A question regarding religious tolerance:

1;Atheist, Born in Venezuel S.A. I now reside in the USA.
2; Yes, as long as they don't try and dictate government, or force others their ominous dogma.
3; Yes, for what I know about Satanists, they are just secularists, they don't kill children btw. They worship life, with out christianity or god. No on the raising of children this goes for any religious dogma.
4; No I believe in the seperation of church & state, the history of fantasy and fable should stay in sunday school. However I think children should not be tought religious dogma untill old enough to comprehend what they are being tought.
5; I don't believe in any gods, or variants, or anything mystical. So no children don't need to be tought fables, and fantasy. Until old enough to understand that it's all mythology.
6; Of course, why go back to the dark ages?.
7; I don't have a religious creed, however I do believe I've got the right stand on logic and reason.
8; I'ts been ok to be an athiest for 23 years of my life. Fact I've never been better. Children should be brought up to think for themselves, not to be cohersed by any religious dogma. Atheism is not a religion.
9; Is it not this why we have major wars?.
10; I think the world would be more at pease if religious dogma was not been forced on other individuals. tis why it's very important to have separation of church and state. Well there's hardly any conversions, there's however "forcing" religious dogma on the population.
11; Yes, well there's more and more civil rights been infriged by religious dogma. I.E. Victimless crimes.
12; My mom is a deist, my dad was an atheist.
13; Science and religion are in contradictions. But not with my secularism.

(1) No. United States; pacific northwest.
(2) Yes.
(3) Yes. Yes.
(4) Yes.
(5) Yes. Yes.
(6) Yes.
(7) Yes. Almost certain.
(8) Yes. Yes.
(9) N/A
(10) No. It is an impossible expectation. However, education and ideological integrity--in other words, the long way--are the tools to bring about the broadest influence of a properly progressive idea.
(11) Yes. Abramic monotheism is variously distracting in its diverse forms. On some occasions, religion merely slows progress; in others it asserts to cause damage.
(12) Christian or agnostic, depending on which one.
(13) No.
What true Satanism is is beside the point. When you asked the question, people believed that you meant a belief in Satan himself. In attempt to make their "religion" legitimate (from what i have researched), they point out the notion that they do not believe in Satan as a real being. When you asked the question, the people answering the question believed it meant something completely different than the definition those who follow give in their websites. In other words, for you to now describe what "real" satanism is after the fact is merely misleading. When each person answered that question, they interpreted it as do people have the right to worship evil, and their answer is no. They do not believe that to be a religion, so it did not conflict with their answer to question two. Again I repeat that anyone can pretend they have a religion, but that does not make it one.

Aside from drowning the entire human race, in 2 Kings, the prophet Elisha takes offense when some small boys call him "baldhead." He curses them "in the name of the LORD" and immediately two she-bears come out of the woods and maul forty-two boys (2:23-24).

In response to this passage from the bible I say so what? The old testament contradicts itself over and over again. One part says "God hates homosexuals", and another part says love everyone. One cannot interpret the old testament literally because it is written by men with their own different interpretations of what they believe God wanted them to say. When people believe in God, or Allah, or whom ever, they believe him to be a loving entity that would not harm children. If they were atheist, they believe saying yes to answer two is ethically correct. Just because you posted a passage about God killing children does not mean the people who answered that question invisioned that as their God.
Since I seem to be the only one not answering the questions here i go...

1) Yes Catholic, the U.S.

2) Yes

3) No, it is NOT a religion

4) Yes, religion is history

5) Yes

6) Yes. If you teach science, you teach science. If you teach religion, you teach religion

7) No, but that does not mean others have to be incorrect. Mine is the best path for me personally. It leads me to be a better person, serving as a guildline. If different guideline works better for another, than they can follow that.

8) Yes

9) No, it is one guildline

10) No, common religion does not necessarily lead to peace. Belief in my religion does not mean they will follow it correctly. This is true of all religions.

11) No more than mine harms my country. All religions have positive and negative aspects

12) Catholic and Baptist christian

13) Yes, does not contradict it. Mine belief is spirtitual, not scientific.
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?
No. The Netherlands.

