A Special Case of Contact

Would U B open 2 considr the creative loving fearless possibilities of embracing ETs?

  • Maybe, I'll have to think about it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I'll just live in fear, thanks.

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Well I know Norval and FieryIce are stuck in their ways with the whole alien thing anyway, so they are the sorts of comments I expect.

My explaination of "coining" doesn't mean that the words did not exist until someone claimed an abduction, I mearly meant that people tend to use those words in a particular way when they don't have a real answer.

In your case you can continue to believe that you have "higher aliens" but look at it like this, if they are so much "higher" why would they need to do such experiments?

For thousands of years on this planet there have been racial clashes where one pronounces themselves superior over others, or another suggests that one has a superiority complex. For you to suggest that *your brand* of "alien" is a higher being, is like those racial clashes of old, and I can tell you it that alot of people would be upset at such a speculation.

I know it's suggested that we shouldn't put ourselves on a pedistal and make others below us, but the same goes for them too.

However in this particular case I still think that it's very real men, using very real techniques to manipulate people into believing them to be alien, with the purpose of "disinforming" people so the truth can't be known. It would tie in with the numbers of alien type.

In fact if you were to look into parapsychological fields you would find stories of old ghosts and sea monsters that are supposedly the same thing but the stories are distorted by how people perceive it in different regions and countries.

As for being understood Jocariah, perhaps I see you looking through a smoke and mirror screen telling people what you see in front of you, but I can see behind that screen, and see the stage, actors and puppeteers at work with their job being to create an illusion to you. It doesn't mean I've misunderstood what you see, I just percieve it from a different viewpoint.
Stryderunknown said:
In your case you can continue to believe that you have "higher aliens" but look at it like this, if they were so much "higher", why would they need to do such experiments?


Why do you assume they are experiments? That may simply be your estimation of what is taking place.

Are they experiments, or are they tracking the progress of their hybrids.

Not too many years ago the thought of creating life in a test tube was absurd. It was considered as being somehow against god and the sacredness of life. But that is not now the case; today we create test-tube babies and possess the capability to clone humans.

As I said in a prior post: "... it is our preconceived notions of what a superior being ‘might be’ that limits us. It is our very thought process that can go about to limit us as we live our lives.

Ultimately, it is the scale with which we measure everything that needs to be adjusted."

We tend to judge things by our own standards - our own format.

Abductees are not simply ordinary people being abducted - they are hybrids being monitored and tracked. They are genetically created prior to their birth. They are in effect 'test-tube babies', being as they (we) are, hybrids by design.

When I take my car in to get serviced, they don't experiment on it, although it may appear that way with all of the electronic testing equipment on hand. Their role is to monitor and service my vehicle - not to experiment on it per se.

It comes down to how we go about to summarize the information we have at hand. What format might we use? What scale with which to measure?


(...that reminds me, I need to get my oil changed.)

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Firstly your Car and Abductions are very different.

You know about your car, you know nothing of the truth about what an abduction is.
I'm just trying to get you to realise that you "do not know for certain" and for that matter "do not know the truth". The sooner you realise that the sooner you will realise that you could be adding to their web of deception.
Yes, Stryder, many add to that web of deception. Some with knowing they are, and some not knowing. There is a massive ongoing deception about all this UFO / ET cover-up.

And here we sit in pseudo science (make believe science), even in what is called the “sub-culture”. Makes one wonder just what the powers that be only want us to discuss and talk about. And if we do bring up these topics about what is going on in the world that the main line news don’t print, and the tabloids avoid also, we get branded as kooks.

Whatever. :rolleyes:
There are over six billion of us on this planet of ours - possibly six billion different perspectives as well. You have simply been reading mine. Not based on the intellectualizing or philosophizing of the matter, but rather based on my first hand experience - living it out as I have all of my life.

I have never championed my perspective as the truth, but simply being my perspective, such as it is.

