A question for theists.

i think what i said was just and reasonable,

Yes indeed you think it is just and reasonable to ridicule. But why did you state in your first post that it was not your desire to ridicule and then go right ahead and include ridicule in your first post? It makes no sense. Why state a blatant lie and then go right ahead and reveal it as such?

you cant just say god created the universe and give no explanation as to how the idea works in reality.

Yes i can. God created all the universe and i am going to give you no explanation other than to say God is God so he has the ability to do such things.

its like me saying the universe has 3 realms, and the 1st realm created the other 2 because i said so. without giving any logical attempt at explaining the functions and workings to create a model.

Your quite free to do so, i don't mind.

i would expect people to laugh at something like that and demand a realistic explanation to go along with the rough idea.

So do i, and yes you have laughed at it and ridiculed the idea. People are free to make any demands they want. But demands are not always fulfilled are they.

otherwise its just a useless notion without any kind of explanation or true philosophy behind it.

It is either true or it is not true. philosophy does not make something true it simply makes something more acceptable sometimes.

this thread was supposed to help religious people get the idea of god accross to atheists who like myself need logical reasons to take things seriously, im not making fun of theists im making fun of ideas that have no structure to them and are put forward as truths.

I don't believe you. Your first post revealed your true inner feelings for the concept of a Creator God when you agreed with the ridicule directed at the teaching.

instead of using this thread to complain, instead why dont we build up a working model as a group and try to put forth a real working philosophy of god. instead of relying on ancient scriptures that mean jack how about we use our minds and try to figure the universe out?.

LOL Build up anything you like, make it all sound feasible and logical and then wait for someone to come along and knock it down. Straw man building is a favourite pastime of anti-christs, they "Help" By building a faulty foundation to a building then come in later and strike when they know the foundations will fail.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days