A new take on why Spacetime expanded Originally - a way to a new kind of unification

A warning: Once I have confirmed that Aethelwulf is Reiku, this entire thread, along with all of Aethelwulf's posts to sciforums, will be deleted.
By the way, Reiku, I wonder whether you realise that there is a registered poster here who goes under the name Athelwulf. I imagine you are aware of that. It is deeply disrespectful to that poster for you to try to pass yourself off as him.
A warning: Once I have confirmed that Aethelwulf is Reiku, this entire thread, along with all of Aethelwulf's posts to sciforums, will be deleted.

The loss would be incalculable, too small to detect.
Actually, it's not that at all. My gravity drive idea will utilize a Tektronix waveform generator, oscilloscope and a spectrum analyzer. I've had engineers, technicians and managers call my idea interesting, fun and worthwhile. At the very least, maybe we'll make a better product for our customers.
Engineers and technicians aren't versed in the relevant physics, ie general relativity and quantum field theory. And managers certainly aren't. Finding laypersons to endorse quack ideas is easy. Even finding professionals is easy, look at all the doctors in the US who 'recommend' products because a drug company paid for a new car.

lol I hope so. I'm not a physicist, you are.
So why all your "theoretical physicists waste their time" and string theory is shit comments? Suddenly changing your tune.

I'm glad. I know someone who is getting a divorce. It's very sad. I think they will probably die alone. That's probably where it came from. I feel so grateful that I have a wonderful women to spend my life with. Being with someone really makes a difference.
I do believe I hear the sound of backpeddling.

Oh, I have viable things to say. I have experiments that are so obvious it blows my mind that you don't see it.
Just like religious people think it's 'mind blowing' that god exists but when asked to provide evidence they have none. You have none, both in terms of your physics claims and in terms of your religious beliefs.

But I think it's some kind of religious fervor that makes me want to sling mud. It just feels so good!:D
Clearly you get your views of the necessity for evidence, rationality and logic from your religious views.

I'm not going to discuss this thread with you, because you seem to be unwilling anyway. Why don't you go and do something constructive, like finding a thread here at this site and actually participating in it in a constructive manner.
The level of my 'science constructiveness' isn't measured by my forum posts. I know yours is, hence why you persist in endlessly repeating this cycle and spamming your nonsense on other forums, but there are some people here who amount to a bit more than that. I come here for fun, not to get existential justification.