It seems that Christians support the state of Israel
Yet, I don't understand. Wouldn't you want it for yourself? Isn't that what the Crusades were all about, taking the Holy Land for the Christians?
Don't Christians want the Holy Land? After all, in the past they tried to take it from the Jews/Muslims, and yet today, you don't?
Actually, the Crusades had been put in place to support Moderate Islamic Regimes that had fallen under the gun of Radical Fundamentalists and of course by the Waves of Mongols who were beginning to impinge upon the Mid East and then the West.
You see, International Affairs, then as now, was not quite as simple as it is, or has been, assumed.
I had recently read a book about Spain. The Islamic Regime had been wonderful, and most of Europe had learned to appreciate it. But when it was toppled by a horde of ignorant Fundamentalists from North Africa, well, we even had the Old Regime of former Islamic Rulers asking for Christian intervention.
Check History. The Mongolian Conquests had DESTROYED Islamic Civilization. Historians talk about the Golden Age of Islam. Christianity did not destroy that. It was Genghis Khan, a Muslim.
Christians had come to the Defence of the Holy Land. No, they would not simply hand territories over to Rulers who had lost it, by an inability to arrive at any Political Concensus in the Muslim World (sound familiar?). But because Christian Civilization was able to create a Barrier Buffer State, with the Kingdom of Jerusalem, then Christendom was able to hold out as the Rest of the World had been conquered by the Mongolian, and then the Turkish Hordes.
so the Crusades was not Christian against Muslim, but rather Christian and Golden Age Muslim against the Invasion from the Far East.
And the Victory went to Christendom which was able to organize something of a Universal Defense -- Feudal Loyalties and European Wide Propagandizing using the Parish System of Churches and communications centers. Christendom was simply better organized then Persia or Old Arabia.