A state that kills children

Originally posted by Xev

What human right gives him the privlege to kill people and get away with it?

Tsk, Tsk. You call yourself an abolitionist. Please, we don't need your support. This is the tired old rhetoric we hear from proponents of the DP. Who's getting away with something, Xev? If we don't kill him we have to let him go free? Ever heard of ife w/o the possibility of parole?

Too kill again will resolve nothing.

Neither will wasting money on letting him rot in jail for the next 50 years :rolleyes:

It actually WILL resolve something. It will eliminate the problem. Killer kills. Killer gets killed. No more killer. No more problem.
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Neither will wasting money on letting him rot in jail for the next 50 years :rolleyes:

Actually, in the US it costs more to put someone to death then to keep them injail for the rest of their life.

Ya, no shit Oz, I am a huge supported of the death penalty, I know the figures okay?

My point is, what difference does it make whether the person be executed right away or rot in jail for the next 50 years? What if any contribution can he make for our society? What the hell can he offer other then taking up space?

Oh, and Welcome to Sciforums! Post long and happy:)
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
It actually WILL resolve something. It will eliminate the problem. Killer kills. Killer gets killed. No more killer. No more problem.

This demonstrates to me a sever lack of understanding of the problem. Ask your self what happens before killer is made into a killer. There are forces that create and mold people to become killers. And in the US, these forces seem to be increasing. Killers are not born, they are made.

You can just kill them. But don't we, as a society, have an obligation to our children to try and prevent future killers from killing them. The only way to do this is to study the killer. To find out what forces created him. If we kill them, we will never know.

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Ya, no shit Oz, I am a huge supported of the death penalty, I know the figures okay?

Well if you know the figures, then your assertion about money makes no sense, does it?

Thanks for the welcome.;)


In a way I agree with what you say. About keeping them alive to study them. But in another way I feel no matter how much you study criminals, we will never know why they do what they do. The law should be that if you take a life with special circumstances, your life will be taken from you. If we stuck truly to that policy, I think people would think a little before pulling the trigger. But they dont, they go to jail and get stuck in the appeal process for years. Then they lift weights, do drugs and drink Pruno unti some shitty governor pardons them. Why should they be scared? Some people prefer prison to living on the streets ya know.

Thanks for being honest. I have great respect for that.

Now we get into the deterrent effect of the DP. The problem I see with deterring serial killers is this:

IMO, and I am in no way an expert, a serial killer is one step removed from suicide. In fact, I'm can speculate that many serial killers contemplate suicide. Then something happens. They start to think, "well if i'm going to die, I'm going to take a bunch of mother f*****s with me." DP doesn't do much to deter this mind set.

And then there is the thinking that, "well, I already killed one, might as well kill some more since I'm getting the DP."

I think that what we as a society do after the crime is merely picking up the pieces. The damage in many ways is already done. US criminal justice system is just like Western medicine: reactionary. Very few resources are put into prevention, i.e. actually preventing the harm before it occurs. The only way to prevent sociopathic killers id to get in their head. This likely will not happen while their young and hateful but may come around in their later years.

Originally posted by Absurd
If you knew all the figures, you wouldn't think that the death penalty is a deterrent, either.

Its not? If your dead how can you kill?:D

EDIT: Im just kidding people
Re: Oz

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
In a way I agree with what you say. About keeping them alive to study them.

when is feeding time? i like to bring the kids along to watch
I'm curious about why people feel that everyone (including criminals) have an unconditional right to life. Where does this right come from? Rights are arbitarily assigned and taken away by societies all the time, all throughout history.