A New Light In Physics


Registered Senior Member
"Dark matter", "dark energy", "parallel universes"...
Don't you think all are wrong predictions as consequence of wrong assumed theories?
In spite of stubbornly search for them without any success I think it is of much more good sense to explore changes in current theories and even new theories.
This is what some scientists like Sergio Mendoza and Xavier Hernandez at UNAM University in Mexico are considering proposing that the gravitational field could be more complex than in Classical Physics (See: http://memeufacture.com/s-science/propose-to-reformulate-newtons-law-of-gravitation/).
I think this is the right way.

Here I present to analyze or discuss anything about a new theory which I think deserves and needs to be analyzed and developed further by more expert minds: http://www.geocities.ws/anewlightinphysics/
Particularly anyone interested in the following I have mentioned in other thread in the Physics Forum (edited a bit):
I would consider "extraordinary evidence" the experiment I propose in sections 6.3 and 6.4 of the manuscript. I can't do it, I have no technology nor resources to make it and I'm looking for someone that could be interested. I think is an "extraordinary experiment" to be done in Physics independently of the theory be right or not. It would verify among other things the presence of a relativistic effect in the De Broglie formula which I think haven't been done because the original Davisson-Germer experiment doesn't do since only relativelly small velocities of electrons are analyzed and only classical physical formulas are applied.
The experiment is just a modification on the known Davisson-Germer experiment of diffraction of electrons. You know, the original experiment was done accelerating the electrons by only about 50 volts and is strange no results are shown at higher velocities. The theory predicts that something "strange" could appear and so it is proposed to modify the apparatus adding a "velocity selector" which uses crossed electric and magnetic fields to directly determine the velocity of the electrons in spite of obtain it indirectly measuring the voltage in the accelerating plates.
Is a very feasible experiment not so difficult for people in technologically advanced countries and would give "extraordinary results".
Anyone interested?

Just for the case here are the links to the sections presenting it briefly:
"The experiment at high velocities": http://www.geocities.ws/anewlightinphysics/sections/Section6-3_The_experiment_at_high_velocities.htm
"The experiment as a proof": http://www.geocities.ws/anewlightinphysics/sections/Section6-4_The_experiment_as_a_proof.htm
"Dark matter", "dark energy", "parallel universes"...
Don't you think all are wrong predictions as consequence of wrong assumed theories?
In spite of stubbornly search for them without any success

There has been plenty of evidence of dark matter. There is evidence of dark energy which is nothing more than a place holder for what ever is the cause of the accelerating expansion of the universe. Parallel universes - uh no, I don't think so. Maybe the one where Spock has a goatee, but that's it.
There has been plenty of evidence of dark matter. There is evidence of dark energy which is nothing more than a place holder for what ever is the cause of the accelerating expansion of the universe. Parallel universes - uh no, I don't think so. Maybe the one where Spock has a goatee, but that's it.
Show me (us) scientifically proofs of them then.
But don't tell me that the dynamic of spiral galaxies are some kind of proof that "dark matter" exist because this only show a discrepancy between the preditions of current gravitational models and actually observed movement of stars in them. Show me (us) that some kind of invisible "matter" that would occupy near 80% of the Universe (which means we breathe it!) actually exist. If not this would just mean that those gravitational models would be wrong at galaxies' scale.
Show me (us) proofs of that "dark energy" sources.
Show me (us) proofs of the existence of those "parallel universes".

