A Theory of Our Origin & fall from Grace

Originally posted by daktaklakpak
One beauty of science is that if you don't agree, you can repeat the test step by step and point out the incorrectness in each of them. No faith required. Try to do that in religion.

You do not need to repeat a test, step by step regarding Gods Religion, because it is perfect.

Try to list a step by step proof of how to put millions of animal pairs into an Ark.

God can do anything.
Your problem is that you are trying to understand God from you own limited perception.
I call it Dr. Frog philosophy.

And please don't call science a religion.

I did not call science a religion.
I said you are religious about your belief. You claim to be of the scientific persuasion, but you believe in something you cannot see or prove, and which is expounded by other persons. You say religious people believe in a god they cannot see or prove, and is expounded by persons, so by your own definition, you are religious.

Science accumlates knowledge and corrects itself over time, while religion will stuck with false statements like "fixed Earth" and "stood still Sun" forever.

Please elaborate.

BTW, why the "darkness of this perishable material nature" provides you with TV, cell phone, computer, internet, and you don't seem hesitate to use them.

What does that have to do with science?

Try to build a globle communicatoin network with your "light of the eternal spiritual nature".

Read the piece at the bottom of my thread.


Jan Arden.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
You do not need to repeat a test, step by step regarding Gods Religion, because it is perfect.
You mean God has his own God to worship? Well, even if I don't need to repeat, at least you can list the steps, right? Or there is none? In another word, no proof?

God can do anything.
Your problem is that you are trying to understand God from you own limited perception.
I call it Dr. Frog philosophy.
I am sure God can do anything, including lies, murders, rapes, and destructions, because they are all written on the bible. To bad my limited perception can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

You claim to be of the scientific persuasion, but you believe in something you cannot see or prove, and which is expounded by other persons. You say religious people believe in a god they cannot see or prove, and is expounded by persons, so by your own definition, you are religious.
Err, that's how I learn my math, physic, chemistry, music, computer, and language skills. I have never seen a hydrogen or oxygen atom, but I know applying current to water can make hydrogen and oxygen gas. Lighting up the hydrogen gas I collected can convert them back to water after burning. Now back to something expounded by other persons. What's wrong with that? They provide the step by step proof on radiometric dating. Steps that any one can repeat. If you repeat the steps and got the same result, what else you need to prove further?

Please elaborate.
"The earth is firmly fixed; it shall not be moved" (Psalm 104:5)
"the sun stood still" (Joshua 10:13)

Unless you still believe Earth or Sun is the center of universe, you know what's wrong.
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
"God" does not have a religion.

God is the goal/essence of religion, He and only He inaugurates religion and its principles, either personally or through His representative, therefore it is His 'religion' as in 'belongs to Him'.

In fact it says in the ‘Sri-Ishopanishads’….

Everything animate or inanimate that is within
the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong.


Jan Ardena.
"God" does not have a religion.
"God" is not a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew etc.

I really shouldn't have to explain this one. You might not be able to grasp this concept because you think Jesus is God and he created Christinity when infact Man created every religion, yes, even Christianity.
I am sure God can do anything, including lies, murders, rapes, and destructions, because they are all written on the bible.

Now you appear to be breaking up.
Murders, rapes, lies, I get the feeling you are inimical toward God.
Why don’t you show me where God rapes, murders and tells lies.

To bad my limited perception can tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

Can it really?
How can you be so sure?

Err, that's how I learn my math, physic, chemistry, music, computer, and language skills. I have never seen a hydrogen or oxygen atom, but I know applying current to water can make hydrogen and oxygen gas. Lighting up the hydrogen gas I collected can convert them back to water after burning.

Then why can’t somebody learn about God, through observing and carrying out religious principle as laid down by God?

Now back to something expounded by other persons. What's wrong with that?

I neither said it was right or wrong, I merely pointed out that is what we all do, including the faithfull.

They provide the step by step proof on radiometric dating. Steps that any one can repeat. If you repeat the steps and got the same result, what else you need to prove further?

I do not know enough about RD to comment on whether it is right or wrong.
I was more interested in how you interpret proof of evidence.
And I have come to the conclusion that you have to have something which is remarkably similar to faith, or even faith itself, as you cannot convey absolute proof.

"The earth is firmly fixed; it shall not be moved" (Psalm 104:5)
"the sun stood still" (Joshua 10:13)

You conveniently left out the context in which that was written.
Joshua was devoted to God and asked Him to help him smite the opposition.
God says in the BG….

Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, and a predominant rise in irreligion, at that time I descend Myself.
To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablich the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium.[/I]

He also says….

This material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, producing all moving and non-moving beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again.

It would be no problem to God to stop the movements of the sun and the earth.

Unless you still believe Earth or Sun is the center of universe, you know what's wrong.

From what I could understand of the text, the cessation lasted a day, and presumably resumed its movements once again. As commanded by God.


Jan Ardena.
Who's lying?