However, it never ceases to amaze me why some would try to convince me of there way of thinking, never having experienced the phenomena, or even studying it in any great detail, but simply based on some scattered information, some articles and such that they might have read here and there.

No need to judge everything one encounters as being right or wrong – one can simply see it as additional information on the subject and remain neutral – no need to pigeonhole everything into right or wrong, good or bad, black or white – is there?

Or for that matter: Belief or Disbelief.

All things are possible, so long as they abide by the laws of the universe – problem is, we don’t know what those laws are – do we?

See it all goes back to our thought process; that process by which we think.

Of course the answer here, at least in part, is that they are protecting their underlying belief system. Attempting (or fighting as the case may be) to reinforce their long-held underlying beliefs rather than simply seeing all information or differing points of view, for that matter, as they really are - just 'information' (which may or may not align themselves with one’s own perspective).

A diamond looks different from the bottom looking up, than it does from the top looking down - but which perspective is the 'truth' - which one is 'right'?

Ultimate truth? Does it really exist? Does it even matter? We are simply shown what is meant for us to see – what may be timely for us to experience – what fits into the over all scheme of things. Layer upon layer – facet upon facet, building the over all mechanism as it were.

Round up all of the religious leaders and shaman in the world – ask them the ‘truth’ about god. There’s your answer right there – as diverse as it gets, no doubt.

And who's right? What's the truth?

The truth is, they are all ‘right’ – they are all ‘correct’. You see it all has to do with what is right or correct for them (individually) at that particular point in time.

It is all about individual correctness at a specific point it time – at a specific point in the life of the individual (i.e., what is right for you, at this point in time?)

It's about the individual experience.

Nobody really ‘needs’ to see our way; our perspective – our way is simply that - ‘our way”.

We are the product of the following:
1. Our experiences
2. Our thought processes
3. Our genetic traits and tendencies

Our thought process is the result of our experiences and our genetic traits and tendencies (… it’s all interrelated).

There again - it is our thought process, that process by which we think that can go about to limit us, and the way in which we both perceive and interact with our world.


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Alien Deception?

Of course we are continually being deceived by those beings of a higher order, that it how they guide and shepherd our evolutionary trek.

They know how to press our buttons.

I have been studying this phenomona not just from Articles and third party witness accounts, I've had my own involvement in such occurances. I haven't been abducted however the usage of equipment to project Alien visual shapes late at night to attempt to persuade my state of mind has been attempted, however they are to me artificially enduced hallucinations made from a holographic matrix, basically anything could be drawn, sculptured or three dimensionally animated to a persons head.

My experiences have made be extremely apprehensive of peoples perception of Aliens, Ghosts and other Parapsychological phenomona. My experiences have shown me that there are alot of fraudsters both in their small communes and government infrastructures that are harassing the peoples of more than one land for what ever purpose they have. (All purposes at the end of the day will boil down to money, even if it involves clandestine illegal Eugenic or Gene-therapy programs.)

I feel it's all too easy for people to believe an alien did something, which is why I see it as an engineered cop-out. Afterall when a person blames an alien, they aren't blaming another country or their own government. For it to be an alien you would have to Rule out the governments and countries of this world, which has yet to be done.

I personally see the whole of the services that spy on one another and cause alterations in Governmental control through clandestine actions as being Stupid, their whole reasoning for continuing the trend towards placing some threat in the world is to keep their jobs through those jobs being needed to deal with the threats they have implaced. I would go into more details on that thought, however a mixture of a lack of evidence and the fact that governments aren't going to want to hear how they self perpetuate their lack of understanding for one another is making me halt here.

If you can rule out human interaction (which can come from many areas of physics other than what you see in front of you) then you can suggest aliens, but not before. That is admittedly how I think, I didn't mean to attempt to convert you to realise something different, it's just if we are up against *men* playing us for chumps, then we the people they portray as chumps have to fight back and have to start viewing what they do in the way they didn't intend it to be viewed.