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OK... One more time. Yeah, beating a dead horse.

Just so there's no mistaking my position...
I believe a woman should have a choice. Period, it's her body.

But, yeah, the dreaded but...

I think the decision to abort, should be made immediately, upon learning of being pregnant.

Either you want the child, or you don't.
*shakes head* I am going to gracefully withdraw from this... whatever you want to call it. All semblence of logical thought has gone out the window at this point, as we have, apparently, decided that a living, feeling, conscious human child is apparently worth less than a persons right to decide at the last moment "nah, I don't want that responsibility".

Bells, you ask about those who have been "denied the ability to choose" until the last trimester - who is denying them their choice? Because whoever THAT is is the one that needs a good smack upside the head. As for the girls I'd heard talking about abortion as a form of birth control, I doubt it was for medical reasons, considering the discussions were something along the lines of, while they were discussing their highly promiscuous sexual escapades, someone bringing up the thought that they should be using a condom or birth control pill, and the resulting response being along the lines of "why should I bother spending money for something that might happen? besides, if I do miss a period or whatever I'll just end it then" as though it were no big deal. That was just terrifying to overhear... to think that people can think so incredibly LITTLE of a growing life.

Let me ask you this, Bells: In a "civilized" society, what reasons are there for abortions to be necessary? I can only think of one - some medical reason in which the fetus is either nonviable, or carrying to term would endanger the mother. Excluding cases of rape or other sexual assault, there is no reason for a woman who doesn't want to have children to not use (or require the use of - lets face it, men have a responsibility in this as well to use protection!) SOME form of birth control; if that birth control fails (condom breaks, for instance), there are things such as the morning after pill to prevent impregnation. There is, quite literally, no non-medical reason to wait until that late in the game to decide you don't want to have the kid.

Obviously, we don't live in a perfect world... that and the medical reasons are why there should be exceptions to it... none the less, there comes a point where a person HAS to accept responsibility for what they do to their own body... ending another life just because you were irresponsible is unacceptable... unless of course you would argue someone in debt should be allowed to just go and kill the person they owe the debt to as a means of terminating said responsibility (after all, what's one life weighed against another?)

Anyway, this is probably going to be my last post on this issue... not only are we way off base of whatever perceived point this thread had, but we are going around in circles... it is obvious nobody here is actually absorbing and understanding what the other side is saying ... the battle lines are clearly drawn and nobody is willing to back down from them, so this entire conversation is moot.

Can you provide a link to your quote please?

That's all I'm asking from you at the moment Kitta. Are you Divine Oubliette?

Because the actual study you quoted from Divine Oubliette on the Yahoo Answers site - because this is apparently scientific... - clearly states that foetal pain is inconclusive and they have no evidence that they can feel and recognise actual pain.

I have provided you with more than enough evidence to show that the whole myth of 'girls and women use it for birth control' is a myth perpetrated by pro-lifer's to try to portray women as being sluts and irresponsible.

There are many women who don't even know they are pregnant. Unless you wish to demand that women have pregnancy tests once a month once they start menstruating and are sexually active? Or what of women who are lied to by their doctors in a bid to stop them from aborting it?

This actually happens and is legal in some areas. Should she be allowed to get an abortion if she's gone past the 27 week time period? Or is it a case of 'too bad, so sad, you need to have it now'?

In a perfect world, there would be no abortions. In a perfect world, people would not misconstrue and misrepresent reality to suit their needs and purposes or to portray women as being irresponsible and somehow slack or indecisive even in the face of actual proof that is not the case. However we do not live in a perfect world and I think denying women safe health care services at any point in their pregnancy will lead and does lead to death and permanent injury. If this is acceptable to you, then so be it. It isn't an acceptable option for me.
So why do the people who advocate a ban for late term abortions refuse to discuss it or acknowledge it? How can they dismiss the fact that women will just seek unsafe and illegal options if they ban it, risking their lives in the process? How is this acceptable?

Why are you pretending no one has acknowledged it or offered to discuss it? I certainly have. I said that using "they're gonna do it anyway" isn't a valid reason. People will risk their lives breaking into houses and banks; should we make theft legal, and provide a safe infrastructure for thieves to operate in? And before you do your usual bullshit about "You're comparing abortion to theft," do try to remember the point of analogy. Also, understand that people who want bans on late-term abortion consider such procedures murder, so comparing it to theft would be a disservice.

