A sign of decadence?


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
How many famous people can you think of?

Now, how many of those people are or were in the entertainment business? Actors and actresses, singers?

At various times in history the well-known people were kings and queens, politicians, philosophers, greatb warriors, et cetera. However, the wealthier a civilisation becomes, the more time, money, and effort it spends on entertainment, and so our famous people become more and more simple entertainers. Consider famous actors who make twenty million US dollars per movie, plus royalties. That money does not come from nowhere; it comes from the public, through one channel or another. Basically, it is the work of a civilisation being wasted on the most fruitless and petty passtimes. Entertainment is nice, but should not be such a great focus of a society's wealth and effort.

Is this focusing of wealth on entertainers a sign of degradation of a civilisation?
I don't think it is too worrying.

The Romans did nothing then go to the games and sheer for gladiators killing each other.

Where not yet as far with Big Brother.

I think it is only a small part of society that keeps the level high. The rest is just history repeating.

Can you imagine a mass appeal program discussing the difference between Jaspers and Arendt? Not likely.
Well, in the shallow world we live today, you only have to be well known to be famous
This is why we need more philosophers, writers, and why not scientists in the entertainment industry.
It's time to create those holodecks once and for all. There is even place for those great warriors in there, and yes, the politicians too. ;)

And eventually, if we don't kill ourselves first, we could create entire hologlobes, new worlds to explore. Epic designs. To be gods. :) Is that so shallow?

The evolution will proceed, regardless of monetary disputes, because there is no other way for it to go but forward.
So what we perceive as meaningless and shallow, will also find a way to serve the human evolution, in ways that were not apparent to begin with, but still there.
Yeah, I see what Adam's talking about. Nowadays, we reward outward appearance and appeal, while paying almost no attention to the hardworking people that have real talent.

This is appearing more often, too. Take a look at American Idol, Popstars, Making the Band, etc. The "singers" that come out of it don't even write their own bloody songs!! They have no image, as far as I'm concerned, because the company makes one for them! They're not "artists", they shouldn't even be allowed to perform!

Another show: 30 Seconds To Fame. People perform some special "act" for 30 seconds, and the audience decides who gets the cash at the end. It's so freaking stupid, because the audience cheer idiot people who can sing a few chords and dance! And the performers who have real talent (flame jugglers, contortionists, acrobats) rarely win!

We've become a generation of "first impressions" people. If it doesn't look nice or have some outstanding characteristic, it's not worthy of our time. We hear the latest gossip, and watch the shows, but do we ever hear of medical research and space exploration as often as what's-his-name and who's-her-face? I think not!

We've become lazy and self-indulgent, too content in our own lives. Will we just sit here and clap our hands to the rhythm of society, or will we snap out of our reverie and start to learn again?

(BTW, I have nothing against entertainment industry, I think it's a great way to bring in the "moola". :D It's just the appreciation of sub-mediocrity that chips my cookie, if you get my drift.) :)
Who does the English Queen knight these days? Actors and pop singers? Fuggin ridiculous.
Well, actually, I think Elton John and that guy who played Gandalf (what's his name?! I swear I know it...) are worthy of their titles. They've had to work hard. :D
Did they hell

Didn't Elton John just get knighted for playing a song at Princess Diana's funeral?

There are too many philosphers and great writers. They are just considered to be boring by todays standards

We still do have great warriors. We have Andy McNab

Also, we have the Stallones and the Schwarzneggers and to the lesser extents, the Van Dammes (Bluesoul might recognise this one)
I thought Elton John was knighted a long time ago, when he was still wearing those funky glasses? *shrug* :D Yes, the Van Dammes of today! :)

Oh my God, Blue Soul, you're one of THEM!!

AHHH!! How did jou know eet vas I? :D Now I must kill you (again), because you know my terrible, terrible secret. :p :D
'The only decent thing to come out of France was Jean Claude Van Damme'
'He was from Belgium'
'Then they have NOTHING'

Always liked that quote

It was from 'Encore, Encore'