Psalms 93:1 "the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved."

Psalms 99:1."let the people tremble:he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved."

Psalms 104:5 "Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever."

Psalms 96:10 "the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved:"

The aboves indicates foundations, motionless stable earth except during earthquake when He tremles earth and frightens people on it.

Now we know Earth is round, rotating, and orbiting; and earthquake is not someone tremles Earth. Who's lying now? The author or God?
Re: Who's lying?

I must confess D, i'm not entirely sure i know where you are coming from.

Could you give an explanation starting again from the Joshua incedent, that way i will try and give a more informed analasys.


Jan Ardena.
Forget about the "stood still sun" since you said it lasted only a day. Let's focus on "fixed earth" one.

You said: God can do anything.
I said: Yeah, including lies.
You said: What lies?
I said: Fixed Earth one.

Now let's look at them:
Psalms 93:1 "the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved."

Psalms 99:1."let the people tremble:he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved."

Psalms 104:5 "Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever."

Psalms 96:10 "the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved:"

What do you think they suggest?

What I see is that they indicate foundations, motionless stable earth except during earthquake when God tremles earth and frightens people on it.

Now we know Earth is round, rotating, and orbiting; and earthquake is not someone tremles Earth. Who's lying now? The author or God?
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
Now we know Earth is round, rotating, and orbiting; and earthquake is not someone tremles Earth. Who's lying now? The author or God?

The earth as you say is rotating in her orbit, so from that we can understand that the earth is moving, but she is fixed in her orbit and from that point, will not be moved.
When a building is designed and built, it is built not to move, but under certain circumstances we see that there is movement. Only forces far more powerful can reduce the building, and that usually ends in annihilation. On other occasions we see partial annihilation, but usually some part of the structure is never moved. So here there is some ambiguity as to the word ‘moved.’
An earthquake means the earth reaction to something, (geologists know more precisely) and as a result there is movement eminating from the earths core, but the earth is still fixed (immovable) in her orbit.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
The earth as you say is rotating in her orbit, so from that we can understand that the earth is moving, but she is fixed in her orbit and from that point, will not be moved.
First, you must get the facts straight. It's the Earth orbit that's relatively stable, but Earth itself is in motion, thus moving. Let's think of a NASCAR racing event. Look at all the cars zooming by, do you consider those cars "will not be moved" because the racing track is fixed?
Second, the Earth orbit is not fixed. This orbit has the shape of an ellipse that is nearly circular (eccentricity 0.0167), with a semi-major axis of about 150 million km, the mean distance to the Sun. At the present time, the orbit is placed in such a way that the Earth is closest (about 147 million km) to the Sun in January and farthest (about 152 million km) from the Sun in July. However, the orbit changes slowly, so this will not always be the case.
Since the Earth is not absolutely fixed, someone was telling lies in Psalms.

When a building is designed and built, it is built not to move, but under certain circumstances we see that there is movement. Only forces far more powerful can reduce the building, and that usually ends in annihilation. On other occasions we see partial annihilation, but usually some part of the structure is never moved. So here there is some ambiguity as to the word ‘moved.?
Comparing building with Earth is quite inaccure. Do you see any building that is orbiting something? BTW, I know Japanese had built some buildings with movable foundations to prevent earthquake damage. And skyscrapers actually designed to swing in wind condition to prevent structure failure.

An earthquake means the earth reaction to something, (geologists know more precisely) and as a result there is movement eminating from the earths core, but the earth is still fixed (immovable) in her orbit.
Psalms 99:1."let the people tremble:he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved."

What does it mean? Was it about earthquake? Who caused the tremble? Who is he?
First of all, the theory of human beings being born out of separate parts of a god, thus killing him is very common in most technologically unadvanced cultures.

However, it is my understanding and belief that God is Absolute and Infinite. And if you've done a little maths you'd know that infinite / anything = infinite. Thus, were your theory correct, we would all be everlasting, omnipotent, etc.

There are two limitations, though to my argument :

1- The god you speak of may not be Absolute, and his dividing wouldn't make us infinite.

2- And besides, I'd be willing to think that as infinite, but smaller, torn parts of God, our foremost wish would be to become one again, and that wish would be so strong that it would limit us and transcend our conscious mind in a way that we are not even aware of it. Thus the limitation. And we would try to achieve that by the two possible ways : personal growth, and reunion with others, hence the strongest and most contradicting urges in man, love and thirst for power.

Wow, that's a very interesting theory you've got there, though maybe you don't envision it that way and I've gotta go because typing all this got me late.

Hmm, I see an other problem to your assumption : what about children? Unless their souls were preexisting? But then, there would come a time where the children we would breed would be animals, like savage children, biologically human but, without souls, unable to have consciousness of themselves or free will. Unless it is your theory that this god-descended energy allows us to make 1+1=3, i.e. with two souls create a third...

Hmmm, very very very interesting thing you've got there but now I'm REALLY late!