a New view on mankind's flaws

I believe we evolved, not that we were created or changed by anyone, we mess up the world because we are selfish and dont care about anything but making things better for us, that may be primitive but its not like we've been around all that long and animals are just the same, only a few help each other or work together, everything on this planet is primitive, i think mikeys got the idea.
Grover im not sure its accepted that there is a missing link anymore(it would be between apes and hominids if any), but since we pretty much know the path of human evolution(between homo erectus and homo sapiens came homo heidelbergensis) i think neanderthals came under the same bracket as heidelbergensis, except neanderthals died out. Either way we've had 4 million years to evolve from Australopithecus, thats probably not a long enough time for our basic instincts to wear off.
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WO WO WO ,slow down there all you man-haters.
I can see how there is a lot of personal emotions leaking over into other posts now.

Zonabi, you keep taking the blame for the faults of others.
Same with you Mike.
We all have the cabability for independant thought and to choose for ourselfves what is right and what is wrong.
Do not involve me in your" us,we" theory of flawed humans.
I think for myself.
You should do the same.
Stop being so guided in your views of humanity by what everybody else is doing.
What are YOU doing?
Your view of most things in life are dependant upon what you are focusing on.
If you go to a party and all you do is focus on the guy in the corner all deppressed, or the fact that you spilled a drink on your shirt, your going to come away from that party thinking it was terrible.

But what if instead you chose to focus on all of the pleasurable and entertaining things at the party.
Like the guy with his pants on his head dancing around like the drunk guy usually does, having a great time, or all of your friends that are there, or the fact that your favorite song was played. You would come away from that party with a totaly different view of how the party went.

What are YOU focusing on in life?
Take control of your thinking by asking more effective questions of yourself.
If you keep asking questions like....."why are humans so evil?"
Guess what, your brain will come up with awnsers. And I bet you have gotten real good at asking and awnsering this question too.

What if you were to ask yourself better questions on a more consistant basis?
Like...What AM I grateful for in my life right now or what could I be grateful for if I wanted to be?
"What can I do right now to improve the quality of my life?"
"What can I do today to make someone else feel more appreciated?"
Or, "What can I do today to make my neighborhood a better place to be?
Or, "What can I do to make my neighborhood a better place to be AND enjoy the process?!

The better the question the better the awnser.

Take your mind out of the social gutter and begin to apply the mental effort required to think for yourself.
Life IS what you make it.
But the outside world will only come to order when you gain control of your thinking and not allowing others thinking to become the middle man between your consciousness and existence.
No one else can do your thinking for you.
I have worked hard to earn my own self respect and ability for independant thought.
An apreciation of life and high self esteem does not come by itself, nor does it come easy. And this is how it should be.
The greatest rewards have the greatest price.
The effort required to continually think, focus, stay conscious of what you are doing and why you are doing it.
The only evil a man can commit is the unfocusing of his mind.
And it is the cause for all of the wrongs in the world.

Man is capable of great things.
But it takes effort.
Great effort and eternal vigilance to gain control of your thinking.
But once you do, the world and your place in it .......is awesome.