A question that puzzles me about ghosts and demons


Save the whales motherfucker
Valued Senior Member
Why don't atheists ever see them? or are haunted by them?

Why are Christians or religious people only afflicted with these pesky demons talking to them?
sargentlard said:
Why don't atheists ever see them? or are haunted by them?

Why are Christians or religious people only afflicted with these pesky demons talking to them?

M*W: Good point, sargent! When I was a devout Catholic, I used to see visions and dream dreams myself. Once I saw the Blessed Virgin Mary sitting on the hood of my car while I was driving my children to Kindergarten. She was very real to me, and I felt especially safe with my young children in my car when she was sitting on the hood. It was wishful thinking, but now I know the apparition wasn't real -- it was just a fig newton of my imagination.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Good point, sargent! When I was a devout Catholic, I used to see visions and dream dreams myself. Once I saw the Blessed Virgin Mary sitting on the hood of my car while I was driving my children to Kindergarten. She was very real to me, and I felt especially safe with my young children in my car when she was sitting on the hood. It was wishful thinking, but now I know the apparition wasn't real -- it was just a fig newton of my imagination.

i love fig newtons. they are fruit and cake. atheists dont see ghosts, they see fig newtons.
I'm neither particularly religious, nor am I atheist...and I hear voices...a buttload of voices...do I have cholera or something?

I also see Pringles and skittles and occasionally Belgian Chocolate (if there were a God, that would be his gift unto man).
seekeroftheway said:
I'm neither particularly religious, nor am I atheist...and I hear voices...a buttload of voices...do I have cholera or something?
well do these voices come at the same time as diarrhea, and is your blood type O and lastly have you been drinking untreated sewage.
if the answer is yes to any of those, then it is possible you have cholera.
however you could be bipolar.
seekeroftheway said:
I also see Pringles and skittles and occasionally Belgian Chocolate (if there were a God, that would be his gift unto man).
I see those too, but ar'nt they a gift from willy wonka.
Sargent lard, where is your sources to back up your assertions...?
Iask tiscause i know that so-called athiests hafe reported visions, religious etc when having NDE's.....and also in modern consciousness research--ie., chaeckout Stanislav Groff--athiests who have had experiential experiene ALSO experience symbolic visions just like any religionist. what do you think this means?
duendy said:
Sargent lard, where is your sources to back up your assertions...?
why I ask is because i know that so-called athiests have reported visions, religious etc when having NDE's.
and where are your proven sources.
and please not drug induced, or after an accident, laboratory conditions.
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duendy said:
Sargent lard, where is your sources to back up your assertions...?
Iask tiscause i know that so-called athiests hafe reported visions, religious etc when having NDE's.....and also in modern consciousness research--ie., chaeckout Stanislav Groff--athiests who have had experiential experiene ALSO experience symbolic visions just like any religionist. what do you think this means?
Visions at the time of NDEs are entirely due to the neurological processes within the brain. These processes occur within the brain regardless of colour, creed, shoe-size, dress-sense, hair colour, or income. The "religious" nature of them is entirely subjective.
charles cure said:
i love fig newtons. they are fruit and cake. atheists dont see ghosts, they see fig newtons.

M*W: I've seen a few too many fig newtons in my day, too!
Sargent lard, where is your sources to back up your assertions...?

Given that it's Duendy asking, I'm sure 1 book will suffice. She did after all read one book and come to the conclusion that psychiatry is a mass fraud. I keep asking her to back up her assertions, but she keeps telling me it's true because she says it is.

Anyway, in keeping with topic.. I always wondered why ghosts always wore 18th century clothing. Where's all the ghost ghetto drug dealers or pimps? It's always old nuns and dudes in bowler hats.
Of course, our beliefs influence how we interpret sensory input. Sounds and sights, particularly at night, can be inconclusive. We evolved from paranoid monkeys for whom the night was full of threats, and it was vitally important to know if that rustling in the grass is a panther or just a mouse.
sargent lard said:

Why don't atheists ever see them? or are haunted by them?

Because they haven't tried wearing the God Helmet. ;)

the new and improved Shatki spirituality inducer:


Seriously, check out the links.