If you can't let me say these are only wrong predictions of wrong theories and that alternatives are really needed.
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Fish live in water, and they breath in the water, and extract oxygen. Do you think a fish sees water? It would be an evolutionary advantage not to see water if you are a fish, because your vision would be improved. There may have been a time when we could see some invisible particles, but because it was a disadvantage under attack the survivors would be the ones that could see more clearly. So some of the invisible world evolved to become invisible to us. Yes, you are standing in a very dense liquid, yes it is entering your lungs, no you can't see it, or feel it.
You ask for people to look at your site and comment, but you really do not want anything but positive comments (from people who don't understand any physics i suppose). I looked at your site before and noticed some errors. I pointed out a couple of errors and your response was, "there are no errors" - so it is really not worth the effort.:shrug:
You ask for people to look at your site and comment, but you really do not want anything but positive comments (from people who don't understand any physics i suppose). I looked at your site before and noticed some errors. I pointed out a couple of errors and your response was, "there are no errors" - so it is really not worth the effort.
I didn't say there are no errors.
Actually I took into consideration what you pointed out in the problem of the twins. I recognized that expressing that each twins gets younger than the otherone is wrong and I corrected that in the manuscript expressing it as aging less.
Now I decided to not show Section 1.1 because everybody stucks in endless discussions about Relativity with it and it doesn't matter now my considerations against it. As I said the predictions of "dark matter", "dark energy", "parallel universes" are too strange enough to begin considering changes in current theories or alternatives. What would matter now is about the new presented theory in what it could have of good to offer.
Your comments about possible errors in it are wellcome and that is what the theory needs, productive criticism. I would appreciate if you have others possible errors to point out. Please show me them.
If it is something else on section 1.1 you can also tell me but I prefer to not make that section available on the site.
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I didn't say there are no errors.
Actually I took into consideration what you pointed out in the problem of the twins. I recognized that expressing that each twins gets younger than the otherone is wrong and I corrected that in the manuscript expressing it as aging less.
Now I decided to not show Section 1.1 because everybody stucks in endless discussions about Relativity with it and it doesn't matter now my considerations against it. As I said the predictions of "dark matter", "dark energy", "parallel universes" are too strange enough to begin considering changes in current theories or alternatives. What would matter now is about the new presented theory in what it could have of good to offer.
Your comments about possible errors in it are wellcome and that is what the theory needs, productive criticism. I would appreciate if you have others possible errors to point out. Please show me them.
If it is something else on section 1.1 you can also tell me but I prefer to not make that section available on the site.
Good for you for amending your paper. Maybe I will look at it later.
From the article:
Studies of the Bullet cluster, announced in August 2006, provide the best evidence to date for the existence of dark matter.
Just "best evidence", not a proof.
May be it could be explained otherway as I have found other interpretations to some experiments and phenomena in the new theory. I admit I don't have the expertisse to find one for this case at this time but it could exist...
I wonder if the possibility of the "extended gravity" of Sergio Mendoza and Xavier Hernandez mentioned in the first post has been considered in this phenomena. Seems not. The article only mentions the MOND theory.
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Just "best evidence", not a proof.
There is no 'proof' of a model in science, only evidence for or against it.

We know gravity exists, we have proof of it. We don't have proof it's described by Newton or Einstein or anyone else. We have proof light exists. We don't have proof it's described by Maxwell or Dirac or Feynman or someone else.

Even if every single experiment ever done was perfectly predicted by your work it wouldn't prove your work.

The fact remains there are multiple types of evidence for dark matter, from different phenomena. It isn't just spiral galaxy shapes.
The fact remains there are multiple types of evidence for dark matter, from different phenomena. It isn't just spiral galaxy shapes.
This is the mainstream approach nowadays and let me say it has problems...
As I said in the opening post:
Don't you think all are wrong predictions as consequence of wrong assumed theories?
In spite of stubbornly search for them without any success I think it is of much more good sense to explore changes in current theories and even new theories.
Here in the "Alternative Theories" forum I'm proposing something different to explore. Do you mind?
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This is the mainstream approach nowadays and let me say it has problems...
In what sense is it 'the mainstream approach nowadays'? It's one approach among many, all of which overlap in their conclusions.

Do you mind?
If you're going to misrepresent the mainstream then I'm going to point it out. If you have something viable you shouldn't need to misrepresent anyone or their work. A simple Google or Wiki would tell you the multiple ways evidence for dark matter is gathered, from different phenomena. That way next time you don't have to be incorrect in your assertions, which only reflects badly on you.

If your work can stand by itself then having people point out your factual mistakes only helps you because now your claims should be more accurate and less likely to be criticised, right?

