A question to Christians


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
It seems that Christians support the state of Israel

Yet, I don't understand. Wouldn't you want it for yourself? Isn't that what the Crusades were all about, taking the Holy Land for the Christians?

Don't Christians want the Holy Land? After all, in the past they tried to take it from the Jews/Muslims, and yet today, you don't?

It seems that Christians support the state of Israel

Yet, I don't understand. Wouldn't you want it for yourself? Isn't that what the Crusades were all about, taking the Holy Land for the Christians?

Don't Christians want the Holy Land? After all, in the past they tried to take it from the Jews/Muslims, and yet today, you don't?


We already possess it...but, our Kingdom is not of this world. It includes it, but encompasses far more.
For many Christians, it's because they believe that a Jewish Israel fulfills the prophecies of the Book of Revelations (something in there about the Jews returning to Israel) and so it's a sign of the "End Times," the coming of the Anti-Christ, the final destruction of the world, etc., etc.

Do a google search for Israel + End Times and you'll see there are a lot of crazy Christians out there.
It seems that Christians support the state of Israel

Yet, I don't understand. Wouldn't you want it for yourself? Isn't that what the Crusades were all about, taking the Holy Land for the Christians?

Don't Christians want the Holy Land? After all, in the past they tried to take it from the Jews/Muslims, and yet today, you don't?


I think you mean "take it back". Another critical distinction.

Perhaps they merely recognize the folly of war for the sake of religion.
It seems that Christians support the state of Israel

Yet, I don't understand. Wouldn't you want it for yourself? Isn't that what the Crusades were all about, taking the Holy Land for the Christians?

Don't Christians want the Holy Land? After all, in the past they tried to take it from the Jews/Muslims, and yet today, you don't?


As Nutter rightly pointed out, that was NOT Christians that tried to take it way back then. From a religious standpoint, the "Holy Land" has no real importance to genuine Christians. That's not to say there aren't some splinter factions (as in any religion) that place a value on it but true Christians do not.
As maxg said, certain fundamentalist Christians want the world to end as quickly as possible, since they are convinced that they will then ascend to heaven and live in paradise forever.

For them, bringing about the "end times" requires fulfilling certain prophecies in the book of Revelation. One of those they interpret as involving the state of Israel.

Basically, they hope for death and destruction so they can get to heaven. The mentality involved is essentially the same as that of Muslim suicide bombers.

Why would any wise christian be concerned about land? All land belongs to God. And you either belong to the land or to God. (either way you belong to God ;) But if you don't belong to the land then you will recieve all of Gods gifts.
OT: Speaking of death and deliverance, wasn't that on Ahmendinejidad's speech to the UN? About how people who'd died were an example to be followed?
It seems that Christians support the state of Israel

Yet, I don't understand. Wouldn't you want it for yourself? Isn't that what the Crusades were all about, taking the Holy Land for the Christians?

Don't Christians want the Holy Land? After all, in the past they tried to take it from the Jews/Muslims, and yet today, you don't?


As a Christian i do not support the state of Israel. I do however reach out with the message and love of Jesus to the Jewish people in the hope that they will accept the Messiah.

The crusades where launched by the catholics to take the "holy Lands".
But Christians cannot take part in warfare, so no Christians where involved in the crusades.

As a Christian if i ever live in the holy land it will be after being taken there by Jesus Himself.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It seems that Christians support the state of Israel

Yet, I don't understand. Wouldn't you want it for yourself? Isn't that what the Crusades were all about, taking the Holy Land for the Christians?

Don't Christians want the Holy Land? After all, in the past they tried to take it from the Jews/Muslims, and yet today, you don't?


Actually, the Crusades had been put in place to support Moderate Islamic Regimes that had fallen under the gun of Radical Fundamentalists and of course by the Waves of Mongols who were beginning to impinge upon the Mid East and then the West.

You see, International Affairs, then as now, was not quite as simple as it is, or has been, assumed.

I had recently read a book about Spain. The Islamic Regime had been wonderful, and most of Europe had learned to appreciate it. But when it was toppled by a horde of ignorant Fundamentalists from North Africa, well, we even had the Old Regime of former Islamic Rulers asking for Christian intervention.

Check History. The Mongolian Conquests had DESTROYED Islamic Civilization. Historians talk about the Golden Age of Islam. Christianity did not destroy that. It was Genghis Khan, a Muslim.

Christians had come to the Defence of the Holy Land. No, they would not simply hand territories over to Rulers who had lost it, by an inability to arrive at any Political Concensus in the Muslim World (sound familiar?). But because Christian Civilization was able to create a Barrier Buffer State, with the Kingdom of Jerusalem, then Christendom was able to hold out as the Rest of the World had been conquered by the Mongolian, and then the Turkish Hordes.

so the Crusades was not Christian against Muslim, but rather Christian and Golden Age Muslim against the Invasion from the Far East.

And the Victory went to Christendom which was able to organize something of a Universal Defense -- Feudal Loyalties and European Wide Propagandizing using the Parish System of Churches and communications centers. Christendom was simply better organized then Persia or Old Arabia.
You see ... Norsefire, the reason behind your dilemma with Chrestians may be that you still think like people of Middle Ages.

The world today is really not about taking anybody's land from them. This is only what Muslims still wish to do.
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Aren't religions just wonderful? Now you understand why many people are turning away from them because they see they are following the wrong paths.
The Crusades involved Roman Catholics, not Christians. That is a critical distinction.


So there weren't anybody called a christian until, early 16th century, when Martin Luther started Protestantism, I thought christianity started with the birth and crucifixion of a person called jesus, perhaps I'm wrong.
one question though, why did the crusaders wear red crosses on all there attire.
I always believed it was symbolic in regard to the person above, I could be wrong.
So there weren't anybody called a christian until, early 16th century ...

Christianity started in the early first century. For example,the term "Christian" was used in Acts 11:26, which corresponds to roughly 42 A.D.
I thought christianity started with the birth and crucifixion of a person called jesus, perhaps I'm wrong.

You are wrong. In one sense, Christianity never had a beginning, and it has no ending...in another sense, Christianity 'began' on the Day of Pentecost, that is, upon the arrival of the Person of God the Holy Spirit, Who indwells all who choose to believe the Gospel.
roman catholics are Christians no critical distinction

Roman Catholics (or any other person aligned with whatever denomination/religion) who repent and believe the Gospel are Christians. The "critical distinction" among members of the entire human race exists between those who have repented and believed the Word of God as set forth in John 3:16 and those who have/do not.
Basically, they hope for death and destruction so they can get to heaven. The mentality involved is essentially the same as that of Muslim suicide bombers.

Incorrect. They hope for the return of their Lord--and in the meantime for the salvation of their fellow man...this originates out of love and caring concern for all mankind. Such a mentality is synonymous with Christ Himself.

Jesus Christ contrasts/distinguishes Himself with/from the one who cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly--just as 'allah' contrasts/distinguishes himself with/from Jesus Christ.
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