A Parable About Hank

Pete, the main problem I'm having is that absolutly none of these non-catholic sources provide the original witness testimonies, all of them. These are what would be needed to attempt to disproof, and I've not been unable to find the complete list of testimony on the web. Nevertheless, some claims such as Lucia not seing anything are wrong. She saw the blessed mother along with a vision of Hell.

If I was really try to disprove something of this nature, I like to look at just the original source, then read the commentary and see if it all matches up. A good argument against the miracle would provide the original quotations so that we can see where they contradict.
So, Lucia did not see the Dancing Sun, correct?

Avelino de Almeida's testimony as a reporter states directly that not everyone saw the sun dance.

Judah Ruah, the photographer working with him, gave testimony that nothing strange happened to the Sun.

Note also that all accounts state that the crowd was called to look at the Sun by Lucia, and that those who saw the Sun appear to move did so after staring at it for some time. To me, this taints the testimony. Call me close minded, but I am not willing to rely on the eyesight of people who have been staring into the Sun (regardless of how painless they say it was).
okinrus said:
Dave, I think someone may claim not to need religious faith but this is really a judgement based upon their current conditions, even what they believe faith is. While an atheists says faith is belief in something unproven is faith, their entire reality is unproven to exist anywhere but within themselves.

Hello Okinrus,

An interesting point. When I mentioned faith I was meaning the religious kind. In other words, people don't need to be religious to actually survive.

So, Lucia did not see the Dancing Sun, correct?

Avelino de Almeida's testimony as a reporter states directly that not everyone saw the sun dance.
True, there were some who claimed that the Sun danced, others who said that they saw the face of the virgin and others that saw the sun change different colors.

Judah Ruah, the photographer working with him, gave testimony that nothing strange happened to the Sun.
Where is this recorded?

Note also that all accounts state that the crowd was called to look at the Sun by Lucia, and that those who saw the Sun appear to move did so after staring at it for some time.
Lucia did not tell the crowd to look at the sun because she never saw the dancing sun.
Leo Volont said:
But your Parable does not retain its parallels in the case of Living Religions that can demonstrate empirical examples of Divine Revelation and Providence, The Miraculous, and genuine Mystical Experience.

Haha, do any of these exist?