Why is it so many people pushing their work on forums have such an issue with learning anything?
In what sense is it 'the mainstream approach nowadays'? It's one approach among many, all of which overlap in their conclusions.
The mainstream approach is to not question the mainstream theories and so developed for instance the concept of "dark matter" to match the mainstream theories with the observation in spiral galaxies. Of course some other observations were found to enforce the concept. But there's another possibility, that the theories could be wrong and need changes or alternatives and this is the right way I think.
What other approaches are you talking about?

If you're going to misrepresent the mainstream then I'm going to point it out. If you have something viable you shouldn't need to misrepresent anyone or their work. A simple Google or Wiki would tell you the multiple ways evidence for dark matter is gathered, from different phenomena. That way next time you don't have to be incorrect in your assertions, which only reflects badly on you.
I'm not misinterpreting current mainstream nor anybody. I just believe in other possibility and please, I'm not infallible and do not pretend to be. As I say in the main page and even in the manuscript, I make mistakes may be everyday. Which would be my incorrect assertion now?

If your work can stand by itself then having people point out your factual mistakes only helps you because now your claims should be more accurate and less likely to be criticised, right?
Right but you are not making any productive criticism in my work. You are just coming here saying the mainstream is right because of the already known arguments. You didn't point out any possible error or flaw in my work. I don't think you ever read it properly. You just see it as something against current mainstream theories and so something to "combat" systematically. That's my impresion on you and some others in the forum. Fortunatelly there are others that I think feel the necessity to consider changes or alternatives to current theories and that's why this "Alternative Theories" forum was created isn't it? But I think the aim is to consider, analyze, criticise, etc the presented propositions and not just to stay bringing the mainstream arguments of its approach. Not because they would not have their value but because the aim here is to focus on the validity or not of the presented alternative. May be you think this would be a waste of your time but in this case would be better to leave the discussion to someones that could be interested in something about, don't you think so?

Why is it so many people pushing their work on forums have such an issue with learning anything?
As I said is not about learning. Is that when someone present something alternative wants it to be analyzed properly pointing precisely the flaws if it has it and not just hear the already known mainstream approach.
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The mainstream approach is to not question the mainstream theories
The recent who-hah about neutrinos possibly moving faster than the speed of light clearly disproves your assertion.

and so developed for instance the concept of "dark matter" to match the mainstream theories with the observation in spiral galaxies.
So postulating we don't know about the vast majority of what makes up the universe is sticking to the mainstream?

Of course some other observations were found to enforce the concept.
Why are you complaining about scientists taking an approach which not only accounts for one observation but has seen explained additional different observations?!

But there's another possibility, that the theories could be wrong and need changes or alternatives and this is the right way I think.
What other approaches are you talking about?
And people have and are considering others. MOND for instance. The problem is that all thus far presented modifications to gravity are tailored to explain one of the observed results. When it has to deal with all of them they too end up adding in invisible matter. MOND can explain galaxy rotations but not the bullet cluster or deformations to the CMB.

I'm not misinterpreting current mainstream nor anybody. I just believe in other possibility
And yet by saying that you've just misinterpreted people! It isn't that the mainstream is saying "Thou shall not consider anything but dark matter!", people have considered alternatives and all have failed to be as viable. People continue to present ideas, even such things as 'abhorrent' as Lorentz violations. If one manages to out do dark matter and makes predictions which dark matter does not and which are validated it will replace the notion of dark matter. Until then we go with the best and simplest models.

and please, I'm not infallible and do not pretend to be. As I say in the main page and even in the manuscript, I make mistakes may be everyday.
You seem to have updated your 'a new light in physics' little in the years I've seen you plugging it on forums, despite plenty of people pointing out problems or short comings.

Which would be my incorrect assertion now?
As I just highlighted.

Right but you are not making any productive criticism in my work.
You and I have crossed paths about your work before.

You are just coming here saying the mainstream is right because of the already known arguments.
Really? Where did I say the mainstream was right. Please link to said post.

