A new Creationism Theme Park


Registered Senior Member
Beshear announces creationism theme park to open in 2014, with $250 million impact

By Stephenie Steitzer

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Gov. Steve Beshear said Wednesday that a creationism theme park, expected to open in Northern Kentucky in 2014, would have a $250 million annual impact on the state’s economy.

Ark Encounter, which will feature a 500-foot-long wooden replica of Noah’s Ark containing live animals such as juvenile giraffes, is projected to cost $150 million and create 900 jobs, Beshear announced at a Capitol press conference.

“Make no mistake about it, this is a huge deal,” he said.

The park, to be located on 800 acres in Grant County off Interstate 75, also will include a Walled City, live animal shows, a replica of the Tower of Babel, a 500-seat special-effects theater, an aviary and a first-century Middle Eastern village.

It’s expected to draw 1.6 million visitors a year......

It's a far cry from a traditional amusement/theme park...But, why do you say it's gross?

just another way to cash in on god. doesn't religion in itself make enough of a mockery? no, they need a fucking theme park too.
and they'll probably make a mockery of theme parks as well! i mean, how lame, really.
I'm waiting til they expand the park to include new rides and attractions:
  • "Inquisition: The Experience" - A full 3D experience using the latest technology to recreate the glorious Christian period in Spain's golden century. Watch as Torquemada makes Jews drink molten lead while Catholic armies drive the Muslims out of Iberia!
  • "Witch Burning Thunder!" - The tallest, fastest wooden roller coaster in North America. Must be at least 60" and born again to ride!
  • "Crusade-Land" - (Located next to Vlad-The-Impaler's Kiddy Kingdom) A miniature re-creation of Levant and all the areas where people slaughtered thousands of other people in the name of their god.
  • "Pizarro On Ice" - Watch in awe as Spanish conquistadores & their Catholic monks exterminate an entire south American culture while converting their few remaining people to the church. A MUST FOR THE KIDS!

To complete with some attractions...
Giordano Bruno on the stake.

that is just awful. it goes to show that 'survival of the fittest' does not mean best, intelligent or even good. nature seems to favor the degenerate, the evil, and the liars and the ignorant. interesting.

what's even more an insult, it's still this way in climate and in people's attitudes. it's just that they don't burn people at the stake anymore.
It could be an excellent show.
Every weekend to be judged a witch and burned at the stake. :bravo:

In those early times there was no understanding of mental illness so peole acting that way were deemed "witches" or under the influence of demonic forces. Does not surprise me given the level of medical science at the time.
In those early times there was no understanding of mental illness so peole acting that way were deemed "witches" or under the influence of demonic forces. Does not surprise me given the level of medical science at the time.

i would have been extra crispy.
I think it's only fair that entertainment is provided for dumb fucks.
That's why we have shit like X Factor and Chris Moyles in the UK.
I'm waiting til they expand the park to include new rides and attractions:
  • "Inquisition: The Experience" - A full 3D experience using the latest technology to recreate the glorious Christian period in Spain's golden century. Watch as Torquemada makes Jews drink molten lead while Catholic armies drive the Muslims out of Iberia!
  • "Witch Burning Thunder!" - The tallest, fastest wooden roller coaster in North America. Must be at least 60" and born again to ride!
  • "Crusade-Land" - (Located next to Vlad-The-Impaler's Kiddy Kingdom) A miniature re-creation of Levant and all the areas where people slaughtered thousands of other people in the name of their god.
  • "Pizarro On Ice" - Watch in awe as Spanish conquistadores & their Catholic monks exterminate an entire south American culture while converting their few remaining people to the church. A MUST FOR THE KIDS!


Brilliant! Couldn't have said it any better.