A question for those with visions ...

It is argued that people without any abnormal ability foresaw 9/11. Did that help? And if no, why do you think it would make a difference if a psychic foresaw it?
Because if psychics can foretell big events we could use the information. Imagine if the buildings were closed on the morning of the attacks? All we loose are two pretty great skyscrapers, instead of all the people inside them. You psychics sure are selfish and self absorbed pricks if you can foresee things and you don’t tell anyone. You cry and moan about how no one will believe you when you tell us things, you want to be called special, and you perceive yourself as being persecuted by skeptics, well come on and put your gift to a gainful use! This nations (probably ever others) psychic resources are going to waist, so come out and tell us what you see! Keep detailed journals, mail a daily letter of your foretelling to yourself and don’t open them until you think you have sufficient events stored up to convince us you may have something. We can’t do it for you! Its clear that traditional methods of gathering intelligence are grossly unreliable, do you think you will do any worse? Your clannishness, and seclusion aren’t helping anyone. Instead of showing solidarity with all your gifted friends on #PsychicsChat on IRC you could be making the world a better place!
Hmmm and if the answer is that your psychic powers just "don't work that way" then I'd assert that they are entirely useless. If you can't see what is arguably the biggest most widely effecting event in nearly 100 years, an event which will not stop with just itself, but help to shape the future for a long time to come, then what good exactly is your limited future sight? If you can get no clues about that, then what can you see? That the sun will rise tomorrow? Can you even do a 5 day forecast? We've got computers that can do 10 now! Come on you psychic burnouts, quit slacking!
My PERSONAL powers, no. I can't speak for other psychics.

1st of all. Who believes psychics? Would they believe 9/11 events were coming?
2nd of all. We didn't need psychics. We had normal people, serving in FBI, who foresaw the event. Why didn't they close those buildings? etc, etc. It does not matter where information is received. So don't sharpen your teeth for poor mini-psychics that are on this forum.
Don't dodge my post. I'm talking about building a reliability record, instead you are content to just say "Well, they wouldn't have believed anyway" I don't care about individual events. Predict things, write them down, seal them up, get them dated, file them away, and when you have been right enough times then TELL SOMONE! I know you won't do it. You will just wring your hands and say "Poor me, persecuted by skeptics and nonbelievers" when there are concrete ways of establishing a record of credulity. You don’t have any right to feel saddened or confused about why people don’t believe in your gifts when you refuse to take simple steps like this.
It takes an experienced psychic to know that the vision/dream (most ofthen dream) he had was a prediction! That's why I say, leave the mini-psychics alone.
I did foresee a tragedy once, because I was present during the aftermath (which is exactly what I foresaw). But in the moment that I saw the characters were unrecognizable, the environment was surreal, and so were my own emotions! I did not believe that was a prediction. I did want to tell, but I thought it was unimportant. You have to factor in the power of the subconscious.
Then again, why am I explaining all of this.
I can only calm hard-core skeptics by saying that psychics don't claim to be messiahs or aliens.
I didn't "see" it coming at all but perhaps others did but they weren't listened to. We will never know for certain.
cosmictraveler said:
I didn't "see" it coming at all but perhaps others did but they weren't listened to. We will never know for certain.
M*W: I knew SOMETHING was going to happen, but I didn't know where or when. I did strongly suspect terrorist's cells were already within the USA, and I mentioned it to several people, but they all said, "no, it was impossible for terrorists to already be IN the USA," and "nothing like that will ever happen in this country." They also accused me of being "paranoid" about my suspicions of terrorists in the USA!
whitewolf said:
It takes an experienced psychic to know that the vision/dream (most ofthen dream) he had was a prediction! That's why I say, leave the mini-psychics alone.
I did foresee a tragedy once, because I was present during the aftermath (which is exactly what I foresaw). But in the moment that I saw the characters were unrecognizable, the environment was surreal, and so were my own emotions! I did not believe that was a prediction. I did want to tell, but I thought it was unimportant. You have to factor in the power of the subconscious.
Then again, why am I explaining all of this.
I can only calm hard-core skeptics by saying that psychics don't claim to be messiahs or aliens.

That is a good post. I have a prediliction to foreseeing events but they are generally things that will happen to me and are personal. It is a bit of a curse actually imo. From the moment I 'know' something bad is gonna happen, the story unfolds and it absolutely does happen and there is no way i could have prevented it.
I have predicted 2 car crashes and at the time of the 'knowing' i have begged God to change the event but to no avail. The 'knowing' is a very different cerebral experience from trying to guess stuff or 'worry' that something may happen.

Sorry if its a bit unrelated but my 2 cents neverthe less.


I saw part of it when I was eight years old. I saw the part where the plane hit one of the towers. That was in 1988 when I had a dream about it. I just figured it was a dream so I didn't tell anyone and it wouldn't have mattered if I did anyway as it was a good 13 years off. My mother and grandfather have had several psychic events but thiers usually come when something bad is going to happen to someone they know.
CH/Shiny has touched on a very important point concerning catastrophic premonition. Once you experience a true premonition, the trauma imprints it in your mind until the day of occurence. Then it makes you sicken, and fearful. The reality of it actually happening is frightening, and yet very frustrating. Because the premonition never gives you enough information to know exactly where or when. It is true that this is likened to a curse.