Good job on misrepresenting me, while claiming you aren't misrepresenting people!

You didn't point out any possible error or flaw in my work. I don't think you ever read it properly.
I didn't intend to. I didn't even read it. I've read it in the past, you and I have conversed on PhysForums before. I distinctly remember pointing out some issue with your page on neutrinos.

I didn't make any comment on your work on your website, I made comments about what you've said here. If I feel the need to waste my time and read your website again I'll do so but I've made no attempt to discuss it with you. I haven't been off topic, I've replied to things you've said. The fact you don't want to engage in a discussion about various misapprehensions you have isn't my fault. Don't make them and I won't point them out. How's that for a deal?

You just see it as something against current mainstream theories and so something to "combat" systematically.
My my, are you psychic? Or are you just showing us a bit of that chip on your shoulder and you're getting all defensive. Remember how you said you don't pretend to be infallable? You sure are getting defensive and making plenty of bald assertions for someone who is supposedly comfortable saying "I was mistaken"!

That's my impresion on you and some others in the forum.
If you were doing an impression of me you'd appear a little smarter ;)

Joking aside, I don't give a whoot what your impression of me is. I'm not the one whose pushing his work on forums and has been for the better part of a decade. I chose to engage you in discussion about something specific you said. I'm not required to jump through your hoops just because you want to change the subject. Your understanding of the mainstream forms part of your motivation for your work. If you're misrepresenting the mainstream and have a poor understanding of various models within it it's unwise of you to try to present your work as somehow superior to it. Even if it is, if you show you don't know of what you speak people are less likely to take you seriously.

As I said before, that's a piece of advice, something you can benefit from. If you want to be taken seriously as someone doing physics than you need to show you're up to speed on it. I don't deny that when someone says "I think the mainstream is wrong about...." then immediately red flags go up in my mind and likewise other physicists. That's why it's essential you show you know your shit about whatever it is you're disagreeing with. As soon as you show you don't people will dismiss your criticisms as ignorance based. If you show you know the subject inside out then people will be more inclined to listen.

But I think the aim is to consider, analyze, criticise, etc the presented propositions and not just to stay bringing the mainstream arguments of its approach.
I replied to this thread because you made a mistaken statement about the mainstream. "You are mistaken about the mainstream" and "The mainstream is right" are two different things. I claim the former, I didn't say the latter. I don't claim the latter. I claim the mainstream is more accurate and viable than all non-mainstream things I've ever seen on a forum, but that too is not the same as "I think the mainstream is right". Cranks often have issue distinguishing those two statements too, often because in their minds they cannot separate their claims from reality, they think they are unquestionably right. An example would be Sylwester on this forum and PhysForums.

Not because they would not have their value but because the aim here is to focus on the validity or not of the presented alternative. May be you think this would be a waste of your time but in this case would be better to leave the discussion to someones that could be interested in something about, don't you think so?
Yes, hence why I haven't made any statements about your work which you've linked to, I instead engaged you in discussion on what you've said here. I didn't seek you out to say "Your claims are nonsense", I replied to something you'd said. Sorry if you don't want to talk about it, don't be mistaken next time.

As I said is not about learning. Is that when someone present something alternative wants it to be analyzed properly pointing precisely the flaws if it has it and not just hear the already known mainstream approach.
Your grammar suddenly seems to have vanished but from what I can decipher you're saying it's not about learning but about having your claims analysed properly. Sorry but part of having your claims examined is learning. Some of the biggest jumps in my understanding have come from instances where someone has said "You're wrong and here's why....". Yes, it's a bit upsetting (traumatic would be a better word when it happens in your PhD viva!) but it is part of how intellectually honest people learn. You won't find a single academic who hasn't had to face up to and learning from mistakes which were highlighted when their work was analysed. That's what peer review is about. However, you'll find plenty of hacks online who claim to have 'everlasting theories' or 'the final theory' or 'the master theory' or 'the ultimate theory'. Honest scientists title their work a little less egotistically. Some of the greatest works in physics and maths have had titles like "A comment on...." or "Aspects of....", not "Feynmans Ultimate Theory of the Universe!". :rolleyes:
You seem to have updated your 'a new light in physics' little in the years I've seen you plugging it on forums, despite plenty of people pointing out problems or short comings.
Yes, I have been improving the theory correcting things (some from some little good criticism I received in the forums like from origin here what I recognized to him in post #7) and developing new things since the fist version since 2005 when I created the site.
I do consider the criticism I receive but I analyze them and finally decide if they apply or not following my reasoning. Sometimes the disagreement turns into too agressive postings that I can't explain properly my viewpoint and sometimes I just abandon them but this doesn't mean I was "beated" as others could think. I have found errors or mistakes in what I presented (things I corrected the best way I could) but nothing that could invalidate the theory, that's why I continue on.

