A sign or not?


Registered Member
I am completely confused, something recently happened to me that I cant seem to explain. I was driving down a winding mountain road (speed limit 45), I was coming to a curve that that is kind of tricky, you never know what is around the bend, I hit something that felt like it tore my muffler off, I stoped and got out, looking back I saw what it was , a rock, the size of a cantalope. Nothing really happend to my car so I tossed the rock to the side, It hit the embankment and rolled back onto the road, when I went to pick it up again I saw on one side of the rock a faint image of a face, that was cool my 8 year old son would like it, I got back into the car and started to go around the bend, I had to stop fast , blocking half of my lane was a large rock that had fallen down the mountain , I would have plowed into it if I hadnt stoped, or I would have swurved and gone over the embakment, I used the back of the car to push the rock off to the side, I pulled the car over and got out to make sure nothing happend to the car, a mini van with a woman and 3 or 4 kids came around the bend pretty fast and just passed me by, they had know idea what could have just happend to them. It would have been bad. i got home and took the rock inside with out the sun hitting it I saw the image more clearly, a mans face , long ,hair , a beard, so you know what I thought.was this rock some kind of a sign, I mean people could have died. I showed the rock to someone and they instantly said It looks like Jesus, I have become obsessed with this rock, I havent told anyone about the story behind the rock. Then the other night I saw a show about searching for noahs ark, I went on the internet and tried to get an image of Mt arrafat, I came across a close up of part of mount sanai and it was there , my rock, only much larger. So what do I do now ? Im trying to let this thing rest.
If you accept that Jesus saved you, you have to accept that he chooses not to save the ~40,000 people who die every year in car accidents in the U.S. alone.


Your call.

...but as a side note, human beings are predisposed to recognizing faces in everything.
wow...that's a cool story. thanks for sharing. i find that when stuff like this happens, it may have been to help someone else, but also contains a personal message just for you.
I understand the predisposition thing , but a picture of you in your yearbook is a picture of you in your yearbook nothing predisposed about it. I personaly do not believe that It is Jesus, my friend does, but It is the image of a man.
A sign or not?
No. Just an issue of mathematical probability.

Given enough time and similar conditions and a population in the billions then similar events will occur many times without comment, that one incident has a rock with surface characteristics that can also appear like a human face, says nothing about a sign, only mathematical probability.

Similarly with prayer. If one prays for something relatively mundane many thousands of times and eventually the need is met then has the prayer been answered or is it the same as throwing a dice enough items that a 6 will eventually show.
So what do I do now ?

Pray to the silence of universe eternal cosmos night reaching into your left pocket for cash dwelling in ground laying dead body swelling crying for help lost and forgotten and brought upon agony of rock from stars given bringing change to horizon rising above crescent moon of the oblivion changing and caressing the sweet lullaby singing of your belief upbringing and condescending reality reprehension of situation low probability changing leaving a mark on your time in your mind wondering thoughts agonizing
I am completely confused, something recently happened to me that I cant seem to explain. I was driving down a winding mountain road (speed limit 45), I was coming to a curve that that is kind of tricky, you never know what is around the bend, I hit something that felt like it tore my muffler off, I stoped and got out, looking back I saw what it was, a rock, the size of a cantalope. Nothing really happend to my car so I tossed the rock to the side, It hit the embankment and rolled back onto the road, when I went to pick it up again I saw on one side of the rock a faint image of a face, that was cool my 8 year old son would like it, I got back into the car and started to go around the bend, I had to stop fast, blocking half of my lane was a large rock that had fallen down the mountain, I would have plowed into it if I hadnt stoped, or I would have swurved and gone over the embakment, I used the back of the car to push the rock off to the side, I pulled the car over and got out to make sure nothing happend to the car, a mini van with a woman and 3 or 4 kids came around the bend pretty fast and just passed me by, they had know idea what could have just happend to them. It would have been bad. i got home and took the rock inside with out the sun hitting it I saw the image more clearly, a mans face , long ,hair , a beard, so you know what I thought.was this rock some kind of a sign, I mean people could have died. I showed the rock to someone and they instantly said It looks like Jesus, I have become obsessed with this rock, I havent told anyone about the story behind the rock. Then the other night I saw a show about searching for noahs ark, I went on the internet and tried to get an image of Mt arrafat, I came across a close up of part of mount sanai and it was there, my rock, only much larger. So what do I do now? Im trying to let this thing rest.
M*W: Well, before you go any further, get some medical help. You are not living in a state of reality.

Whatever image you saw on that rock was a fig newton of your imagnation. People see what they WANT TO SEE! I guarantee you that if I saw a rock with a facial image, it would probably be the image of Tom Petty.

Your statement proves nada. The image was just your wishful thining. You're lucky you and a bunch of innocent people weren't killed because of your stupidity.
While you're admiring your rock children are dying of disease worldwide.

Ever notice the signs on a mountainside road never say 'watch for falling rock' but say 'watch for fallen rock'. You did, and that's what saved your hide.
I keep seeing Jesus in my soup. He looks hungry. I laugh and laugh and laugh, then dunk my bread in Him. He keeps trying to bite a piece off but it's a shame because He can't because His little mouth's too small. And that makes me laugh even more. :(
... i got home and took the rock inside with out the sun hitting it I saw the image more clearly, a mans face , long ,hair , a beard, so you know what I thought.was this rock some kind of a sign, I mean people could have died. I showed the rock to someone and they instantly said It looks like Jesus ...

How does the "someone" who made this suggestion know what Jesus looks like???
How does the "someone" who made this suggestion know what Jesus looks like???
That's easy.

The teacher asked the little 5 year old girl what she was painting.
The little girl said it was a picture of God.
But, the teacher said, no one knows what God looks like.
Well when I'm finished you will know.

The idealized image of the mythical Jesus came from the classical artists from many centuries ago. That imaginary image has become a meme.
I understand the predisposition thing , but a picture of you in your yearbook is a picture of you in your yearbook nothing predisposed about it. I personaly do not believe that It is Jesus, my friend does, but It is the image of a man.
It would still be nice if you upload a photo of it. What kind of an image is it? For centuries people thought the patterns on the visible side of the moon were a man's face. Is yours a detailed image or just stylized?

Coincidences happen all the time. Some things really do look like other things.

You're getting a lot of flak here from the irreligious people and I'm one of them but I don't think there's any reason to be rude to you. If this incident has caused you to stop and contemplate life and the things that happen to people, then it did some good.

Your friend is being pretty fanciful. Even if you accept Jesus as a real historical figure--which many of us do not--there are no portraits of him made by people who were alive at that time. No one has any idea what he looked like. In fact there are no first-hand accounts of him at all, in any medium. All of the reports of his life were written long after he was dead. This is the main reason we are so skeptical.