A sign or not?

wow...that's a cool story. thanks for sharing. i find that when stuff like this happens, it may have been to help someone else, but also contains a personal message just for you.

The personal message is, always drive carefully.

The rock with the face of Jesus is the original Rock of Ages
Hell, I look like Jesus too, what's the big deal? And my Mom seems to appear on my toast every morning, I don't know why.

I keep seeing Jesus in my soup. He looks hungry. I laugh and laugh and laugh, then dunk my bread in Him. He keeps trying to bite a piece off but it's a shame because He can't because His little mouth's too small. And that makes me laugh even more. :(

You need your eyes tested. Jesus never appears in soup. You're confusinhg him with Moses. You can sometimes see Jesus in pizza
...in too many rock formations...

How much do you want to bet there is a rock that looks like anything you can think of? At work, a colleague of mine has a rock shaped like a foot.
Who knows the poem which begins,

I see His face in every flower, His eyes in stars above......i
I like to paint images of Jesus, The Virgin Mary, Buddah, Stalin, and a few other folks on rocks, trees, goats, and sometimes even perishable food items and leave them lying around in roads in such so that people can feel alive. Perhaps you were one of my victims.

My official vote is "not".

I'm happy for you, though, that ...um... well, that you inadvertently helped a mini-van and it's inhabitants.
Funny, I recall a distinct sense of having been saved by something (call it fate, or my muse...?), right after every time I ever cheated death by bugger-all.
I assume you have a camera?

Any chance you can take a picture of this rock and let us see?
when I went to pick it up again I saw on one side of the rock a faint image of a face, I showed the rock to someone and they instantly said It looks like Jesus, I have become obsessed with this rock, .

it wouldn't by chance be one of these. would it
I can see god, moses, jesus, mary, and adam and even judas. who can you see.
The personal message is, always drive carefully.

The rock with the face of Jesus is the original Rock of Ages

i wish i had a rock with the face of jesus on it. i could beat morons over the head with it. like people who drive mini-vans five miles under the speed limit.
i wish i had a rock with the face of jesus on it. i could beat morons over the head with it. like people who drive mini-vans five miles under the speed limit.

Become a Muslim, then you will have lots of opportunities to throw stones at people.