A race horse


Valued Senior Member
Ahhhh.... I just returned from a nice Onsen :) I feel better, good enough to have a few more beers :)

So, while at the onsen I tried (with my crap Japanese) to strike up a conversation with a Buddhist Priest I know pretty well. So I said: What do you think about other religions, like, for example, Xians and Islam. Well, he kind of made a face like: Oh Gods I just swallowed a whole lemon. So I pestered him to answer. Haaa! I know, but, I'm American so meh.... and I know him well. Finally he said this: Xians and Muslims have a strong faith like a race horse. Much stronger than Buddhists. Then he made a motion like blinders and said they can run very fast and very straight.

With that he was done.

Well, I kind of prodded for some more insight. OK, OK, Haii Haii. He said. Hindu, a very open minded people. I really liked India. Very accepting. Then he made the binder motion in 10 directions.


Well, that was it?? I thought well what about Japanese? I mean, they are polythiests and Gods know they're not open. I mean, very polite. To a fault. But one could say closed. Mostly. So I opened my mouth and before I said something he said: DO you see that man on the TV. Yes I said. He looks funny is he a comedian? No, he's an actor. How old do you suppose he is? I guessed 16. Nope 27. Looks young though huh? Yes I said. Then walked over and bought me a beer. Pointing at the beer he said German. Yeah, I got the hint.

Yup, so that's my story.

So, what do you think about his race horse analogy? Was this an interesting off the cuff comment? Or something you could find in your: When the American Opens his mouth and Asks you a Stupid Question like: What do you think about Christianity? all purpose reply....
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i think he made a great point. it's an awesome and appropriate analogy.
First of all what did you think?

I think from the religious (as in scriptural) perspective he got it wrong but from the human (what the followers think) he got it right and like Lori 7 said very "appropriate". So it depends what he was really talking about.. Only he can tell you the explanation, we can only infer.

Peace be unto you :)
Oh my god, that is awesome. They can run fast and strong right into that brick wall!
What do I think, I think he's got a point.
Perhaps the monotheist meme inspires a more fervent superstitious reverence?

Not too many people from polytheistic countries fight for all their Gods. Usually they'll fight for a man who represents these Gods. Monotheists on the other hand have already reached that singularity, that ultimate alpha male, with their God.

Lets stop and think of the parallel belief system of Alienology. Scientology needed to make as good as a case as possible and so it formed a monotheistic Religion. How many polyalienologies do you see? Not many? Too weak maybe?
Ahhhh.... I just returned from a nice Onsen :) I feel better, good enough to have a few more beers :)

So, while at the onsen I tried (with my crap Japanese) to strike up a conversation with a Buddhist Priest I know pretty well. So I said: What do you think about other religions, like, for example, Xians and Islam. Well, he kind of made a face like: Oh Gods I just swallowed a whole lemon. So I pestered him to answer. Haaa! I know, but, I'm American so meh.... and I know him well. Finally he said this: Xians and Muslims have a strong faith like a race horse. Much stronger than Buddhists. Then he made a motion like blinders and said they can run very fast and very straight.

With that he was done.

Well, I kind of prodded for some more insight. OK, OK, Haii Haii. He said. Hindu, a very open minded people. I really liked India. Very accepting. Then he made the binder motion in 10 directions.


Well, that was it?? I thought well what about Japanese? I mean, they are polythiests and Gods know they're not open. I mean, very polite. To a fault. But one could say closed. Mostly. So I opened my mouth and before I said something he said: DO you see that man on the TV. Yes I said. He looks funny is he a comedian? No, he's an actor. How old do you suppose he is? I guessed 16. Nope 27. Looks young though huh? Yes I said. Then walked over and bought me a beer. Pointing at the beer he said German. Yeah, I got the hint.

Yup, so that's my story.

So, what do you think about his race horse analogy? Was this an interesting off the cuff comment? Or something you could find in your: When the American Opens his mouth and Asks you a Stupid Question like: What do you think about Christianity? all purpose reply....

Running fast running strong and they are guided.

As for me i am happy that the God of Abraham is guiding me. :)

What this Buddhist put forward as an insult, you know dumb animals wearing blinkers, is not an insult at all, i rather like it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
That's what happens when you are wearing blinders.

