A Poem Thread

Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
;) um, better not. the walls not only have ears, they have eyes, too. (huh?) :D

okay, you've stumped me. what walls?
whoa! hey, Pollux, did you write those??

Absolutely. By the time I was finished I was shaking and sweating all over my body, the mere thought of writing those is enough to make my heart pump hard enough to be visible under my chest.

What do other people think?
Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
*cough* what can i say? that is beautiful AND brilliant. i can't, however tell if you are being serious or not...:p :D brilliantly beautiful. did you write that just now? i love your creativity, and, your usage of numerals to represent certain words. ha ha....now, i will leave you wondering if i am being serious or i am merely jesting.:)

plagiarised from net. but i still made the effort!
Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
those walls *points*:D

it's crazy cuz on some days I feel so wicked smart. hehe.. you're doing a find job of squashing that feeling. :)
:p yeah, spookz, it's the thought that counts. :D

and, Pollux, you must certainly get into your writing if you are experiencing such bodily goings-ons. :eek: your stuff is good.
The whole purpose of both poems is to impress a girl, actually...:D

In this writing class we're going to share everything we're supposed to have written at once, she'll read it eventually and hopefully go nuts.
I never could see in something I never believed,

But you are the only piece that would fit my empty eyes.

Please—, I want to hold you again, in my arms while we dance

I need to connect with the love of my life—
Whats coming baby?
Why can’t you save me?
I’m deep in trouble and can’t get out myself
But I count on the way you feel
Inside of my own realm
But I can’t get out and I need to give a shout…out…out
To the people high above…looking for some silly little scrub
So they can topoff their mugs with some barly colored ale.
And…That’s…how..I came about..in my home town and stop thinking bout my hell…that I face everyday in my own way…and I can’t get out tonight…with out a fight of life…that I’m prepared to lose in a 1-2-3-KO-me-see and I never wannad be in situation of my….

Whats coming baby?
Why can’t you save me?
I’m coming out of myself and into…the world
The bright lights are twinkling but I can’t stop thinking on my own
Bout the way we took it home into the night…into the night…into the night-and we took off byselves in a Chevy I regeared to our racing standards of a bastard that took over me..took over me….took…over….m…e.
One step closer and I can’t stand to feel pain of armored hands across my chest and overhead to the black sky of my demise.and I can’t bear to see this guy . And….
Get…a..way-- into the inno-cence.
That I can’t prouncesoran
To the race and out of place
Can’t stop wishing about my own kitchen in the attic of my old caustic house
The scathing of my lathe-and pain-in-the-rain of one old happy man just smiling while he’s holding back the faint.
Get…a..way-- into the inno-cence.
Of a frightened little dog looking for hogs that it can chew and spit ‘em later-in-my-lather for my dirty, nasty haters-of-the-nation.


I don't know what I was on when I put that one down :eek:
I never could see in something I never believed,

But you are the only piece that would fit my empty eyes.

Please—, I want to hold you again, in my arms while we dance

I need to connect with the love of my life—

sorry grazz
it can never be
for i am spoken for
and my heart
belongs to another

No words

No words will suffice when good is being sacrificed. The wounds they cut deep, trouble is all you'll reap.
You think you know it all? I've got news, all fools fall. Think you are king of the world? All I see is stupidity
unfurled. Selling false hope, snake oil, and lies. A hypocritical wolf in a sheep's disguise. I loathe you, you
make me sick. You're nothing but a bloodsucking tick. You childish egotistical piece of toxic waste, slither
back from whence you came posthaste!

Ripped Apart

My heart is heavy, your words sliced deep.
Broken into pieces, my spirit treads a fine line.
On a road going nowhere moving at light speed,
I see the truth of what I am through your eyes.
No more words, no more chances, all hope is gone.
Decisions change everything, all I said meant nothing.


the night has become clear two minutes ago,
and, for some reason, your words seduce me.
no bach in the warm air, just trois gymnopedies.

there was a recondite, now fulgurous,
emotional emanation,
inexorable quintessence.

have your quite words built this rustic confidence?

i thought it would be today
but then the sublime night faced us, and
its exuberant beauty
did not bring your presence among shadows.

and i do not believe you will observe
the quivering hope, the silent doubt,
waiting for an answer.

sometimes life inhales a mist of scenes
of an extricated disorder.
sometimes the souls just do not form
curved nor concentric universes.

one just has to feel and cope with the silence
and pretend, and ask,
is there anything more casual?

the rhythm is broken, fine irony.
i think i may love you
satie is gone now,
i feel relief.

-storni (1/18/3)