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?
Yes, as long as their worship does not interfer with the rights of others and does not promote hate towards other belief systems.

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan?
Yes. Yes. Given the conditions in the previous answer.

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school?

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?
Yes. Yes. Given the conditions in my answer to question number 2.

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?
I am open to the possibility that atheism is incorrect, but I can not put this in any kind of odds.

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?
Yes. Yes.

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?
As an atheist, I suppose I do think that this view holds for me more truth than others. If it didn't, I should have been agnostic.

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?
Where it comes to finding justifications of war, I suppose there are many more to be found than only those associated with religion. Therefor, I think that the abolishment of religion, or having the world's population under the banner of a common religion, does not necessarily make the world more at peace.

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?
The small group of individuals who step beyond the borders given by the law pose a threat, but in general the vast majority of people of (other) religions do not.

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?
As far as I know, science gives no proof for my conviction as an atheist.
look up the devils dictionary, written in 1911 by ambrose bierce.
it's a good laugh.

heres one meaning

One of the Creator's lamentable mistakes, repented in sashcloth and axes. Being instated as an archangel, Satan made himself multifariously objectionable and was finally expelled from Heaven. Halfway in his descent he paused, bent his head in thought a moment and at last went back. "There is one favor that I should like to ask," said he.
"Name it."

"Man, I understand, is about to be created. He will need laws."

"What, wretch! you his appointed adversary, charged from the dawn of eternity with hatred of his soul -- you ask for the right to make his laws?"

"Pardon; what I have to ask is that he be permitted to make them himself."

It was so ordered.
Michael said:
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?
I'm a Christian from Sweden.

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).
No, in no way is it allright to worship Satan.

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?
I think that when we teach children, we shouldn't say facts that contradicts religion. We should present them in a way that don't conflict with their beliefs.

We should, however, present the truth. But not necessarily say the truth in a way that contradicts religion.

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?
No, not according to my religion.

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?
If we teach children that, then we should also bring forth the point that we still are unclear at how it happened.

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?
I don't believe using odds.

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?
What one believes or not believes is ones own choice. Therefor we shouldn't raise our children to become atheist. But keep them openminded. But it's up to each person to raise their children their own way. Thus reflecting their own ideas and principles. But we shouldn't close the path of anything that the child believes, if it isn't outright dangerous to them.

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?
Of course I do. But I don't see it that way.

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?
Even demons believe in God. So that they just believe in God isn't a guarantee that the world would be at peace. It takes sacrifice and patience, faith and alot of other things. But it would be easier for me to set one straight if they shared my beliefs.

The acceptable manner of converting, is letting the person choose for himself what to believe in. Hopefully he will find the way. Also we should keep the option visible, so that they can get information on it if they want it.

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?
There are of course religions that are dangerous and could do harm to us.

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?
One is a Christian, and one is more of a atheist (but I don't really know).

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?
Science hasn't disproved or proved, so science is so far neutral to me in terms of describing what I believe in.
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?
I'm an (Agnostic)Atheist, and I'm from Pennsylvania, USA.

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).
Yes. I do not believe the child should be brought up worshipping Satan. This should be his/her own choice when he/she is capable of making such a decision.

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?
I do not see a problem with it, as it is, after all, history.

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?
Yes, it is fine to worship multiple gods. Again, the child should be able to choose at an age when he/she is capable of making such a decision.

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?
That would be fine, but as it hasn't been proven, so to say, I would say it must be labeled as a theory.

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?
It is possible that my views on religion could be incorrect. I am human, with very little knowledge, thus I cannot determine a god's existence. I do not believe in the Christian God, along with many other organized religion's god's, for several reasons that I will not get in to here.

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?
Yes. Well obviously if you don't bring your child up as a theist, you bring him/her up as a atheist in a way. Although the choice is theirs to decide what they wish to follow. My knowledge can be passed upon the next generation, but forcing my beliefs on them, is not right in my eyes.

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?
Not applicable.