The fact you don't want to engage in a discussion about various misapprehensions you have isn't my fault. Don't make them and I won't point them out. How's that for a deal?
As I said, I do take into consideration the criticism I receive. Recently I recognized yours when I first stated in the thread "what is dark matter and dark energy?" that to consider mass constant in Relativity could leave to redefine the momentum. I was wrong and I recognized it, you should remember that.

I've read it in the past, you and I have conversed on PhysForums before. I distinctly remember pointing out some issue with your page on neutrinos.
I don't remember. Can you tell me your point on the neutrinos' page?
I only remember discussing extensively with you and others on section 1.1 about my considerations against Relativity (which I disabled for now to avoid more endless unproductive discussions about), on section 7.1 about the non existence of electromagnetic waves and may be some other. This means I had lot discussions in my considerations against current theories but nothing about the theory itself.
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HEY MODERATORS!!! Remember when you slammed me for posting a link to my webpage re: The EEMU Hypothesis?? What gives with Martillo's links?? Fair is fair, is it not?

It's fine to post your theory ONCE in a dedicated thread in the Alternative Theories forum. That, after all, is one of the aims of this subforum.

Posting links all over the place to your theory elsewhere on the web (or from other threads on sciforums where your theory is off-topic) is a different matter.
HEY MODERATORS!!! Remember when you slammed me for posting a link to my webpage re: The EEMU Hypothesis?? What gives with Martillo's links?? Fair is fair, is it not?

My god you're a whiner! You didn't have to leave a message on my visitor's wall! Furthermore, it is obvious to any sufficiently mature person what is going on. You were plugging your website in the main maths and physics forum, which is inappropriate because your work is unsupposed, vague pseudoscience. Here in the alternative theories forum you have your own thread!. Martillo is allowed to talk about his ideas here, JUST LIKE YOU, but he's not allowed to talk about them in the main maths and physics forum, JUST LIKE YOU.

How do you not get this? You have your own thread here, like as Martillo does! You had your claims moved here with an explanation as to why. And now you stomp your feet and complain because you haven't realised you and Martillo are being treated exactly the same. I am becoming more and more suspicious of your claim to have a PhD because in the absence of any information about your age I'd say you were about 13.
Something I posted in other thread which I think appropiated to be posted here too (edited a bit):

At the MIT Junior Lab is made an experiment measuring directly the energy of electrons with PIN-diodes detectors. Is designed for students at MIT:
The guide for the experiment is: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/8-13-14-experimental-physics-i-ii-junior-lab-fall-2007-spring-2008/labs/jlexp09.pdf
I think the experiment is made at velocities high enough to show that the relativistic formulas approximate better than the formulas in Classical Physics.
Of course this does not mean Relativity is a right theory just that its predicion is better than Classical Physics.

I think this experiment could proove that the theory I propose present better aproximations yet and I tried to contact someone there to verify predictions with experimental data but I had no answer.
In my theory the Kinetic Energy is the classical one Ek=mv2/2 but the magnetic field is not classical having incorporated the "relativistic therm" root(1-v2/c2) so the prediction is different from both the classical and the relativistic ones.

May be the experiment is done in other places with data available. If anyone could find that I would appreciate to share it with me. Just for the case, my e-mail is at the end of the main page of my site.
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