A teddy bear for Gitmo


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
When one white woman was "arrested" for allegedly calling a teddy bear Mohammed, there was universal outcry at her treatment by the Sudanese, who live in an underdeveloped society. She was treated well and released after 11 days, because influential Muslims from the UK spoke on her behalf to the Sudanese government and obtained her release. A teddy bear campaign was launched at the time, to educate the Sudanese about their backwardness. Until her release, it seemed as if all the Muslims in the world would have to go on trial for her imprisonment and apologise for the actions of the Sudanese government.

The US has invaded and occupied 2 countries, killed millions, destroyed their homes and society, stolen their resources and runs three four secret prisons [as far as we know] where people are being tortured and murdered, including underage kids.

What kind of teddy bear would educate them? What would you call it? Who would you send it to?

Also, what does it say about the American public that the torture and prisons are not an issue that is ever discussed? I'm trying to imagine Auschwitz still operating after everyone knew what was happening there.
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Less than you have to be for sodomising kids to get their parents to "confess"
Also, what does it say about the American public that the torture and prisons are not an issue that is ever discussed?
All right Sam, you keep pushing and you keep pushing and I always stand up for you, but you've finally managed to piss ME off. I know damn well that you live in the United States. You know damn well that Bush's entire unconstitutional military adventure in Iraq is ONE HUGE FUCKING ISSUE. That includes the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation, the overthrow of its government, its occupation, the slaughter of civilians, the destruction of its infrastructure, the unaccountable "security" personnel, the Abu Ghraib scandal ("torture and prison" all rolled up into one). Not to mention the 1.5 TRILLION dollars it has cost, the squandering of the international sympathy and goodwill we had after 9/11, the transformation of the United States into a pariah state, the loss of the only secular pro-Western country in the entire Middle East, and the growing enmity of the world's entire Muslim population.

You know about all this Sam. You live here. I'm sure you get the news. I'm sure you talk to Americans, especially the students and other academics who are among Bush's most outspoken detractors. You're even here during an election year. You know that we're about to choose for President a complete doofus with no plan, no expertise, no understanding of how Washington politics works and no one on the inside to help him, for the SINGLE REASON that he has promised to pull us out of Iraq, while his opponent wants us to stay for another hundred years. And we don't even completely believe his promise, he's just better than the other asshole and this is the only choice we've got!

I'm sorry if Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and prisons and torture aren't front-page news every day, but there's a lot of crap going on in this war and some of it is even bigger than Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and prisons and torture.

You know this Sam. And you know that every American who's reading your post knows it too. This is you, grandstanding to the non-Americans on SciForums, telling them how terrible Americans are.

SHUT THE FUCK UP! STOP LYING! There are enough legitimate things to criticize us about. You don't have to make shit like this up. We are really pissed off about the torture and the prisons, and all the other stuff that is even BIGGER and MORE IMPORTANT. Enough of us to overthrow our government. Fortunately this is America and we can do it by peaceful, democratic means, by simply having an election. This is not one of your medieval Islamic paradises like Pakistan where the only way people can change anything is to shoot each other.

If you like Islam so damn much, why did you choose to live among people who hate Islam and barely tolerate Muslims, after the Iranian hostage crisis and 9/11? If you want to live among us, you're as welcome to participate in our hallowed tradition of free speech as anyone else, BUT YOU DON'T GET TO LIE ABOUT US. You have to be an American before we let you get away with that.

If you pull this little stunt one more time, you and I are really going to get into it. And I'm one of the few friends you've got left here.
I'm trying to imagine Auschwitz still operating after everyone knew what was happening there.
You really can be an idiot sometimes. I'm old enough to have known Jewish people who survived Auschwitz, and I'm old enough to have known German people who survived losing WWII. You just refuse to accept the fact that Auschwitz was merely the culmination of a thousand years of the sectarian hatred that the Abrahamic religions fostered. Hitler capitalized on the Germans' hatred of Jews by convincing them (rather easily) that the Jews were responsible for their despair, which was actually the result of the feeding frenzy of Woodrow Wilson and other Allied leaders who crafted an utterly humiliating peace treaty at Versailles, and also of the Great Depression which many economists insist was our fault.

I don't know how many angry antisemitic Germans would have been willing to drive the buses to Aushwitz in peacetime, although I do know that it would have been at least a sizeable minority. But in wartime they were even crazier. The Nazis understood this and were rushing to complete the Holocaust before the war ended, realizing that even a victorious Third Reich would probably not be able to get away with such an atrocity in peacetime.

