A step in the right direction..

spidergoat said:
I don't understand why this would make any difference in your experience of God. I think a pantheistic viewpoint could include evolution. God Himself must have evolved from a less complex form.

God doesn't evolve. He's already perfect. Only bodies evolve. Visible things. Not the causes. The existence. Life. The self.
Lori_7 said:
What I'm saying is that teaching Darwinism is just as biased as teaching ID. They are both theories, and if you're going to justify teaching one, then the same justification can be used to teach them all..

the key difference here is that evolution is a scientific theory and intelligent design is not. there are sets of rigorous test by which a scientific theory is lent its validity and title as a theory. intelligent design is a half-baked scheme to teach religion as science.

teaching evolution in a science class is only possiblebecause evolution as a phenomenon is observable and has repeatable demonstrable results. these results and conclusions are acheived through the use of the scientific method.

intelligent design is just an idea. there is no way to test it or to observe it or any element of it.

so theyre not really as close as you think they are. one is science and the other isnt. you dont teach 18th century english literature in biology class, you dont do phys ed in earth science class. why? because they arent science. intelligent design is just like that, not scientific, so thats why you dont teach it in a science class. it has nothing to do with fear on the part of science, but would seem to have everything to do with a fear among religious folks that science undermines their ability to believe in god. instead of admitting that belief in god is improbable, unproveable and ridiculous, they instead try to devise a method by which religion can become scientific. its transparent and ill-conceived.
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c7ityi -

God doesn't evolve.
That implies stagnation.

He's already perfect.
Something stagnant can't be perfect.

Only bodies evolve.
Everything is in a state of change, why would God be different?

Visible things.
How would you know that invisible things don't change if you can't see them?

Not the causes.
Why not?

The existence.
Of what?

All life is in a state of change.

The self.
Every self is in a state of change.

Katazia said:
Something stagnant can't be perfect.

You have a different definition of perfection than me.

Everything is in a state of change, why would God be different?

Because he is nothing.

How would you know that invisible things don't change if you can't see them?

When I said invisible things, I don't mean invisible to human eyes, I mean completely invisible: nothingness.

Because they exist in the presence where everything is invisible and non-existent.


All life is in a state of change.

Only the visible bodies which life uses.

Every self is in a state of change.

By self I don't mean person.
C7ityi –

You have a different definition of perfection than me.
Such is the nature of communication.

Because he is nothing.
Nothing means nothing so nothing more need be said.

When I said invisible things, I don't mean invisible to human eyes, I mean completely invisible: nothingness.
Something is either invisible or it is not. If you mean nothing then say nothing. Do not expect to be understood when you persist in being deliberately obscure.

Because they exist in the presence where everything is invisible and non-existent.
A cause is a cause and causes can change. They cannot exist where everything is non existent since they exist which negates the state of non-existence.

What does it mean to answer a question with the question?

Only the visible bodies which life uses.
There is nothing else.

By self I don't mean person.
Self is that which has awareness and all persons qualify. There are many self’s. We know of no other.

Michael said:
1. These sites make their conclusions based on the premise that speciation occurs. That is what is still being debated. Keep in mind that evolution and speciation are related, but two different things. We can speculate from evidence of evolution, that speciation occurs, but thus far, we have no experiments that have reproduced the results, precisely.

2. The first site is not proof of anything, the site is very careful at making any hasty statements or conclusions like you have. Assuming speciation does occur, biologists have not concluded that a new species has been created because the fly is assumed to be on the verge of speciation.
Well I guess that answered that. Evolution can be used to predict speciation and is useful for explaining the processes that underlie macroevolution.
Katazia said:
A cause is a cause and causes can change. They cannot exist where everything is non existent since they exist which negates the state of non-existence.

No one has ever seen a cause. Every effect must have a cause. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is nothingness. "Something" can't cause anything, since every "something" needs a cause in order to be.

Katazia, what are you trying to do? Do you think you can defeat me? I am GOD, you can't be more powerful than I am. Are you trying to say that YOU are also GOD?
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Lori_7 said:
Evolution within a species is observable and is fact. But you can not conduct an experiment that would prove or support Darwin's theory, or essentially, that man evolved from some primordial slime.

Darwin's theory has been remodeled considerably since his days. Basically it turned from 'survival of the fittest' to 'survival of the most adaptable'. Regardless, to say that the present theory of evolution cannot be supported or proven is an opinion and very likely one that does not correspond to truth. In labs, early earth conditions are being simulated and amino acids + protective sheaths are resultant. More and more is being discovered concerning larger changes in the fossil record. Speciation has been replicated.
Basically, give it time and people will figure it out.

Lori_7 said:
And as far as ID goes...You observe a building, you assume an architect. You observe a bridge, you assume an engineer. You observe art, you assume an artist. It's very reasonable, based upon what we know from observation and from science.

ID says:

1) People create 'things' and are 'intelligent'
2) Reality is a 'thing' that people did not create
3) Therefore some other 'intelligent' entity created reality

There is nothing reasonable about it nor does it classify as a theory and there is ZERO evidence to support the 'assumption'.
C7ityi –

No one has ever seen a cause.
Don’t be silly, of course they have. I cause you to look foolish and many people have seen me.

Every effect must have a cause.

The only thing that doesn't need a cause is nothingness.
So either your previous statement is false or “nothingness isn’t an effect”. But that can’t be true either. Nothingness is an effect since it is the result of the absence of something. For example if something is removed then nothingness is the effect. Hence nothingness is caused.

"Something" can't cause anything, since every "something" needs a cause in order to be.
But every cause is something which suggests an infinite cycle of cause and effect. You are perhaps confusing the concept of something new being created but there is no indication that anything new has ever been created from nothing. What we see in physics is a continual ever-changing morphing of that which already exists, with no creations or destructions.

Katazia, what are you trying to do? Do you think you can defeat me? I am GOD, you can't be more powerful than I am. Are you trying to say that YOU are also GOD?
If you are a god then so am I. But in this competition of who can be the most idiotic then I have no problem losing to you.

The light of science has enlightened people enough to stop believing in religious fairytales and gods sitting on clouds. They can no longer believe in their naive ideas about God because they know better. But non-belief happens only if the process was not finished. When we develop further, we will once again have faith, but then, we will call no longer call IT God.

There are two types of religious people. The primitive ones with little knowledge, who don't have mind's to think on their own, and the enlightened ones with vast knowledge, who understand that they don't understand everything. Those who are between these two have become blinded because they believe they know everything already, and they're too much in love with themselves to see the truth.

Their suffering and loneliness will awaken them.

Katazia said:
Don’t be silly, of course they have. I cause you to look foolish and many people have seen me.

You cause electrical impulses to go between your brain and your hands, and make me look foolish. Where are you? Where is the power which initiates your will?

Many people have seen your body and some people have seen your person, but is there even a single one who has seen YOU?

The Bible says: No man has ever seen God; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he has made him known. Jesus said: those who have seen ME have seen the Father also.

In Exodus it says that "you cannot see MY face; for man shall not see ME and live." God can never be found in this world because he has no complementary half in which he could be compared to, so that he would become visible.

God can only be you.

But every cause is something which suggests an infinite cycle of cause and effect. You are perhaps confusing the concept of something new being created but there is no indication that anything new has ever been created from nothing.

If the effect is present, the cause is present. The universe is caused into being in the presence. It can be likened to a TV signal. We created the universe and the bodies as tools for ourselves to express ourselves.
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