I think any option available is great. But I also think that denying women based on preconceived and sexist notions that women are irresponsible, slack and the like that are so far from reality that it's not even funny to read about them anymore, will only result in women dying.

Literally no one has said that. Not one person. The reason people want late-term abortion banned is that they (we) feel that after a certain stage in the pregnancy, we're dealing with a living person, and that person deserves to be protected. And no, I'm not willing to pretend that the mother is soverign over the life that is inside of her. That's not how this thing works.
Ha... overall this was/is a good fun entertainin wild-an-crazy thred that went down the rabit hole of abortion... but lots of people got to discuss or give ther opinions on the abortion issue so i see that as a good thang :cheers:
Why are you pretending no one has acknowledged it or offered to discuss it? I certainly have. I said that using "they're gonna do it anyway" isn't a valid reason. People will risk their lives breaking into houses and banks; should we make theft legal, and provide a safe infrastructure for thieves to operate in? And before you do your usual bullshit about "You're comparing abortion to theft," do try to remember the point of analogy. Also, understand that people who want bans on late-term abortion consider such procedures murder, so comparing it to theft would be a disservice.
Because it is comparable?

Literally no one has said that. Not one person. The reason people want late-term abortion banned is that they (we) feel that after a certain stage in the pregnancy, we're dealing with a living person, and that person deserves to be protected. And no, I'm not willing to pretend that the mother is soverign over the life that is inside of her. That's not how this thing works.

Kitta has argued and inferred irresponsibility of women who simply wait that long because they can't decide, even when it is clearly demonstrated that this is not the case.

If you don't think that the mother's rights are sovereign and her own, then that is your opinion. You are lucky that you will never ever be forced into such a position. Women who are faced with such situations and who are at times told that their rights matter so little that they are not worthy of consideration at all or they are imprisoned or forced into having c-sections without their consent would disagree with you. All of these actions are based on the basis of 'we're dealing with a living person'. Is the woman not a living person? Or does she just become an incubator after 27 weeks, so much so that she loses all control and all say over her own body? Why does the living person inside her get a higher priority and more of a say and more rights than the mother?

And I think risking the lives of women and denying them their basic and fundamental human rights by refusing them safe health care at that stage of their pregnancy will lead to more deaths. I don't just think it, I know it as there is more than enough proof to show that women do die without access to safe abortions. Since you feel this is an appropriate solution, then so be it. One can only hope you never have a daughter who may face such a decision and turn to you for some semblance of support if she does.

Thankfully there are still 4 doctors who provide the service to women around the US and who do so with far more compassion and understanding the people in this thread are capable of. They provide a safe service for women who are in dire need of it, from women who found out too late they were pregnant, to women who were denied access to an abortion earlier on, to women who find out late in their pregnancy that their child has little chance at a normal and healthy life, to women who were raped and in denial and confused and unsure of what their options are. These doctors provide this service and compassion and understanding and counseling under threats of death to themselves and their staff, these women access this service under threat of death and bomb threats, harassment, abuse.

You have consistently dismissed the argument that women will die as being somewhat irrelevant. So much for women's rights, huh? Next time you whine about Muslims and their treatment of women and their denying women rights, I will remind you just how you disregard a woman's safety or her very existence once she's past 27 weeks. How you don't think that she is sovereign if she is past 27 weeks pregnant. Because in your opinion, that's not how it works. Because in your opinion, women's rights over their bodies stop and cease to exist and her child's rights become greater than hers, which literally renders the woman into the status of a living incubator.
Kitta has argued and inferred irresponsibility of women who simply wait that long because they can't decide, even when it is clearly demonstrated that this is not the case.

No, Bells... full stop. I am in FAVOR of women having the choice up to that point, and feel that anyone trying to prevent them having said choice is in the wrong. Please, do not lump me in the typical "anti-abortion" rabble-rousers... I just feel that, after a point, the life of the child should be taken into consideration.

If they are somehow coerced/forced/abused/what have you into NOT taking action earlier, then obviously there is cause for an exception.
No, Bells... full stop. I am in FAVOR of women having the choice up to that point, and feel that anyone trying to prevent them having said choice is in the wrong. Please, do not lump me in the typical "anti-abortion" rabble-rousers... I just feel that, after a point, the life of the child should be taken into consideration.