Other runners and distractions don’t distract you, so they cannot cause you to veer from the right Way.

Blinkers do not blind a horse they only concentrate their focus on the goal and remove distractions that could cause them not to reach their goal.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Running fast running strong and they are guided.

As for me i am happy that the God of Abraham is guiding me. :)

What this Buddhist put forward as an insult, you know dumb animals wearing blinkers, is not an insult at all, i rather like it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But he said he loved Hindus and compared them with horses wearing blinders as well, only not as strong and running in various directions.
Blinkers do not blind a horse they only concentrate their focus on the goal and remove distractions that could cause them not to reach their goal.

I'm afraid Adstar is right on this one. It is a bad analogy and I think you should give him Ad's take on it just so your friend thinks before he talks next time. Personally I feel embarrassed for your Buddhy, he should have done better.
But he said he loved Hindus and compared them with horses wearing blinders as well, only not as strong and running in various directions.

He was still comparing hundus to dumb animals. Inferior like Christians and muslims only less so. It was still an insult, only a lesser one.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I'm afraid Adstar is right on this one. It is a bad analogy and I think you should give him Ad's take on it just so your friend thinks before he talks next time. Personally I feel embarrassed for your Buddhy, he should have done better.

Well the thing is this buddhist did do a good job for those who had the same attitude to him. It's just what works for those who think Christians and muslims are inferior did not work on the intended targets.

It reminds me of a similar thing that happened in History when an English general tried to make an insulting observation on Australian troops under his command, He called them Diggers not Solders because of the lack of ground taken against the enemy during a campaign in World War 1. From memory it might have been in turkey when the British tried to take control of the sea passage that connected the Caspian sea to the Med.

This tag got to be well known, but to the Australians it was not an insult it was reported as a great compliment because it showed that the Australians where immovable, determined defenders who dug in and would not be forced back. So the term Digger became associated with hard determined men who would not be defeated.

Australian solders still call themselves diggers with pride, even though it was first coined by an English general as a dismissive insulting remark to the men whom he saw as inferior colonial troops.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I don't understand the analogy. Is he saying that Hindus are unfocused? That Christians and Muslims are not? And Buddhists just muddle along with less faith? What?
lets not forget humans are dumb animals... :) anyway, I think he was limited in what he could communicate as he probably knows all of 50 English words. Or, maybe his opinion is that Xianintiy sucks and thank Gods Japan isn't too Xian (or Muslim)? I know I'm glad Japan isn't Xian.
I don't understand the analogy. Is he saying that Hindus are unfocused? That Christians and Muslims are not? And Buddhists just muddle along with less faith? What?
I thought it was pretty simple to understand and brilliant.

Christinas and Muslims have one point of view, believe in it fervently and are unwilling to accept alternatives to that point of view or question it. They accept what they are taught and told to accept.

Hindus, while they have many alternatives within their religion - many different paths they can follow - they still are bound by the confines of their religion. They can select which path to have faith in, but they are still following what they are taught and told to follow.

Buddhists have little to no faith and scrutinize everything. They are not told what to believe - just that they should question what they believe.
It reminds me of a similar thing that happened in History when an English general tried to make an insulting observation

He made no judgements - just an observation.
Any judgements you come out of it with are reflective of your own values.
I thought it was pretty simple to understand and brilliant.

Christinas and Muslims have one point of view, believe in it fervently and are unwilling to accept alternatives to that point of view or question it. They accept what they are taught and told to accept.

Hindus, while they have many alternatives within their religion - many different paths they can follow - they still are bound by the confines of their religion. They can select which path to have faith in, but they are still following what they are taught and told to follow.

Buddhists have little to no faith and scrutinize everything. They are not told what to believe - just that they should question what they believe.

Ah I see. I would have liked to ask him what he thought of the strange circumstance of fundamentalism in Buddhist societies.

What are they fundamentalist about?
Ah I see. I would have liked to ask him what he thought of the strange circumstance of fundamentalism in Buddhist societies.

What are they fundamentalist about?

Buddhism and Buddhists are two different things - just as Christianity and Christians are two different things...

Hinduism and the Abrahamic religions require faith - Buddhism does not.