a nice thing to see and religious con-artists

LOL ah love it!

Page one of google search on the phrase blind doubt reveals nothing of use. I would think if "blind doubt" was a real term it'd have a Wik definition at least. A similar google search of "blind faith" however reveals 4 sites of relevance. One of which is a Wik definition.

Of course a google search does not answer much with absolute certainty, but it's a pretty good start

Lets try it on Britannica.com

Blind doubt reveals nothing of use (no surprise there). Blind faith reveals an article on fideism...which is a philosophical view promoting blind faith!

See: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9034189/fideism

Oh dear Lightee...

At any rate, in Lightee's defense that was a quick lookup done in 10 minutes, merely glancing at the first few articles. Maybe there's an authoritative youtube video somewhere on blind doubt?

Lightee I forgot to tell you I like your latest avatar
Its not so much a term of nomenclature but a term coined for the philosophical premise of binary opposites - in other words there is no such thing as only one extreme - there is always two extremes (and they tend to operate out of the same operating principle, in this case whether of faith or doubt, --blindness--).

We coul d just as easily be talking of blind acceptance vs blind rejection - (now you will probably accuse me of being phallogocentric :rolleyes: )

Anyway I guess a google search of "blindly reject" may help you come to grips with its every day usage.
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