If they are somehow coerced/forced/abused/what have you into NOT taking action earlier, then obviously there is cause for an exception.
Do you think these women do not take the lives of their child into consideration? Do you think they have not weighed the morality of their decision at all? This isn't a case of a simple D&C. This is up to or more than 4 days of intensive physical discomfort and pain and quite literally giving birth. This isn't something that women decide to do lightly, nor do they take it lightly.

For many of these women, they never had a choice up to that point. They simply found themselves at that point. Some don't realise they are pregnant until too late, some are denied or unable to access an abortion earlier on (considering that 90% of counties in the US do not offer abortion services for 1st and 2nd trimester abortions, this isn't hard to imagine), some are victims of rape or incest who are in denial about what is happening to them (again, this isn't hard to imagine) and others find out after 27 weeks that there is something horrendously wrong with their baby. I consider all of these to be valid reasons as these women consider them to be valid.

My biggest issue with a ban on behalf of the 'person' they are carrying is that it brings with it inherent risks that even women who fall within the 1% of exceptions who get abortions in the 3rd trimester, will be denied the ability to do so. And then they will obtain it illegally and risk their lives in the process. If they have complications, they will be scared and won't seek help as they will face arrest and face possible murder charges. As Quinnsong stated, if they have an abortion illegally in the 3rd trimester, then they can just be arrested and prosecuted.. This will mean that women will just not seek help if something goes wrong. I don't think this is an acceptable measure.

This does not even touch on the rape exemption that everyone is quick to accept. Many women and girls who are raped or are victims of incest and find themselves pregnant have not reported it to the police, out of fear, shame and the plethora of other emotions and horrors that accompany rape and incest. Rape and incest exemptions means that these women and girls will have to somehow prove they have been raped to fit into that exemption. Can you imagine the trauma?

Then of course we fall into the terrifying prospect of what happens when the foetus is deemed a 'person'. Hundreds of women in jail, forced c-sections and arrests during labour, imprisonment and forced c-sections for endangering the 'person' they are carrying. This is what happens when you designate personhood to a foetus. Full stop. This isn't even fantasy or hypotheticals, but what actually happens.

I don't advocate abortion. But I do think that it is ultimately the woman's choice and I think she should have access to a safe abortion should she need or require one.
Thankfully there are still 4 doctors who provide the service to women around the US and who do so with far more compassion and understanding the people in this thread are capable of.
Whoa... im in this thred :grumble:
She doesn't mean you clueluss.

The Four Doctors.........could they be........surely not..........


The Dalek does not perform abortions. He's a Catholic.
Because it is comparable?

Again, learn what an analogy is.


Kitta has argued and inferred irresponsibility of women who simply wait that long because they can't decide, even when it is clearly demonstrated that this is not the case.

Hold on. Yes it is sometimes the case that they have late-term abortions because they can't decide. I linked to a study from 2013 that said precisely that. But what you continually fail to comprehend is that this is not why Kitt or anyone else Is against late-term abortions.

If you don't think that the mother's rights are sovereign and her own, then that is your opinion. You are lucky that you will never ever be forced into such a position.

As basically everyone in this thread has said, any woman who is forced into making such a decision should have the option to terminate the pregnancy, just as anyone who finds out their chils has severe birth defects (most defects can't be screened for until that point). But not all women who have late-term abortions are forced into such a decision. It's a choice.

Women who are faced with such situations and who are at times told that their rights matter so little that they are not worthy of consideration at all or they are imprisoned or forced into having c-sections without their consent would disagree with you. All of these actions are based on the basis of 'we're dealing with a living person'. Is the woman not a living person? Or does she just become an incubator after 27 weeks, so much so that she loses all control and all say over her own body? Why does the living person inside her get a higher priority and more of a say and more rights than the mother?

Why does the mother get more priority than the living person inside of her?

And I think risking the lives of women and denying them their basic and fundamental human rights by refusing them safe health care at that stage of their pregnancy will lead to more deaths.

They're not being denied access to safe health care. They're being denied access to abortion procedures.