Yes, I had a premonition of 9/11.

Yes, I had a premonition of the Tsunami.

And no, what's the point of writing it down. Nobody believes you anyway. And even if they did for a moment, even I didn't know where or when.

But, just for all the skeptics, you can rest assured that I am very empirical on such matters, as I have studied neuropsychology and medical biophysics, and would love it more than any on this forum to be able to reproduce, disect and understand why the hell these damn things happen.

I will be studiously recording all of my past and future experiences at

blackcat said:
CH/Shiny has touched on a very important point concerning catastrophic premonition.

Ch/Shiny shouldn't have bothered begging "god" and picked up the phone and called one of the soon-to-be victims. That would be like me begging the toothfairy not to let my daughter get cavities.

blackcat said:
And no, what's the point of writing it down. Nobody believes you anyway. And even if they did for a moment, even I didn't know where or when.

If you would have written a message here on Dec 1, 2004 that a major earthquake and tsunami were about to occur, you would have been ridiculed. But only until it occurred a few weeks later. Then you would have made believers of us all without being more specific than that.

I've seen a lot of people talk about having major premonitions of major events on boards like this one. You know what they all have in common? They only talk about their premonitions after the events have occurred.
You will find that this is the case because when the event does occur, they can no longer ignore what they saw. And in fear, they attempt to seek out understanding of why this happened to them. They seek others who can consul them with the same experiences. They do not go to the forums to profess or to seek fortune, or to seek admiration. They are scared human beings who don't know why this happens.
That's why ever since the Tsunami, I have been bouncing from web site to web site looking for answers. And time and time again, the forum regulars just keep sending them away. The only reason why I started recording on the exoscience.net website is because a reknown psychic organisation in the UK said "Don't search the web for answers, you will only be discouraged by those who rebuke you and do not understand. Instead, record your experiences, and seek out the Society for Psychic Research." And on that note that particular website banned me for posting the URL where I then intended to record my experiences. And yes, it only took just one honest person from that money making front to put me on the right path.

Remember, evryday people are not super heroes with super powers that can use them on demand, they are real people experiencing strange things that need further investigation to arrive at scientific conclusions to get the real answers. Encouraging them to sign up for the Rand challenge is not only discouraging, but most likely to event in nothing anyway. People are trying to control these experiences to the best of thier ability, but sadly the only guides are religious and/or are money sucking entities encouraging potentially fruitless exercises. Will we ever understand these phenomona (psycho-bio-cognitive events) ?

Not in my lifetime. But hey, I'm willing to contribute a sample or two where I possibly can.

You don't think that with a world population of 6.5 billion people that several hundred or so didn't think about an earthquake/tsunami combination just a day or two prior and perhaps several thousand just weeks prior?

Its not as if such cataclysms are unheard of. I, too, was thinking about a massive earthquake possibility in November as I was reading about the Cascadia region of the American North West. The subduction zone there is ripe for a massive earthquake that is unlike anything the region has experienced in recent history. This type of earthquake will surely create massive tsunamis that will threaten the Pacific Rim, probably Japan. It has also been a topic of some discussion among researchers and has been covered in by the popular media in the last few years. I think even one of the cable/satellite science channels ran a special on it prior to December.

Just hearing such a thing while flipping channels can initiate a dream. A dream that soon occurred in reality naturally gets heralded as a premonition. But what goes ignored is the untold and countless other dreams that never get counted as premonitions because events never occur that they are similar to.

Don't get me wrong. I think the mechanism of the human brain that makes us see the significance in dreams and thoughts is fantastic and interesting. But I don't see how it is magical. Only the "hits" are recalled while the "misses" go the way of random thoughts and scattered dreams.
This is a little off topic, but on the day of 9/11 i was at football practice just waiting to get in the drill. While I was standing there i felt a huge rush that was unexplainable, and that something horrible had happened. After football practice I went to my 2nd period class and found out what had happened. Do any of you have answers to this?
A coincidence with a correlation produced soley by your mind.

My television had bad reception a few minutes ago during 60 Minutes, but when I said, "come on!" out loud, the reception cleared up.

I've never had a feeling like that though in my life. It's hard to believe it was just a coincidence, but its possible. Any other answers out there?
kinda hard to base things on psychics. im not saying that it is possible just that i doubt everything someone with real psychic abilities sees in true. that could get pretty messy. i mean id imagine most of us at some point in our lives have dreamed something and later on saw how it fit into their life in some fortelling way. well. what if we beleived every dream that appeared to show us something secret?
i once dreamed i was in an old ghettofied neighborhood, and my friend met me at a crack house and gave me lotto numbers. wasted alot of money on that. and im still broke. not every dream is worth believing. :D