A new Creationism Theme Park

2014? Isn't that after the apocalypse?

lol..i seen a commercial that said don't pay till 2014..

quick lets all get loans we don't have to repay till 2014!..

i wanna see the astronomers pics of dec 2012, when all the planets line up..it could be cool..
lol..i seen a commercial that said don't pay till 2014..

quick lets all get loans we don't have to repay till 2014!..

i wanna see the astronomers pics of dec 2012, when all the planets line up..it could be cool..

. . . well, what I was meaning was, you think they would have the decency to at least have it done for the second coming, eh?

I mean, Darth Vader had the death star operational for the Emperor in time for the final battle, yes? :shrug:

Maybe they just need more men? :D
They are so going to hell for that.
They need to keep a counter for how many Camels they pulp through the eye of a needle though.
And the food stall will be ridiculous, 5 loaves, 2 fish, share it between you we've sold out....
john said:
In those early times there was no understanding of mental illness so peole acting that way were deemed "witches" or under the influence of demonic forces. Does not surprise me given the level of medical science at the time.
Only some people used the effects of mental illness, in combination with much else, to justify official witch trials and similar State terrorism.

Mental illness is universal, official witch trials and similar State inquisitions not so.

The people hanged at Salem (not burned) were not, most of them, mentally ill. The relevant mental pathology would seem to be that of the accusers, interrogators, and executioners.

My guess would be that the incarcerations and interrogations of the accused would make a more profitable theatrical display than their trials - the circumstances under which almost all were brought to confession, and so many died before trial, strike me as likely to be more entertaining to the general body of fundamentalist Christians than the sober and public entering of pleas and pronouncements of sentence.

While they are at it, their recreation of a "first century ME village" also has possibilities known to attract money from the devout: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_prostitution
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I'm waiting til they expand the park to include new rides and attractions:
  • "Inquisition: The Experience" - A full 3D experience using the latest technology to recreate the glorious Christian period in Spain's golden century. Watch as Torquemada makes Jews drink molten lead while Catholic armies drive the Muslims out of Iberia!
  • "Witch Burning Thunder!" - The tallest, fastest wooden roller coaster in North America. Must be at least 60" and born again to ride!
  • "Crusade-Land" - (Located next to Vlad-The-Impaler's Kiddy Kingdom) A miniature re-creation of Levant and all the areas where people slaughtered thousands of other people in the name of their god.
  • "Pizarro On Ice" - Watch in awe as Spanish conquistadores & their Catholic monks exterminate an entire south American culture while converting their few remaining people to the church. A MUST FOR THE KIDS!


LOFL. That would be some commercial.
Only some people used the effects of mental illness, in combination with much else, to justify official witch trials and similar State terrorism.

Mental illness is universal, official witch trials and similar State inquisitions not so.

The people hanged at Salem (not burned) were not, most of them, mentally ill. The relevant mental pathology would seem to be that of the accusers, interrogators, and executioners.

My guess would be that the incarcerations and interrogations of the accused would make a more profitable theatrical display than their trials - the circumstances under which almost all were brought to confession, and so many died before trial, strike me as likely to be more entertaining to the general body of fundamentalist Christians than the sober and public entering of pleas and pronouncements of sentence.

While they are at it, their recreation of a "first century ME village" also has possibilities known to attract money from the devout: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_prostitution

Unfortunately many were probably mentally ill or perhaps even most of them. If you put yourself into their understandinding of mental illness its easy to see how mistakes can be made. Some maybe even criminally insane. The record of which is the trial itself. Many cultures probably never had a trials. Some may have been false accusations, political persecutions as well.

Mental illness is universal, official witch trials and similar State inquisitions not so.

But then trials themselves were not universal.

Remember we are talking about over two centuries ago. This type of mental illness is ver rare AND the incidence goes up as populations increase, just a matter of percentage.
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oh i know it. religious people don't like me any more than atheists do.

I don't know about that. If you tell them about your experiences you'll probably get your own ride. LOL.

What's the Lori ride daddy ?

Trust me, you're not ready for the Lori ride Jr.

Best we be moving on. :D
I don't know about that. If you tell them about your experiences you'll probably get your own ride. LOL.

What's the Lori ride daddy ?

Trust me, you're not ready for the Lori ride Jr.

Best we be moving on. :D

no no no. a lot of religious people like to play house with god, but if you really get into some freaky shit like i went through with them, they get scared. and you know that means...burn baby burn.

my ride would be totally kid friendly. if i had a ride, this is what it would be like...


that's my favorite ride!
no no no. a lot of religious people like to play house with god, but if you really get into some freaky shit like i went through with them, they get scared. and you know that means...burn baby burn.

my ride would be totally kid friendly. if i had a ride, this is what it would be like...


that's my favorite ride!

I understand and I was trying to be a little sarcastic.

They would think they were with you just because you brought up your experience.

But once they really understood how you view their version of religiosity they would not want to continue the ride, in fact they would get off at any cost.

They don't call them fundamentalists for nothing.

I could see you standing at the gate to the ride with everyone making a wide sweeping arc away from the entrance, whispering to each other in a cowering mannner.

That's the ride to hell ! The one nobody comes back from with their dogma intact.
I understand and I was trying to be a little sarcastic.

They would think they were with you just because you brought up your experience.

But once they really understood how you view their version of religiosity they would not want to continue the ride, in fact they would get off at any cost.

They don't call them fundamentalists for nothing.

I could see you standing at the gate to the ride with everyone making a wide sweeping arc away from the entrance, whispering to each other in a cowering mannner.

That's the ride to hell ! The one nobody comes back from with their dogma intact.

there's something to be said for going through hell in order to posses the power to conquer it.

and there's also something to be said for flying.