A Spacetime Theory of Consciousness

That's what i hate about it :)

It has its perks. I've personally had times in my life where I preferred my dreams; I've also found that dreams are sometimes closer to the truth then what people agree or are willing to admit is 'real' :p.
Dreams is but a language of the mind when the active conscious being no longer is worried about the material world. Maybe that is all that reality is in general, dreams and wishes. Afterall, our world is built up on perception, making the universe we come to experience strictly mind-like in nature.
I've personally had times in my life where I preferred my dreams; I've also found that dreams are sometimes closer to the truth then what people agree or are willing to admit is 'real' :p.

Dreams is but a language of the mind when the active conscious being no longer is worried about the material world. Maybe that is all that reality is in general, dreams and wishes. Afterall, our world is built up on perception, making the universe we come to experience strictly mind-like in nature.

Sounds good to me, laugh ;-).

My father, who's a visual artist of some fame in the land of his birth (if you speak spanish, you may want to see this link) once said something like this:
The line between imagination and reality is more imaginary then real.

I definitely think it was a good line :).

Here's his website, which I helped him design (you may note that the icon next to the url is the icon I use here; it's of me, about 10 years younger ;-)).
Sounds good to me, laugh ;-).

My father, who's a visual artist of some fame in the land of his birth (if you speak spanish, you may want to see this link) once said something like this:
The line between imagination and reality is more imaginary then real.

I definitely think it was a good line :).

Here's his website, which I helped him design (you may note that the icon next to the url is the icon I use here; it's of me, about 10 years younger ;-)).

Wow, you sure like using the word 'paradigm' a lot, without understanding the word, evidently.

:confused: I didn't use it at all in the post you're responding to. Not sure of the last time I used the word, actually.

Update- Now I get it- you're referring to what my -father- wrote :rolleyes:

Anyway, as to the definition of paradigm, from wikipedia's entry on the term:
The word paradigm (Greek:παράδειγμα (paradigma), composite from para- and the verb δείχνυμι "to show", as a whole -roughly- meaning "example") (IPA: /ˈpærədaɪm/) has been used in linguistics and science to describe distinct concepts.

To the 1960s, the word was specific to grammar: the 1900 Merriam-Webster dictionary defines its technical use only in the context of grammar or, in rhetoric, as a term for an illustrative parable or fable.

My father creates realities out of imagination, if you will. Such as the city of Galvez:

I think that in a very real way it's a play on the mythification of reality that governments practice all the time, such as the events that happened in Tlatelolco, Mexico in 1968:

My father, having been a part of the student movement at the time (narrowly getting out just before the killings), has done a fair amount of work on that as well (again, in spanish):

My mother has done some work in regards to the perils of depleted uranium in the past as well...
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I'm going to sketch up now the first half of the equations i made to the planwork so far. The blueprint and design was based on very specific arguements and also based on current quantum beliefs.

$$\partial A^{n+1}-A^n=\partial A$$

If $$A$$ is some observation/measurement, then

$$a_n=\frac{n}{n+1}=f(n)<f(n+1)=\frac{n+1}{n+1+1}=a_n+1$$ so


For the linear properties of ascent for subject $$A^n$$. To analyse two fields, i calculate:

$$\sum^{n+1}_{n} a_n<a^{n+1} (t) \pm \psi=\pm \psi(t)$$

For these two fields, they will specify information necessery for each other in

$$b(i) = \begin{pmatrix} i=2k \\ i*=2k+1 \end{pmatrix}$$

I define $$k$$ as being

$$k=\frac{(t<t_1)-(t>t_2)}{\int_{t_1}^{t_2} dt J(t)$$

where $$J(t)$$ is a coupling. J(t) has a wave function inside of it, so it would imply:

$$\hat{\psi}(\Pi_{k}(\psi))=|\Pi_{k} \psi|^2$$

The internal wave function of $$\Pi_{k}$$ where $$\Pi$$ implies locality, and the incoming field $$\hat{\psi}$$ is best seen as arising from the probability of observing something, but must also be a perfect mathematical conjugate of the field $$\psi$$.

Concerning the experience of physical events, $$\xi_{i}=dAB=|tB_{i}-tA_{i}|$$, where $$\xi$$ is the state of the system in the ith state, then we must also remember we are making these transformations in space only through time, the instument we use to make durations in space. Time therefore is only mathematically important, but since we experience time in a linear state $$\int_{t_1}^{t_2} \Pi_{n} (t)$$, (local of course), then:

$$\sum^{\Pi_k^{n+1}}_{n} \xi^{n+1}-\xi^n(t)\psi^{n}$$

in substituting for the ith state, i've used the nth state in the linear configuration. This must imply that:

$$\sum^{\Pi_k^{n+1}}_{n} \xi^{n+1}-\xi^n(t)\psi^{n}=\sum^{\Pi_k^{n+1}}_{n} |tB-tA|^n$$

using this, knowing that we create a linear framework, this works well with principles of quantum mechanics which requires a linear dimension upon the square of the probability density $$\int_{\Omega} |\psi|^2$$. So that:

$$\sum^{\Pi_k^{n+1}}_{n} |\psi_i tB-tA|^n=\sum_{i} |c_n(t)\psi_{i}|^2$$

where on the left hand side $$|tB-tA|^n$$ must be a physical measurement made by an observer, then it is analogous to $$k=\frac{\partial A^n}{\partial t}$$, in fact, they are equivalant because $$k$$ describes a measurement.
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