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?
Perhaps. Although then again, perhaps not. Atheism is nothing more, or nothing less then the disbelief in a god. Other issues, may play a larger role in getting along. With the religion issue, that would be solved. Do I wish to convert anyone to Atheism? No, not really. They have the right to choose what they believe. It is perfectly fine to discuss ideas, and if someone is converted through discussion, so be it.

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?
Sometimes, and sometimes not. For some it helps, turning people's lives around, making them better people. For others, it just creates a barrier, and creates a reason for people to hate each other.

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?
My parents, as well as all other (extended, as well as immediate)family members, are all Christians.

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?
If a god, or gods were to exist, then science would not matter. Therefore it does not matter if Science supports all my views on religion.
Michael said:
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?

1. athiest USA

2. Yes as long as they don't try to force there religon on others or harm other for no other reason then for there religon

3. sure aslong as it doesn't coninside with answer 2.

4. Not in public schools because it coninsides with other peoples religons (accaully i believe we should get the USA text book from europe - because the us one is bieased AS HELL!!!) but if you go to a catholic school and they teach catacism well... that's fine

5. ... Same as answer 3

6. yes because this is has been proven through science (which yes i know can be consider a religon)

7. of corse probly pretty big because we truely know nothing.

8. !!!... NOT AGAIN same as answer 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!! lol ^^

9. nope not at all it's the only one that has acaully made sense to me

10. LOL of corse not. they would find some loop hole ot kill each other again and to form nations and slave. etc

11. in a way of corse, But mostly were doing the harming to our selves and others =(

12. My Father is an aithiest. My mother is a... hard to say but i know she beleive in rencarnation

13. science is my belief
Michael said:
I had a few questions regarding religious tolerance. I’d be really happy and interested to hear some of your opinions. As this is primarily questions to YOU there is little need on this particular post to flame the answers of others – I am asking about your personal views.

1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from? ”

I am an atheist, I live in the united kindom.
m said:
2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit? ”

oh yes, as long as it does not harm others. (but I reserve the right to take the piss)
m said:
3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan). ”

answered in question 2, and I have no belief in any god/gods, devil/demons.
m said:
4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma? ”

yes, best to have the best of both worlds, dont you think.
m said:
5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?

answered in question 2, each to their own.(and I still reserve the right to take the piss)
m said:
6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist? ”

answered in question 4.
m said:
7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one? ”

I dont have a religious belief, however if you mean my atheism.
the odds of atheism being incorrect. pick the biggest number ever and times it by itself (thats the odds) to 1 ( an impossiblity)
m said:
8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist? ”

most truly yes, if a child of mine wishes to follow a religion that is there choice, when there old enough.
no religion, should be allowed to indoctrinate a child, let the child chose, when it's able

m said:
9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions? ”

I have no religion, but atheism is the only truth.
m said:
10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world? ”

yes it would be nice, people may respect life more, if it's the only one they have.
the day is coming it wont be long.
m said:
11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why? ”

no, they do more harm to themselves, I pity them.
m said:
12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to? ”
none there have more sense.
m said:
13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif? ”

it surports atheism, but I not a sheep .
m said:
Michael II

PS: My belief would probably be best described as agonistic atheist. However, I have an interest in religion and others view on religious belief. It is and has been a powerful influence in society and that in and of itself is fascinating. ”

as do I, however people will soon start to think, that religion is a thing that should be left in the past.
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?

Not religious. United States.

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?

Freedom to believe ... yes. Freedom to worship? Not a fucking chance. The hijackers were worshipping Allah, after all, just as Torquemada was worshipping Christ, and the assholes at Masada were worshipping Jove and Jehovah, respectively.

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

Do you mean the Church of Satan? Couldn't give a fuck if I tried.

Do you mean worship Satan, the Christian boogeyman? No. Why? Well, if you're going to believe something as absurd as the Bible, why pick the loser? I mean, if you're going to base your belief structure around the Godfather, why the fuck would you worship the Tattaglias or Sollozo?

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?

Especially when it runs counter to religious dogma.

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?

Again, I don't care.

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?


7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?

When I'm felling agnostic, I'm not sure ... and I'm not sure. When atheist ... maybe, but not too likely. When I'm hatefully deistic, probably incorrect.

