A really great story

SnakeLord said:
Ok, and now question 2:

Did you give to homeless people, (if you saw any), before reading that story?

Advance warning:

If you say "yes", then the story can hardly be considered a "life changer", considering nothing has changed.

If you say "no", then I would state you did need that story but the majority of us do not. I have always given what I can to people in need but only read that story a day or two ago. Nothing has changed since then - the story changes nothing other than gives me knowledge of one more poorly written story.

Personally I'd stick to Aesop. Better written and better morals.
I did give to poor people before too.

A "life changer" doesn't really mean that it has to change your life, it's only to give you the motivation to change it yourself. The motivation can be the realisation that it's good to do good and if you feel happy at heart reading such a story and feel that you want to do something yourself then that could very well be a "life-changer". Of course such a story may not be a life changer to all. Maybe you need it written in a more professional way or with other morals? Maybe you didn't need that lesson. I don't think it's more complicated than that.
Frisbinator said:
Making yourself look like you're grammatical skills aren't past a 1st grade level just really irks me! Touche my friend, "tou-che"!
Uh, that would be 'your'..
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