There's no such thing as a secret once three people know it. You can be sure that there were German civilians who knew about the death camps. Word of it even made it all the way to America; my parents heard the rumors. It's just that nobody over here--from what I was told, not even American Jews--believed that even the Germans could do something that evil, so they chalked it up to wartime propaganda. The German people who knew about it would have believed it. They saw Kristallnacht. Hell, they participated in Kristallnacht, and that happened in 1938, before WWII had really begun.

Please don't spout off about events and people that you just don't understand.
All right Sam, you keep pushing and you keep pushing and I always stand up for you, but you've finally managed to piss ME off. I know damn well that you live in the United States. You know damn well that Bush's entire unconstitutional military adventure in Iraq is ONE HUGE FUCKING ISSUE. That includes the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation, the overthrow of its government, its occupation, the slaughter of civilians, the destruction of its infrastructure, the unaccountable "security" personnel, the Abu Ghraib scandal ("torture and prison" all rolled up into one). Not to mention the 1.5 TRILLION dollars it has cost, the squandering of the international sympathy and goodwill we had after 9/11, the transformation of the United States into a pariah state, the loss of the only secular pro-Western country in the entire Middle East, and the growing enmity of the world's entire Muslim population.

Please don't spout off about events and people that you just don't understand.

I've been watching the issues around the Presidential election. I did not hear anything about the ongoing prison camps. Did you? Who spoke out against them?

I'm sorry if Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and prisons and torture aren't front-page news every day, but there's a lot of crap going on in this war and some of it is even bigger than Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and prisons and torture.

Like what? Whats bigger than the US running three prisons where torture has been legalised? Whats bigger than the government suppressing videos of young kids being sodomised in front of their parents? Perhaps if you let me know, I could understand how Americans prioritize their issues.
Whats bigger than the government suppressing videos of young kids being sodomised in front of their parents?
Well is that any worse than muslims making thickshakes for western infants out of their own jizz? Only telling the infants what was in the thickshakes after they drank them, and then killing the infants while they weep and gag? And then destroying any and all evidence of this occurring at all? Is that any worse? I mean, you tell me SAM.
I've been watching the issues around the Presidential election. I did not hear anything about the ongoing prison camps. Did you? Who spoke out against them?

I partly agree with Fraggle's post, but S.A.M.'s question here is something that's been on my mind too (and unfortunately, something that gets buried beneath her rabid anti-Americanism). Especially as I'm reading Jane Mayer's The Dark Side. When most of the American public doesn't even recognize we're doing something wrong, and when most politicans don't dare touch the subject in fear of being ostracized, I can't help but wonder when, if ever, this mess of a response to 9/11 will be cleaned. Neither McCain nor Obama have really touched on the issue.
Yeah, anyone knows how many people the US is holding in how many prison camps? What is being done to them in the name of "patriotism"? Or is it all too much of a bother with all the other, more important things going on in everyone's lives?
Well is that any worse than muslims making thickshakes for western infants out of their own jizz? Only telling the infants what was in the thickshakes after they drank them, and then killing the infants while they weep and gag? And then destroying any and all evidence of this occurring at all? Is that any worse? I mean, you tell me SAM.

Lou, that is sick.:bugeye:
All right Sam, you keep pushing and you keep pushing and I always stand up for you, but you've finally managed to piss ME off.


This is not one of your medieval Islamic paradises like Pakistan where the only way people can change anything is to shoot each other.

you're as welcome to participate in our hallowed tradition of free speech as anyone else, BUT YOU DON'T GET TO LIE ABOUT US.

You really can be an idiot sometimes.

Please don't spout off about events and people that you just don't understand.

My, my, my, how the mighty have fallen.

Will you be openly apologizing to me or will you send it in a PM?

So how long before this goes to cespool? I mean seriously...
There's no verification on the picture...no reason to believe it is valid. And dr. lous post was just vile...
So how long before this goes to cespool? I mean seriously...

Goes to cesspool? Which Presidential candidate has visited Gitmo, Abu Ghraib or Bagram on camera?
There's no verification on the picture...no reason to believe it is valid.

Except that it was released by an American whistleblower?

Here is a new one; apparently, Freudian theories of anal obsession are still rampant.

One of the previously unreleased images released in February 2006 by SBS in Australia, showing a man covered in excrement forced to pose for the camera

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