I don't just think it, I know it as there is more than enough proof to show that women do die without access to safe abortions. Since you feel this is an appropriate solution, then so be it. One can only hope you never have a daughter who may face such a decision and turn to you for some semblance of support if she does.

When did I say it was an appropriate solution? I don't think restricting late-term abortions is a solution, I think it's a moral duty. The solution to decreasing abortions lies in better sex education and access to contraceptives. Progress on both of those counts has lead to the lowest abortion rate in the US in 30 years .

You have consistently dismissed the argument that women will die as being somewhat irrelevant. So much for women's rights, huh? Next time you whine about Muslims and their treatment of women and their denying women rights, I will remind you just how you disregard a woman's safety or her very existence once she's past 27 weeks. How you don't think that she is sovereign if she is past 27 weeks pregnant. Because in your opinion, that's not how it works. Because in your opinion, women's rights over their bodies stop and cease to exist and her child's rights become greater than hers, which literally renders the woman into the status of a living incubator.

Mischaracterization and outright lies. For one, I didn't say I don't care about a pregnant woman's safety past 27 weeks. I said that her safety isn't important to me when she's trying to kill her child. Secondly, this isn't a women's rights issue. No more than it's a women's rights issue that mothers should be able to drown their kids in the bathtub. Once a fetus is past a certain point, it's a child, and the mother has responsibilities. Sorry that this is the hand nature dealt you, but acting as if you should have the right full-stop to terminate a pregnancy no matter what is horseshit.
Literally no one has said that. Not one person. The reason people want late-term abortion banned is that they (we) feel that after a certain stage in the pregnancy, we're dealing with a living person, and that person deserves to be protected. And no, I'm not willing to pretend that the mother is soverign over the life that is inside of her. That's not how this thing works.
But the problem is that you stop thinking of the woman carrying the fetus as a person; you want to force that "human, but" to use her organs for good of another.
But the problem is that you stop thinking of the woman carrying the fetus as a person; you want to force that "human, but" to use her organs for good of another.

No one stops seeing her as a person. That is a strawman. The argument Is that after a certain period of time, the life Inside of her is a viable person, and deserves rights as well. And its right to life--except in certain situations--should be given priority.
Again, learn what an analogy is.
Oh I know what an analogy is. I just find your choice very interesting and telling.

Hold on. Yes it is sometimes the case that they have late-term abortions because they can't decide. I linked to a study from 2013 that said precisely that. But what you continually fail to comprehend is that this is not why Kitt or anyone else Is against late-term abortions.
And I have linked numerous papers and interviews with people who provide such abortions who clearly show it is a myth.

As basically everyone in this thread has said, any woman who is forced into making such a decision should have the option to terminate the pregnancy, just as anyone who finds out their chils has severe birth defects (most defects can't be screened for until that point). But not all women who have late-term abortions are forced into such a decision. It's a choice.
Which just shows the hypocrisy. It is apparently less of a child and living person as everyone has tried to claim in restricting women's rights to their bodies if she is forced into making such a decision and definitely less human and less of a person if it has a birth defect.. Does that mean she is more human if the child has a birth defect? And the child is more human and has more rights to life over her rights if it does not have a defect?

How does that work exactly?

Why does the mother get more priority than the living person inside of her?
Because one is an actual person and the other is the potential to become a person? Because her rights and her personhood does not disappear because she is pregnant? Fark me Balerion, you actually asked that question? Really?

Your wife has a car accident and she is 8 months pregnant. The doctor can only save one. Who do you pick? The person in her belly? Or her?

What if they don't treat her for fear of harming the person inside her? Is that acceptable for you? Because if they treat her, then it could harm the person living inside her. Is this okay with you?

What about if she has cancer?

A pregnant 16-year-old in the Dominican Republic died from complications of leukemia, according to CNN. The young woman was forced to wait nearly three weeks to begin chemotherapy to treat her disease as hospital officials initially refused to treat her fearing it could terminate her pregnancy. In the end she lost her life and the pregnancy, and may have died because of the delay in her treatment.

Under an amendment to the Dominican Republic's constitution which declares that "life begins at conception," abortion is banned, effectively for any reason. The girl's leukemia was diagnosed when she was just nine weeks pregnant.

