A reasonable stance on abortion

Sin point system--a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Okay, so presumably you think killing *born* babies is wrong, am I correct?

But you also said that you think that killing a fetus that is 8.5 months developed--or even a baby that is almost completely developed, but is still in the womb is completely acceptable.

You have said that killing a baby of the same level of development is completely different depending on whether it is inside or outside the womb. One is murder; the other is not, simply because one is in the womb and the other is not, even though they are at the same level of development. They have the same capability to feel pain, the same instincts, the same brain development, etc. They are the same, except one is in, the other is out. But murdering one is okay, and murdering the other is not. That makes zero sense.

I said all that? :shrug:
I said all that? :shrug:

You said

Orleander said:
I don't think any of it is immoral though.

I figured you were talking about abortion, right? You don't think any abortion is immoral. I also figured that you think killing born babies is immoral. I was elucidating how ridiculous your overall opinion is.
Some people think abortion is murder; other people think it's not.

What about those who think the answer to that question is not clean cut? For example, I believe that terminating a two week old blastocyst (or whatever it's called at that point in development) is not murder or anything close to it in the sense that we use the word. However, I think it's wrong and as good as murder to abort a fetus which is, say, at eight months in development. That's a pretty well developed baby. In one more month when it *officially* slips out of that vagina, it will be a full human.
I agree with your basic reasoning, that is, that at some point abortion is murder. I don't agree with your point system. I think we should simply draw a line past which abortion is illegal in all cases unless the womans life is in imminent danger. And I think that line should be drawn to give the baby the benefit of the doubt, quite early. Like one or two months.
I get to see abortions performed all of the time now. Aborted fetuses look like glop. I thought this would be a depressing job, but it isn't. The women are usually much happier afterwards and I prefer dealing with women after the procedure than before it.