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?

Of course.

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?

Even if the entire world were united in a monolithic belief, it'd fracture. Look at the Shiites and the Sunnis or the Catholics and the Protestants, or the dozens of LDS sects, or the various branches of Buddhism, or whatever you care to name. Shit, look at Trotsky and Stalin, if you want.

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?

Fundamentalists are fucking the world, IMNPHO, by clinging to their anti-rationalist, thoroughly idiotic pap.

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?


13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?

StarOfEight said:
the assholes at Masada were worshipping Jove and Jehovah, respectively
I don't understand? Why combine Jehovah into the Roman pantheon of Gods? Where they just calling Jove, Jehovah?
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Michael said:
I had a few questions regarding religious tolerance. I’d be really happy and interested to hear some of your opinions. As this is primarily questions to YOU there is little need on this particular post to flame the answers of others – I am asking about your personal views.

1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?

US, and I am a Pagan.

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?

Of course. It is a basic human need to believe in some kind of Divine or at least have a form of religious belief. This being the case it is a natural right for one the believe as they will without conflict.

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

Perhaps a bit of education is in order about what Satanism is and is not. I will not attempt to do so but simply provide a [nutshell] basis for my answers.

Yes and No.

Before I answer let me say that I do not think it is OK to force a child down any particular path. Presenting them with what is there, and letting them make up their own minds is the better choice.

There are different forms of Satanism and I will break them down into 2 separate categories. Let's for the sake of simplicity label the first Hollywood Satanism. This is the kind you hear about most often and is not real Satanism. It is the kind where animal sacrifice is common place. This sort of belief is most often based on ideas gathered from inaccurate sources and lasts only a few day's to a few months. This I do not agree with as whole. This is not a religious belief but more a counter measure against the Christian God and a defiance against social values and traditional behavior.

Real Satanism is much different from the above stated fallacy. And would require one to make an educated attempt at reading and learning about it's structure and beliefs. I will not attempt to define real Satanism here. But my answer within the boundaries of my personal belief would be that it is perfectly OK to 'show a child this path and if they so choose it great, if not great.

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?

I don't think religious topics should be brought up in school at all. But being the case that is happening, personally I think it is important to know the origins of ones (and all) beliefs to better educate yourself from all sides.

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?

Yes I do believe it OK to do so. Personally I do not Worship any being, I honor them. To worship a being of the Divine nature to me is to lower oneself and admit that you are lesser. This is simply not the case. My views about raising children on any given path have already been presented.

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?

Of course because it is. If we all came from Adam and Eve would we not be inbred? Seriously, who did Adam and Eves children breed with if not one another? The story of Adam and Eve is loaded with holes as it is, so it holds no water. Evolution is a concept which does hold water, and is evident by many findings.

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?

No. Beliefs are of a personal nature and are governed simply by what one believes not by a book, not by what another views as correct. If let's say for example, Christianity is the one true system of belief then where was God the many centuries before Jesus when Pagans where about the world doing what they do? ....

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?

Yes is that's what suits your needs. And No as I already states before my thoughts on Children and belief systems.

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?

lol. No. The truth can be found outsides religious belief systems.

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?

No. Peace is a concept that by it's very definition is an absolute nonexitant possibility. Can you imagine a world totally at peace? I can, and I would not want to live there. Too boring. That's why we don't have it. People would never get anywhere with only peace. My path is right for me.

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?

Yes and No. From a Pagan standpoint many other 'which shall remain nameless' faiths are always bashing that which is not right for them. So in a sense yes, but with proper education one can also know the truth. In anycase I see these people as slaves, and in that sense the only harm they cause is to themselves as more and more people seek out the truth.

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?

Father: Catholic
Mother: Pagan

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?

Science has no place in religious belief. However many of the natural occurrences that Pagans have harnessed and have known about for sometime are being founded to have a realistic foundation.

Michael II

PS: My belief would probably be best described as agonistic atheist. However, I have an interest in religion and others view on religious belief. It is and has been a powerful influence in society and that in and of itself is fascinating.

I agree. Religious belief is a very interesting topic.
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