I am completely confused, something recently happened to me that I cant seem to explain. I was driving down a winding mountain road (speed limit 45), I was coming to a curve that that is kind of tricky, you never know what is around the bend, I hit something that felt like it tore my muffler off, I stoped and got out, looking back I saw what it was , a rock, the size of a cantalope. Nothing really happend to my car so I tossed the rock to the side, It hit the embankment and rolled back onto the road, when I went to pick it up again I saw on one side of the rock a faint image of a face, that was cool my 8 year old son would like it, I got back into the car and started to go around the bend, I had to stop fast , blocking half of my lane was a large rock that had fallen down the mountain , I would have plowed into it if I hadnt stoped, or I would have swurved and gone over the embakment, I used the back of the car to push the rock off to the side, I pulled the car over and got out to make sure nothing happend to the car, a mini van with a woman and 3 or 4 kids came around the bend pretty fast and just passed me by, they had know idea what could have just happend to them. It would have been bad. i got home and took the rock inside with out the sun hitting it I saw the image more clearly, a mans face , long ,hair , a beard, so you know what I thought.was this rock some kind of a sign, I mean people could have died. I showed the rock to someone and they instantly said It looks like Jesus, I have become obsessed with this rock, I havent told anyone about the story behind the rock. Then the other night I saw a show about searching for noahs ark, I went on the internet and tried to get an image of Mt arrafat, I came across a close up of part of mount sanai and it was there , my rock, only much larger. So what do I do now ? Im trying to let this thing rest.