This is your brain on God

Time for a little "Total Recall" experience. In the Arnie movie was the experience real or imaginary?

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geeser said:
and where are your proven sources.

me))get them fingers wokin dude and make-an-effort! checkout near-death website

and please not drug induced, or after an accident, laboratory conditions.
oh god, you are so ruddy naive. do you seriously believe that that has no relevance??
cant be arsed. truly!
SnakeLord said:
Given that it's Duendy asking, I'm sure 1 book will suffice. She did after all read one book and come to the conclusion that psychiatry is a mass fraud. I keep asking her to back up her assertions, but she keeps telling me it's true because she says it is.

me)hah! see its nigglin you hey? so much so you just GOTTO get in yer propaganda at themost INappropriate places hey? is this now gonna be a common occurance?
Do i have to derail thread now to suit your professional paranoia?
NO, i will stay ON TOPIC!

Anyway, in keeping with topic.. I always wondered why ghosts always wore 18th century clothing. Where's all the ghost ghetto drug dealers or pimps? It's always old nuns and dudes in bowler hats.
maybe THEY in in fukin heaven hey...?!!
duendy said:
get them fingers wokin dude and make-an-effort! checkout near-death website
of course, I can look for myself, you are making the assertion, not me, so it is up to you to provide, and why should I waste my time looking for your information.
duendy said:
oh god, you are so ruddy naive. do you seriously believe that that has no relevance??
of course an halucination being drug induced, or one caused by a bang to the head or an aledged NDE has no relevance, if someone has a halucination that can be monitored and verified under laboratory conditions, then it cannot be refuted.
so can you please show some way it can be true, as you seem to think so.
and the onus is on you to back up your assertions.

sarkus said it best "Visions at the time of NDEs are entirely due to the neurological processes within the brain. These processes occur within the brain regardless of colour, creed, shoe-size, dress-sense, hair colour, or income. The "religious" nature of them is entirely subjective."
SnakeLord said:
.. I always wondered why ghosts always wore 18th century clothing. Where's all the ghost ghetto drug dealers or pimps? It's always old nuns and dudes in bowler hats.

Good point. Why are there more contemporary ghosts?
Why don't atheists ever see them? or are haunted by them?

Why are Christians or religious people only afflicted with these pesky demons talking to them?

Atheists typically manifest the visions as UFO sitings or aliens, whereas people from a religious background view them as ghosts/demons.

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The 8-Coil Shakti is designed to facilitate intense spiritual experiences. It's the closest to the "Koren Helmet" featured in many television documentaries about alien abductions, near-death experiences and the paranormal. This is the newest version of this technology to be made available. It can utilize twelve different alternating signals applied over four areas of your head, and 16 additional, non-alternating, signals

Get one before insanity law suits take them off the market. ;)
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I cannot disagree with Woody on that one, though I would go a step further and assert (based on the research of others) that it is the non-religious that typically find sightings of what they consider to be the paranormal (UFOs, aliens, cryptozoologicals, etc.). Some of these "non-religious" people are atheists, but others are those that would consider themselves theistic just not especially religious.

In addition, its also interesting to note that men are more likely than women to associated extraordinary events with UFOs and aliens and women are more likely than men to associate them with religious significance. Indeed, women tend to be more devoutly religious than men, but non-religious women don't seem to be more apt to believe in UFOs and aliens. This is still a male dominated form of belief.

There are, however, many religious people who associate UFOs and aliens directly to their theistic beliefs, some with a fundamentalist/literalist fervor but others with a sectarian perspective that dismisses some scriptures and embraces others -often creating new cult systems (Raelians, Heaven's Gate, et al).

With regard to the UFO-ETI movement, however, there are some characteristics that are very religious-like, which vary from believer to believer. I wrote a paper for a 3rd year anthropology class a few years ago that looks at this: http://home.earthlink.net/~ctfeagans/uforeligion.htm

I've since re-thought some of the information in that paper, but the citations that are in the bibliography are useful for anyone interested in the field of "belief and religiosity."
I saw Slimer from the Ghostbusters on my wall when I was 6. And it was the movie version (the cartoon had just started), so I was terrified.