A sign of decadence?

It's the type of CHEAP entertainment that we encourage that's deplorable. For the most part a good movie or a good book or a good song, while considered entertainment is also very spirtualizing and character building. The wealthier a civilization gets the more they realize that these actions of making money and progressing are unfulfilling. So it makes sense that we appeal to those who can illustrate that emptiness and lonliness and gradually fall away from order as order never satisfied us.

And politicians ARE known, they're just not celebrities. Cunning and manipulation of power aren't that admirable. And I for one, don't respect politicians as much as I'm just thankful for them so I don't have to do it. It's like a janitorial position. There's nothing spiritual or significant involved. I mean, god bless them. I wouldn't take a shitty one and I want them to be decent but I don't think it takes too much skill just a stomach for what would be nauseating to anyone else.

So I have no problem knowing that the lead singer of Suede is Brett Anderson. Or that Ian Curtis hung himself. Or that I feel like I relate to Brian Micheal Bendis. Or that Kerouac, Luke Wilson and Wes Anderson come to mind when I think of famous people I would meet.
to those who knock trashy comics, b-movies and other low brow forms of culture.......

a pitchfork is comin your way!!
And to those who wave pitchforks around with blatant disregard for the vulnerable human eye, I say....

run away! :eek: :D
I think that low brow humor is great. B-movies? Oh yeah, Evil Dead 2 anyone? And I think Bruce Cambell is super. And he's a "celebrity" in my opinion. I think you can tell a lot by a persons sense of humor. And I think that sense of humor is worth paying attention to and praising.

Crappy entertainment that's meant to be funny (i.e. b-movies and low brow) isn't stupid it's just goofy.

BUT! Britney Spears isn't trying to be funny. A Walk to Remember isn't trying to be funny. Empty people movies aren't trying to be funny. And THAT is what I consider cheap entertainment.

Dude, that rabbit puppet is pretty damn cool.
At various times in history the well-known people were kings and queens, politicians, philosophers, greatb warriors, et cetera
I don't know, the ancient world was pretty decadent, especially the qroups of people you mentioned above.

I have to agree though, there is too much money spent on the entertainment business. However thats the price we pay to escape our otherwise "boring" lives.

This is why we need more philosophers, writers, and why not scientists in the entertainment industry
The scary part is that there are more and more doctors, scientists and writers in the entertainment industry. One in particular, Michael Crichton - a doctor and scientist by trade and author by choice, splurts out some of the worst garbage in Hollywood. Another is the guy who wrote the X-files. Although entertaining, it was hardly accurate and encouraged a generation of disillusioned forensic scientists.

Well, actually, I think Elton John and that guy who played Gandalf (what's his name?! I swear I know it...) are worthy of their titles. They've had to work hard
Yeah crawling around the floor, just being Elton John and singing bad songs is pretty hard work

Deena: WTF...a serious post????
Deena: WTF...a serious post????


Anyway, I agree that "quality" entertainment is, in a way, designed to fill an emptiness that people make for themselves. The pursuit of gain, of status; the need to "get ahead". These things have supplanted real feeling and motivation in people's lives...their efforts to grow up and aquire and justify their existences in terms of money or some kind of accomplishment have forced them to excise fundamental things that people care about (love, happiness, humor, play), and to force them into periphery. These "peripheral" interests are something that people are ashamed of, since they're useless for "getting ahead" or "establishing" oneself, but people don't want to lose these things completely, so they push them into the easily accessible (yet easily dismissed) realm of "entertainment". This is why people like sentimental movies, or pet shop boys songs.

Entertainment becomes crappy when it's fake, when there's no actual sentiment behind it. People in charge see some kind of trend, and try to follow it. But they do it commercially, not emotionally, so it's pretty worthless. Pretty heartless.

This could lead into a whole conversation about what is and isn't genuine, or why "sentimental" is often confused with "girly", but whatever. It's late. I will say that it's pretty "decadant" to indulge in shitty, sub-par entertainment all the time, because the only reason anyone could want to is to appease their boredom. If you're that bored, you really must have a lot of time on your hands, and you probably do a lot of other decadant stuff, too.
That puppet is there because Bluesoul said 'Run Away' and in the Holy Grail, a Rabbit Puppet started killing everyone and the knights shouted 'RUN AWAY'

It just reminded me of that. So now you know
Is this focusing of wealth on entertainers a sign of degradation of a civilisation?

I honestly think so. Everyone I know is so focused on "whats hip" and how much money they can acquire in life. Not that money is totally bad - if I had more I would get to travel, or buy my grandma a house. But Im talking people are so focused on material things. Houses, boats, expensive clothes, etc...
I think in this "pursuit of happiness" everyone is after, something got lost. Big time. We work so we can buy shit we dont need - I think Brad Pitt said that in Fight Club. And its the truth!! How much money do we spend on "entertainment"? Wouldnt we be happier if we could "entertained" ourselves? We would save all that money and use if for something useful - like feeding starving kids. And our society has become a reflection of how selfish and shallow we have are. Thats why there are so many great people from the past. They didnt spend their days in front of the "boob tube". We are entranced with wealthy lifestyles and if you really stop to think - money will not make you happy. Finding yourself and helping others - will.
I have a plan that can make me famous. Its just a thoery though, but I think it will work.

Keep your eyes out for the name 'Liam Tondeur' in the near future