A question on God and Indian giving.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
A question on God and Indian giving.

You are given a gift, use it for a time, and then the one who gave you that gift takes it back without your permission or consent.

In other words, showing himself to be an Indian giver.

Would you call that a sin?
I call it a form of lying.

The giver is in effect saying, I am giving you this gift, when in reality, he is not, as demonstrated by his taking it back or away from you.
If not a lie, is that a sin and what is the sin called?

God himself in scriptures seems to do this regularly as he kills those he supposedly loves and takes away the free will gift he supposedly gave them. Their free will was obviously to live.

Is God an Indian giver?


God himself in scriptures seems to do this regularly as he kills those he supposedly loves and takes away the free will gift he supposedly gave them. Their free will was obviously to live.

What if there is an advantage to being killed by God?
Such as having your (soul) sins wiped clean.

A question on God and Indian giving.

You are given a gift, use it for a time, and then the one who gave you that gift takes it back without your permission or consent.

In other words, showing himself to be an Indian giver.

Would you call that a sin?
I call it a form of lying.

The giver is in effect saying, I am giving you this gift, when in reality, he is not, as demonstrated by his taking it back or away from you.
If not a lie, is that a sin and what is the sin called?

Accepting a gift comes with the responsibility to reciprocate.
One cannot just take something and offer nothing but "Thank you" in return.

Ophelia says to Hamlet, as she returns him the gifts he gave her: Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.
I also think that when receivers prove unkind, it is appropriate to reclaim the gift.
I am prepared that any gift that was given to me, could also be reclaimed by the giver.

God himself in scriptures seems to do this regularly as he kills those he supposedly loves and takes away the free will gift he supposedly gave them. Their free will was obviously to live.

Is God an Indian giver?

Sometimes, God just takes away the bodies of those who have proven to not use them properly.
We are not our bodies.

As for the origin of the phrase:
Wiki doesn't say much on its origin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_giver).
I read in Cialdini's Influence about a Hindu habit that when after a wedding guests receive gifts, the hostess says something like "By receiving this gift, you agree to return it/reciprocate".
Perhaps the phrase "Indian giver" actually originates from India, not from North American Indians.
A question on God and Indian giving.

You are given a gift, use it for a time, and then the one who gave you that gift takes it back without your permission or consent.

In other words, showing himself to be an Indian giver.

Would you call that a sin?
I call it a form of lying.

The giver is in effect saying, I am giving you this gift, when in reality, he is not, as demonstrated by his taking it back or away from you.
If not a lie, is that a sin and what is the sin called?

God himself in scriptures seems to do this regularly as he kills those he supposedly loves and takes away the free will gift he supposedly gave them. Their free will was obviously to live.

Is God an Indian giver?



Dude you have insulted Me and my friends . If I was a mod I would Ban you on the spot. The right term would be Whitey Giver if you want to get technical, or just make it DL giver. That works for Me
Not if all your in laws are FBI in Canada.

Not if one is a sneaky bastard with a hidden motive.
Thanks for the opportunity for me to educate and show who should be called white man giver.



Thanks for the opportunity though to show who should be called white man giver.

O.K. we won't have to kill you now , it is still a racist term even with your clarification and I would not personally use it . I don't even like the term Indian my self even if it is somewhat acceptable. Native people is fine I believe . The people that lived hear before whitey came and took it by force is o.k. too . A little bit of a long name , but it is descriptive
What if there is an advantage to being killed by God?
Such as having your (soul) sins wiped clean.


What if, we could play all day.
What if the soul is not wiped clean?
Scripture mostly says that it is not.
If wiped clean, why have a hell?
It would not be required.

Sometimes, God just takes away the bodies of those who have proven to not use them properly.
We are not our bodies.


When I give a gift of charity, actually I let my wife take care of such, we do not expect or want reciprocity.

As to people not using their bodies properly, please show how innocent children and babies can improperly use their bodies.

One example will do. Perhaps you can use one of the ones shown in the following to prove your point.


When I give a gift of charity, actually I let my wife take care of such, we do not expect or want reciprocity.
Then why relegate acts of charity to your wife?

As to people not using their bodies properly, please show how innocent children and babies can improperly use their bodies.
Might be better to indicate something one could do before taking birth as a child
A question on God and Indian giving.

You are given a gift, use it for a time, and then the one who gave you that gift takes it back without your permission or consent.

In other words, showing himself to be an Indian giver.

Would you call that a sin?
I call it a form of lying.

The giver is in effect saying, I am giving you this gift, when in reality, he is not, as demonstrated by his taking it back or away from you.
If not a lie, is that a sin and what is the sin called?

God himself in scriptures seems to do this regularly as he kills those he supposedly loves and takes away the free will gift he supposedly gave them. Their free will was obviously to live.

Is God an Indian giver?



I'd call it theft.
This would seem to be a better characterization.

I agree with Spider about the term being racist.
While I also agree (as does Wiki), there seems to be no other English word that accurately conveys the concept.

This is the best Wiki could do:
Since the phrase was likely a cultural misunderstanding that unfairly denigrates American Indians and no known English synonyms seemed to exist, a group of freecyclers came up with the new word "ersatzgiver" to replace it.
Hardly a word most Americans would be familiar with, although some/many may be able to decipher it. I have no idea how common it is in other English speaking countries.

Does anyone know of any other alternatives? What about in other languages?