First diagnosed with cancer many years ago, Amalia was treated and went into remission. She moved on and lived her life. She had a daughter, now 10 years old, for whom she wants to stay alive.

In the first week of January, she was hospitalized and after testing was diagnosed with metastatic cancer for which her doctor stated aggressive chemotherapy and radiation would be needed to save her life.

However, because the chemotherapy might affect or lead to the death of the fetus, no doctor will treat her because they fear the consequences of a law that leads to imprisonment for doctors who even deign to think that women like Amalia–merely an incubator under Nicaraguan law–have the right to be treated as aggressively as they would a man.

Providing a therapeutic abortion–one intended to save the life or health of the mother–would give Amalia a fighting chance to live to raise her daughter. Amalia, wanting to live, is fighting for the right to have this abortion. Without it, she is denied the treatment she needs to live. Ironically–or perhaps not–without treatment she is not likely to live long enough to carry this pregnancy to term.

Why does the mother get more priority than the person living inside her indeed..

So under the guise of why should she get more priority over the "person" living inside her, this would be acceptable to you, wouldn't it? Since you know, you don't care about her safety if she's trying to kill her child and all..

Or is her personhood null and void once she's pregnant?

And now the Republican-dominated Kansas House and Senate have added another provision to its already prodigious collection of regulations seeking to give the state sovereignty over women's wombs. The Republican governor is certain to sign the monstrous bill in which this provision is contained. As the Kansas City Star warns in an editorial:

That bill [...] extends the state’s “conscience” provision for medical personnel to include the right to refuse to refer a woman to an abortion provider, or prescribe or administer a prescription or treatment that terminates a pregnancy.

Taken to its extreme, the legislation could empower doctors and medical staffers to refuse to provide birth control or even chemotherapy to a pregnant cancer patient.​

Not only will this allow physicians to refuse to provide treatment on "moral" grounds, they will not be required to explain why they aren't providing the treatment, and they can also refuse to refer patients to other physicians would provide the treatment.

An outrage? That hardly covers it. This is downright evil.

So, yeah, you'll excuse me if I find your position to be exceptionally vile.

They're not being denied access to safe health care. They're being denied access to abortion procedures.
Oh, so safe abortions isn't health care?


Pregnant women are already being denied access to safe health care because of the "person" living inside them. You want to make sure that not only continues, but gets worse by declaring the foetus is a person and asking questions such as "why should she get more rights"?

If they are denied to safe abortions, then more women will die.

Is this an acceptable measure for you? Or do you think these women deserve to die?

When did I say it was an appropriate solution? I don't think restricting late-term abortions is a solution, I think it's a moral duty. The solution to decreasing abortions lies in better sex education and access to contraceptives. Progress on both of those counts has lead to the lowest abortion rate in the US in 30 years .
So now you consider it a "moral duty" to endanger the lives of women.

You just get better and better.

Mischaracterization and outright lies. For one, I didn't say I don't care about a pregnant woman's safety past 27 weeks. I said that her safety isn't important to me when she's trying to kill her child.
So it's okay if she dies.

Got it.

What about if she has cancer? Is it okay for her to "kill her child" then? Is her child less of a person then? Or do you agree with the Bill in Kansas and laws in South American countries that deny women the right to even have a chance at life if they are diagnosed with cancer while pregnant? You know, because she'd have to abort to start her chemo and all.. And as you just said, her safety is not important to you when she's trying to kill her child..

Secondly, this isn't a women's rights issue. No more than it's a women's rights issue that mothers should be able to drown their kids in the bathtub. Once a fetus is past a certain point, it's a child, and the mother has responsibilities. Sorry that this is the hand nature dealt you, but acting as if you should have the right full-stop to terminate a pregnancy no matter what is horseshit.
So pregnancy and right to choose is not a woman's rights issue?

So not only do you reduce her personhood and elevate her unborn child's personhood to be above hers, you don't care if she dies if she's trying to access an abortion because as you claim, she's trying to kill her child, but now you also believe that it's not even a woman's rights issue because well, she stopped being a full person with rights once she got pregnant, right Balerion? And you complain about Islam and Muslims abusing their women? You can't even give a shit if women die because they can't access safe abortions. Hypocrite much?

You'd be right at home in Saudi Arabia. They go for the crap you just spouted in a big way there.
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