of course stay one, in the real world if they are astute businessmen then it's through prototype development and research, and if thats the case then they have to have a certain amount of secrecy or their business plans for new developments would be jeopardised.

However it doesn't mean they would stay quite for ever, as soon as their applications for patents are pending then they can start allowing their prototypes to be known about, then it's just about identifying what is currently at this stage by checking out the relevent websites that are either related to their companies or their actual development plans.
Stryderunknown said:
However it doesn't mean they would stay quite for ever, as soon as their applications for patents are pending then they can start allowing their prototypes to be known about, then it's just about identifying what is currently at this stage by checking out the relevent websites that are either related to their companies or their actual development plans.

Exactly. What I'm saying is that there has been nothing like that which would even remotely be capable of the maneuvers performed by many of the objects observed. Considering that this has been occurring for almost 60 years, if this were the cause something would be known by now.
You think for ONLY 60 years Cool?

Wakee, wakee, and just what makes you think they have only been around for the little bit of time? Either you are ignoring a lot of the information out there, or you are just blowing more smoke all over the true knowledge of how long these craft have been around.

Hmmm, I wonder.
craterchains (Norval said:
You think for ONLY 60 years Cool?

It has only been reported widely (as in hundreds or thousands per year) for that long. There are only isolated reports going back further.
For those that are into this kind of research about ancient possible UFO’s and ETI visitation you may want to consider this most important point. Use words for mysterious or odd everyday known items that would resemble what a UFO would look like to these people from differing time eras. Things flying through the air. Select everyday items from amongst say a hundred year spacing that would resemble a UFO if thrown or tossed through the air. Like saucer, tea pot top, barrel top, plate, wheel, and so on.

It is amazing what you can discover in the old papers archives. Some folks have traced, as you say hundreds per year down through the centuries. This is nothing new. The flying shields of old legends and actual historical mentions.

There’s a whole lot more out there.
Norv, you seem to overlook a really big issue claiming that aliens have been visiting for thousands of years.

Currently, the reason we don't know the 'truth' is that world governments allegedly conspire to prevent us from knowing that aliens are visiting.

If aliens had been visiting for thousands of years, those visits pre-date governments, and information control, so their presence would be common knowledge.

It isn't.

How do you explain that?

And please, don't use art, which is prone to wide interpretation as evidence, we've had the written word for very long time, I should think something so important would have been recorded somewhere, by someone, in rather specific language.
phlogistician said:
And please, don't use art, which is prone to wide interpretation as evidence, we've had the written word for very long time, I should think something so important would have been recorded somewhere, by someone, in rather specific language.

This is the important issue. The "thousands of years" thing is based on paintings, literature, and other forms of expression that could have merely symbolic or existential meanings.

Only in modern times have their been widespread reports of the phenomenon in what is clearly meant to be substantive and visceral reality.
I think what you're struggling to say, is that the thoughts, fears, and flights of fancy of humans is constant, it's just the explanations we give for them vary with time.

Once things in the sky were the chariots of the gods, and things that visited us, incubi and succubi. Now it's all aliens. We haven't suddenly come to some understanding of these paintings, but merely come up with another interpretation.